
Why Can't I Be Yours?

When an eighteen-year-old virgin decided to leave Louisiana, her home town for Texas, an alien town, she was oblivious that the journey of her independence would become one of longing for a man's love and attention. With her love built on a misconception, she was unaware that Charles Jackson; the multi-billionaire, was an egocentric, cold-hearted, proud and unforgiving man who locked his heart to love, the aftermath of the brute conditions under which he grew up. But yet, Maureen Thompson was bent on earning her bosses attention at all cost. Though not pushy or... flirty, she developed partial-obsessive tendencies; one that kept her dwindling in the thoughts of having sex with him—even as a virgin! Forgoing his harsh countenance, overly exaggerated reactions, she envisions Charles in the portrait of cold-nineteenth century men that spew flavors of love to their lovers—indoor. But Charles Jackson, built in grace and glamor, could win a medal in egocentrism, rudeness, malevolence, prudishness and of course, beauty! And yet, she judged his reactions to the plane crash wrongly, unaware that December had scared his heart. It appeared that the plane crash became memorable either through breaking hearts or eventually mending them. Be it the crash itself or the incidents after the crash, it changed people's lives and Maureen was not left out. In readiness to be true to her love, Maureen ignored warnings and hit the wrong target. Lurking in the shadows of her emotions and fated to be bewitched by perfect blue eyes that defies morality, she might discover that Charles Jackson, heir to Jackson Companies PLC and CEO of Westland Airlines was truly born of STONE and FROST. And worse, everything that she believed might just be a lie!

joyolokungboye · 都市
7 Chs

Chapter 7| Undesired Revolution

The news of the crash went viral.

Some of the families of the bereaved marched down to West Land Airlines headquarters in Texas.

They marched angrily and wanted to get past the security but they couldn't as the security prevented them from going in.

The security men called for more help and they blocked the people from coming in through the first gate.

The protesters didn't care and they shouted carrying their placards. They moved backwards as their agenda isn't to walk past the gate but to express their opinions even if they make chaos.

Some of them were with placards which they had prepared to use in expressing their grief and crying out their sorrows.

Different sentences were on their placards: They are important to us but you've snatched them away. I need them back. They are innocent, their souls are precious. They didn't deserve to die. My babies were on that plane. We need explanations.

In all, their message was simple: "We want them back."

It was evident that they were annoyed and it wouldn't subside until they were granted an audience. So, they shouted and yet nothing happened.

They were frustrated and their unhappiness lingered on their faces. Their situation was understandable because they lost their loved ones.

Their lives were snatched by the plane and death engulfed them even when they didn't ask for it or need it. Honestly, no one tells death what to do, when to work, how its victims lose their lives and how to do his job.

Making decisions is his responsibility and that's what just happened to the victims of flight A245 MAX. It's so sad that whenever death snatches a life, it can never be returned except through a miracle.

The victims of the plane crash are gone and it will stay that way as their bodies exploded with the plane and no miracle can bring them back as they can't form again from ashes. Soon, reporters were everywhere and they sought an audience with Charles again.

"It seems the West Land Airlines team and its CEO has refused to grant the families of the victims' audience. This is not supposed to be the case as many seek answers. Many families are broken and they've decided to use this medium to get the answers they need. A protest has been staged here and they demand the return of their loved ones." The report was going out as reporters were reporting live.

Charles was aware that the families of the bereaved were present at his company but he refused to see them. He didn't know how he was going to face them as he felt guilty for all that happened.

He doesn't know what to say to them or how he would convince those who lost their children in the crash about everything. He didn't even know how he was going to apologise.

He was scared as he had never encountered an angry mob before. He was thinking of the worst.

He thought of if he would be beaten by them and this scared him the most even when he knew that it can't happen. Different thoughts flew in as he was scared of things that couldn't happen. Irrespective of his fears, he knew that he had to address the matter urgently.


"Sir, the crowd outside is plentiful and if their noise continues, it will attract further attention," Helena told Charles who was seated on his office chair.

"They are already plentiful and reporters have surrounded the building," Ethan said and both Charles and Helena were surprised.

Immediately, Charles stood up and reached for his window. He checked through the glass and the group of people he saw scared him the more.

Ethan was feeling sad as his boss was in a tight corner and there was nothing he could do.

Not even Charles who always had a solution to all their problems could come up with a remedy for the problem because the public can't be pacified in cases of life and death. Charles reached for the couch and sat on it.

"Sir, you need to talk to them or the media would make different speculations," Helena advised Charles, giving Ethan a chance to speak.

"It would be better if he doesn't. It isn't good for him." Ethan said with a strong face and Helena exclaimed. "Ethan!"

