
WHY //billie eilish//

why am i attracted to her she fucking kidnapped me

qu3enshii · セレブリティ
4 Chs

o n e

Peyton's pov

"No, Mom that's not how you play the game"

It was family game night, something that I loved but also hated. I loved arguing especially with my parents but I didn't like my parents or my sister. I just preferred to be alone and away from all their questions. I came out to them about a year ago that I was bisexual they accepted me which is great and I love them dearly for that but it was just constant questions. It wasn't even more than one question; it was the same one every time, "did I have a boyfriend/girlfriend?". I'm glad they cared but they didn't have to constantly ask me.

"What do you mean that's not how you play? Read the box" my sister said chiming into a conversation they didn't involve her like she always did. She used to do this shit constantly when she was smaller but now that she's 13 she stopped doing it so frequently.

"Ok, if I read that box and I'm right I want 5 bucks, deal"


"Looks, like you, own me 5 bucks, I want it now thanks," I said dragging out the thanks. I did that a lot, bet money when I knew I was right about something. It was fun to watch people when they realized that they were wrong. I never actually got any money but sometimes I did but those times were rare.

"I'm not giving you anything but go it's your turn" I expected that so I wasn't mad but I am petty so I took longer than usual when taking my turn.

(time skip)

Billie's pov

"Ok look, we go in grab Peyton only then get out. Everyone looks to be sleeping so everything should go smoothly. James, you stay out here make sure no one comes up to the house. Claire, you keep an eye out for the lights to see if anyone wakes up. Let me know if you see anything. Finneas you grab Peyton and carry her into the car and I'll stay behind you in case anything goes wrong. Understood"

"Yea, I got it". Everyone chimed in unison.

"Well, let's do this shit"

Once I and Finneas reached Peyton's room I handed him the rag that was dosed in chloroform just to make sure Peyton didn't wake up.

Finneas walked out of Peyton's room with her limp body in his arms.

I felt kinda bad honestly but this needed to happen.

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i clicked all the things for commenting and liking and i thought they were really funny.

but yea hope you enjoy even though its the first chapter

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