
why I am thirsty

give it a try hmm 3 chapters I think you started liking it

Death_Creater · 都市
33 Chs


As the strings closed in around me, time seemed to slow to a crawl. Every movement felt agonizingly slow, each second stretching out into eternity as I braced myself for the inevitable impact.

With a final surge of determination, I summoned every ounce of strength I had left, preparing to face my fate with courage and defiance. But as the strings closed in around me, I knew that this battle may be my last, and that the outcome hung in the balance between life and death.

As Wishper's deadly strings surged forward, poised to strike Roman down, a sudden burst of energy filled the air. A shimmering barrier materialized in front of Roman, deflecting the lethal assault with a resounding clang.

As the chaos unfolded before her, the queen's commanding presence filled the room, her voice cutting through the turmoil with unwavering authority. "Guards, ensure the safety of our guests! Safely escort them out of harm's way!" she ordered, her words ringing out with clarity and purpose.

With a wave of her hand, the queen tapped into her innate abilities, summoning a myriad of weapons to hover in the air around her. Spears, swords, and shields materialized in a dazzling display of magic, each weapon poised to defend against any threat that dared to approach.

The weapons hung suspended in the air, their edges glinting ominously in the dim light of the palace hall. With a flick of her wrist, the queen directed the weapons to form a protective barrier around the guests, creating a shield of steel and magic to safeguard their escape.

As the guests were safely escorted out of harm's way, the queen remained vigilant, her eyes ablaze with determination as she stood ready to defend her kingdom against whatever dangers may lie ahead. With her command and the might of her summoned weapons, she would ensure the safety of her people, no matter the cost.

As Wishper deftly dodged the onslaught of weapons aimed at him by the queen's command, a cacophony of sound filled the air. The clash of steel against steel echoed throughout the palace hall, a symphony of battle that reverberated with each strike.

"Hmm, quite fascinating," Wishper remarked with a smirk, his voice barely audible over the din of the conflict. With each evasive maneuver, he danced between the flying weapons, his movements fluid and graceful despite the chaos unfolding around him.

But amidst the chaos, the relentless assault of the queen's enchanted weapons took its toll. The sound of Wishper's strings slicing through the air was drowned out by the resounding clang of metal meeting metal as the weapons collided in a deadly dance of combat.

With each clash, sparks flew and echoes reverberated off the stone walls of the palace, creating a symphony of chaos that filled the air with tension and anticipation. The clash of weapons rang out like thunder, a constant reminder of the fierce battle being waged within the hallowed halls of the kingdom.

But even amidst the chaos, Wishper remained focused, his senses keen as he continued to evade the onslaught of attacks. With each passing moment, the intensity of the battle grew, the clash of weapons serving as a grim reminder of the stakes at hand. And as the conflict raged on, the fate of the kingdom hung in the balance, its future uncertain in the face of such relentless opposition.


As the chaos unfolded before me, my heart pounded with a mixture of fear and determination. The sound of weapons clashing filled the air, mingling with the shouts of guards and the cries of the wounded.

"Hmm, quite fascinating," Wishper's voice echoed through the hall, sending a chill down my spine. Despite the danger, I focused on the task at hand, my mind racing as I assessed the situation.

With a wave of my hand, I summoned my magic, conjuring a barrier to protect the guests and commanding my guards to evaluate the threat. As the weapons materialized from crimson portals, I watched with a mixture of pride and apprehension.

The clash of steel against steel reverberated through the room, each strike a testament to the ferocity of the battle. I could feel the weight of responsibility pressing down on me, knowing that the safety of my kingdom depended on my actions.

But even as the conflict raged on, I refused to falter. With each command and every spell, I fought to protect my people, drawing strength from the knowledge that I was their queen, sworn to defend them against all who would do them harm. And as the battle raged on, I vowed to stand firm, unwavering in my resolve to safeguard the kingdom and its people, no matter the cost.

As the battle intensified, the air crackled with magic and the clash of weapons grew ever more ferocious. Wishper darted between the swirling blades with uncanny agility, his movements a blur of speed and precision.

With a cruel smile, he unleashed a barrage of his own attacks, his strings slicing through the air like razor wire. Guards cried out in pain as they were cut down by the invisible assailant, their blood staining the polished floors of the palace hall.

Amidst the chaos, I stood my ground, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and resolve. With a wave of my hand, I summoned forth more weapons from the portals, their gleaming edges hungry for vengeance.

The sounds of battle filled my ears—the clang of metal, the screams of the wounded, the guttural cries of rage and pain. It was a symphony of violence, a brutal dance of life and death played out before my eyes.

With a fierce cry, I joined the fray, my own magic crackling in the air as I unleashed spell after spell upon the enemy. Bolts of lightning streaked across the hall, illuminating the carnage in stark, harsh light.

But for every foe struck down, another seemed to take their place. Wishper's relentless onslaught showed no signs of abating, his malevolent laughter echoing through the chaos like a taunt from the depths of hell.

As the battle raged on, I felt a surge of determination coursing through my veins. I would not let my kingdom fall to this monster, no matter the cost. With every ounce of strength and magic at my disposal, I fought on, my will unyielding in the face of overwhelming odds.

And as the clash of weapons continued to ring out, I knew that victory would not come easily. But I also knew that as long as there was breath in my body, I would fight to defend my kingdom and its people, no matter what horrors lay ahead.

Wishper: Hmm ~ now now play time is over ~

As Wishper's ominous proclamation filled the air, a sense of dread washed over me like a dark tide. My heart pounded with fear as I watched one of his eyes open, the black glow emanating from its depths sending shivers down my spine.

