
Chapter 66 Talisman Certification

Whether it was talent or fate, Sun Decai was always at the bottom among his fellow sect brothers.

His Foundation Establishment had been achieved by exhausting all his efforts.

As such, after his Foundation Establishment, there was basically no chance for him to advance further and ascend to Core Formation.

Otherwise, no cultivator would be willing to come to a small place like Wuyue to be an idle Elder.

But now, an opportunity lay before Sun Decai.

The Animal Encouragement Talisman undoubtedly possessed tremendous commercial prospects.

And most crucially, this young man named Jiang Cheng was willing to give up half of the Spirit Stones to "cooperate" with his Task Hall.

To put it nicely, it's called "cooperation".

To put it plainly, it's basically "handing over money", paying a "membership fee" to the Tongtian Sect.

If he could firmly seize this business opportunity and obtain considerable benefits for the Task Hall, and for the Tongtian Sect behind the Task Hall,