She breathed out before talking. "He can't hide from the media. Those are people's families and believe me it's better to address them than avoid them.

That's what's good for him and the company. I'm speaking from experience." she spoke.

"Thank you Ethan but Helena is right. I need to see them right away." Charles said and Ethan felt sad.

He didn't see any right in doing so because he was scared for his boss and friend. Charles was a strict boss but only to lazy employees and Ethan's discipline made him Charles' favorite just within two years of working with him while Charles knew other employees since his youth.

Ethan went to Charles to smoothen his look and Charles was reluctant.

"Sir, please let me do this," Ethan begged and Charles let him have his way.

He understood the kind of bond that they shared and was aware that Ethan was distressed. Charles left his office and Ethan was feeling bad that he couldn't go with them. Before the door to the lift closed, Ethan walked in not bothered that Charles wasn't gonna like his conduct.

He was aware that in cases like this, he shouldn't be there but he didn't care. Charles knew that Ethan was unhappy but he didn't know that it was getting to him this much so, he didn't say a word when he saw Ethan and neither did Helena who is naturally reserved.

Charles along with Helena, Ethan and his bodyguards approached the angry mob and reporters. Charles instructed the security team to let them in and they complied.

"Sir, we want to know the causes of the plane crash." a male reporter asked.

"The cause is still unknown to us and we are doing all that we can to locate the black boxes to determine the underlying cause," Charles spoke and after he did, the public shouted. "Your company caused the crash."

"You don't care about this. You're not planning to find out anything. All you can do is come here and say bullshit to us." a mature lady spoke and her voice held pain.

"I'm deeply sorry for all that has happened." Charles apologised, not because he wanted to impress the media but because he was.

"You're sorry? You're sorry! Like your words can undo your wrongs." a young lady voiced angrily.

Charles looked at her and the pain he saw in her eyes made him speechless.

"If the cause becomes revealed and the fault comes from your group, what would you do?" another male reporter asked.

"We will take full responsibility for what happened whether the fault is ours or not," Charles said and the reporter was convinced till another lady spoke.

"You're a liar and you think you can feed us with your lies. You think we would believe you just because you put up a pitiful act in the presence of the media. Do you think we're foolish? Do we look like babies that would dance to the polluted tune you've created?"

"It's not all about money and you think because you were privileged to be rich and have proper education that you can fool us. That we would hold onto your crazy and obnoxious promises like our lives depended on it? You must be crazy!" another person spoke and the reporters were shocked.

"I'm truly sorry for what happened. This is the first time such is happening since my regime as CEO. I'm sorry that the crash occurred. I'm aware that you're all angry and it's justified because human lives were lost and your friends, well-wishers and loved ones were cut up in the crash and for that I'm sorry." Charles apologised.

Charles who wasn't fond of speaking was forced to talk as silence would make them angrier. One would think that they were moved by his speech because it appeared that at some point they were calm but they weren't and they became angrier.

The reporters were recording everything that was taking place, their usual duty. Some seemed unhappy with how Charles was treated and it was evident in their tone.

"The families of the bereaved are angry and not ready to listen and understand the company and rather, they lash out at the production aggressively and call them names." a reporter said.

Only those who were aware of his benevolent acts felt sad because he helped the poor through yearly donations. They knew that WL is a prestigious firm and wouldn't gain anything from a crash; rather, it would jeopardize the company's name and drag insults.

They knew who the man in the person of Charles Jackson was, many knew but yet they turned a blind eye. They are sad that the families are making speculations even before the cause of the crash is revealed and insulting him this much.

Their aircraft wasn't the first to crash and it hasn't happened in a long time. So why frustrate the company this much and insult the production? Charles' words did nothing and they changed their routine and attacked him face-front.

"You said you're sorry but you didn't come out till the reporters arrived. You stayed in like the fool you are and acted as your care. You're playing a script and you have set your agenda straight but we won't fall for it." Charles was broken by this statement and he swallowed.

Helena and Ethan who were with him were already fed up a long time ago and they wondered how he could still stay and entertain their cold words. Immediately, they started retreating and made way for Charles to pass through the crowd that surrounded him at all sides. Due to the heat of anger from the mob, the reporters had a few minutes to gather information regarding the crash.

"You're a coward. You're all cowards!" the mob yelled as Charles retreated.

"Run like the coward you are!" someone said and Charles looked back.

"sir!" Helena said as he looked back and we held onto him. Charles walked out feeling very terrible.

Thanks for taking your time to read this chapter. It means a lot to me. LOVE YOUUU!!!

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