With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I realized that something was terribly wrong. As I reached out to summon my magic, a wave of panic washed over me as I found myself unable to tap into the wellspring of power that had always been at my command.

Confusion clouded my thoughts as I tried again and again to conjure even the simplest of spells, but each attempt met with failure. It was as if a veil had been drawn over my abilities, rendering me powerless in the face of this new threat.

With a cruel smile, Wishper advanced towards me, his movements predatory as he closed in for the kill. Panic surged through me as I realized that I was defenseless against his onslaught, my magic depleted and my strength faltering.

Desperation clawed at my heart as I searched for a way to escape, but there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. With a sinking feeling of inevitability, I braced myself for the inevitable blow, knowing that I was about to face my greatest challenge yet.

And as Wishper's attack descended upon me with all the force of a thunderbolt, I could only pray that somehow, someway, I would find the strength to endure and emerge victorious from this nightmare.

"You may have thought you could defy me, Queen," Wishper sneered, his voice dripping with malice as he prepared to strike the final blow. "But your arrogance has sealed your fate. Now, you will pay the price for your insolence."

I clenched my fists in defiance, refusing to cower before this malevolent creature. "What do you want from me?" I demanded, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and anger.

Wishper's eyes gleamed with amusement as he raised his hand, ready to deliver the finishing blow. "Oh, my dear queen," he chuckled darkly, "I have no interest in your kingdom. No, I seek something far more valuable than mere power or wealth. I seek your soul."

With those chilling words, he unleashed his attack, and I braced myself for the onslaught, knowing that the battle ahead would not be fought with swords or spells, but with the very essence of my being.

"Mother!" I cried out in anguish as Wishper launched his attack on her. The sight filled me with a sense of helplessness and desperation, my heart pounding with fear for her safety.

Every fiber of my being urged me to rush to her side, to shield her from harm, but I was frozen in place, paralyzed by the overwhelming terror of the moment.

As the air crackled with dark energy and my mother braced herself against the onslaught, I felt a surge of determination welling up inside me. I couldn't stand idly by while she faced this threat alone.

Summoning all of my courage, I pushed past my fear and dashed towards her, my instincts driving me forward despite the danger that loomed before me.

With each step, my heart pounded louder in my ears, the sound of my own fear threatening to drown out all rational thought. But I couldn't let that fear hold me back, not when my mother's life hung in the balance.

As I reached her side, I threw myself in front of her, a shield against the darkness that threatened to consume us both. Though my hands trembled and my legs threatened to give out beneath me, I stood firm, ready to defend her with every ounce of strength I possessed.

"Stay back, Mother," I urged, my voice trembling with emotion. "I won't let him hurt you. I'll protect you, no matter what."

As I rushed to shield my mother from Wishper's attack, a searing pain tore through my chest. I stumbled backward, clutching at the wound with trembling hands, disbelief washing over me as blood stained my clothes.

Wishper's mocking laughter echoed in my ears, a cruel reminder of my failure to protect those I loved. Anger burned within me, fierce and unyielding, as I struggled to regain my footing.

Despite the pain, I refused to give in to despair. With gritted teeth and a steely resolve, I faced Wishper once more, determination blazing in my eyes.

"You'll pay for this," I growled, my voice dripping with defiance. "I won't let you get away with hurting my mother. I'll stop you, no matter what it takes."

With every ounce of strength I could muster, I prepared to face Wishper head-on, ready to confront the darkness that threatened to consume us all.

As the darkness closed in around me, I found myself transported to a place shrouded in shadows. Before me stood a figure, a woman with white hair and silver eyes, her features obscured from view.

Her voice echoed in the darkness, filling me with a sense of familiarity and comfort. "Listen, Krish," she spoke, her words carrying a weight of wisdom and warning. "Only use your bloodline power when you are truly in danger. It is a dangerous gift, one that must be wielded with caution."

I listened intently, the gravity of her words sinking in as I struggled to comprehend the significance of what she was saying. With each passing moment, the memory of her guidance filled me with a sense of purpose and determination.

"Yes, Mother," I replied, my voice trembling with emotion. Though I could not see her face, I felt her presence surrounding me, guiding me through the darkness.

With her words echoing in my mind, I vowed to heed her warning and wield my bloodline power only when absolutely necessary. It was a responsibility that weighed heavily upon me, but one that I knew I must carry with honor and conviction.

As Wishper raised his hand to strike the final blow against the queen, a sudden interruption shattered the tension. With a sickening thud, his hand was severed from his arm, falling to the ground in a grotesque display.

Confusion swept through the room as we all turned to see what had caused this unexpected turn of events. And there, standing before us, was a figure cloaked in darkness, his form twisted and ethereal.

Though his appearance was that of a young child, there was an undeniable darkness about him, an aura of power that seemed to emanate from every fiber of his being. His features were obscured by shadow, leaving only the faint outline of his form visible against the backdrop of darkness.

In his hand, he held Wishper's severed limb, his grip firm and unyielding. There was a sense of authority about him, a presence that commanded attention and respect.

As the room fell silent, all eyes turned to the mysterious figure, waiting for him to act. And then, with a snarl of frustration, Wishper vanished into thin air, leaving behind only the echo of his malevolent laughter.

As the tension dissipated and the room breathed a collective sigh of relief, the mysterious figure turned to us, his gaze lingering on the queen with a sense of quiet understanding. And then, without another word, he too disappeared into the darkness, leaving us to ponder the events that had just transpired.



To be continued