
Chapter 109: Must Find a Way to Protect Oneself

Song of Tides?

Jiang Cheng frowned and thought to himself, "How would the little girl know about the Song of Tides?"

"Have you ever seen the Song of Tides?" he asked.

"Mhm," Ao Lian nodded.

"What does it look like?"

"A pearl this big, it feels slippery to the touch," Ao Lian gestured.

"Where did you see it?" Jiang Cheng asked again.

"At my home."

Having seen the Song of Tides, having touched the Song of Tides, the Song of Tides being at her home.

Then she is...

Jiang Cheng's eyes slowly widened.

If he hadn't guessed wrong, could this little girl be a young dragon maiden who had run away from the deep-sea Dragon Palace? Although at her age, she would only be considered a "very young dragon maiden."

The Dragon Palace was at least a hundred thousand li away from Liang Kingdom. Could the Fishing Talisman have drawn a young dragon maiden from a hundred thousand li away to shore?

The current scenario was challenging the limits of Jiang Cheng's understanding.