
Hot Kiss

The look he gave her showed how much he loved her. It would hurt her so much to see him in pain. No matter what happens, they have come too far to give up on the way.

Besides, they are facing unknown forces with impending danger lurking in the dark. The best thing they could do at the moment is to be united.

With a determined expression and decision, she nodded at him.

"I want to be with you no matter who you are. I love you and everything you have got, I can handle."

George hugged her tightly and kissed her all over the face. She has never seen him this happy. He was all smiling.

The determination in his eyes to make her the happiest woman on earth was evident. He has never loved anyone as much as he loved her. He was willing to do anything for her.

In the following few days, things went well, and Mr. Jackson was sent home. George and Steph went with him from the hospital while her stepmom remained at home to prepare his room and meals before he came.

The reason he was discharged early from the hospital was that he could not take living there. From the report they got from their man inside the enemy camp is Mr. Smith is planning something big. The problem is the guy had not to find out the exact plan. It was also getting dangerous for him.


At the Jacksons' residence, Nicole was confused and looked distracted while commanding the maids at home to arrange things properly. From time to time, she could shout at the maids with new instructions. The maids were newly hired to take care of Mr. Jackson's needs while nursing at home.

It was not even necessary to hire the maids. It was a cover to add more spies for Mr. Smith.

She was calling someone, but he was not picking her calls. The frustration was evident. Even the new maids at home could see it. The pacing in the room made the maids more nervous and was afraid to lose their job on the same day.

" Where are you"? Please pick up, pick up."

She was so tense. That she did not notice when others entered the room.

"Hey 'mom' why are you tense. Did someone take your treasure? We are home."

Steph called her sarcasm clearly on her words, but Nicole did not notice it.

"It's not something like that. You guys took so long that I was getting worried.

Please take your father to his room. He is tired. I will bring him in the room."

"That won't be necessary. We ate on our way here. We will inform you when we need you."

Steph replied while taking her father upstairs to his room. Nicole stood there stunned. If it was any other time, she would have flared up in anger but not today. Her mind was occupied with so many things. After calling the number a few more times with no answer, she gave up.

She followed suit in the room and unpacked her husband's things.

George and Steph left them in the room and went to her room. Since Steph gave George another chance of starting again afresh, he has not let her out of his sight. He looked like a well-behaved kid. He always listens to whatever Steph said whether good or bad.

He may have held back before but not anymore. He wanted to own her and show everyone how much he loved her. The moment the room was closed, he locked her between his arms with her back on the door and kissed her hard.

He was so passionate. He looked like he wanted to be one with her to own her soul and everything. Steph responded until she could not breathe anymore. She was breathless after he cut off the kiss. Before she could breathe properly, her lips were captured again, but it was not aggressive this time. He was tender, which made her lose her senses and give into him. From outside, one could hear soft moaning sounds.

She was pushed back to her senses when he moved his hands under her top to touch her skin. She was not ready for the next step. She jolted to stop his hands from moving and cut off the kiss.

" We are home. Dad and others are around. Also, I am not ready for this at the moment. Let's get to the next step when we are ready later."

" Hey, What's with the face. I am not angry with your refusal. I will wait until you are ready. I just couldn't control my feelings.

She thought he would be angry, but no, he was elevated. He was happy with the thought that she had married in mind between them. Though he did not say anything to her, he kept it in mind. He wanted her, and he could not wait any longer. He needed to make the necessary preparations.

He wanted to spend more time with her, but his phone rang and sounded like an emergency.

"I have got to go. The guy woke up. I want to be there to make sure everything is fine.'

"Let me come with you."

"No, it's not a good sight. You have just recovered your memory. It won't be good for you. I'll update you."

"Ok. Be safe. Let me know when you get anything" She knows him very well. Pushing him is not good when he doesn't want to say anything. Since he said the sight won't be good, it's probably going to be worse than that.

With that, he left in a hurry.

Steph went to the bathroom and took a shower, and went to sleep. Somehow, she could not sleep well. She kept on tossing and turning. She took her phone from the bedside table and logged into her Facebook to look at the videos posted. That's was the only thing she does on Facebook apart from chatting with her friend on messenger