
Why Am I In A Royal Academy?

Reiya gets sent to a boarding school for royals and the likes. She doesn't really know what she's there for and wishes to just stay home and be worn her family but unknowing to her, those weren't her real family While in this new school that works completely different from that of the outside world, she, a hot tempered girl, becomes the 'maid' of the school's official prince. According to her, she would rather be an official maid than be his exclusive maid but that didn't change anything. She, who didn't know what she was doing in such a school and why her family sent her there, adapts well and falls for her most hated prince.Reiya gets sent to a boarding school for royals and the likes. She doesn't really know what she's there for and wishes to just stay home and be worn her family but unknowing to her, those weren't her real family While in this new school that works completely different from that of the outside world, she, a hot tempered girl, becomes the 'maid' of the school's official prince. According to her, she would rather be an official maid than be his exclusive maid but that didn't change anything. She, who didn't know what she was doing in such a school and why her family sent her there, adapts well and falls for her most hated prince.

Chrissty · 若者
13 Chs

She plans to be better than them all

Reiya ran out through the garden and towards the waters. She dropped on the floor and cried.

"I knew it, I'm not cut out for any of this." She said to herself. She reached for her tiara and removed it, she looked at it for a while. "I don't deserve this. Lindy has tried her best but...it's me who needs to try." She held the tiara tightly.

She looked at the tiara and then her medallion. What was it? Why did her family send her here?

She wasn't rich. She wasn't anybody. She wasn't a royal, so why?

The story of the ugly duckling suddenly popped up in her head. The ugly duckling whom no one liked, the ugly duckling who felt it did not belong.

Well, she was different from an ugly duckling. Compared to the ugly duckling who was born with the same social status as it peers and was only being neglected for its looks, she was worse.

What did looks have to offer when she wasn't rich, didn't have influence, had a very bad temper and was naive?

"Your weakness may serve as a strong trait someday." She remembered her grandmother say.

And now she wondered what it meant. She didn't know then and she definitely couldn't figure it out this time as well. Not at a time like this.

"Am I supposed to stand tall even if my head may hit the ceiling?" She asked, staring at her medallion. "What heights am I supposed to attain?"

She folded her arms. It was the first day and she was already this tired.

"You're not a quiter." Her grandma would encourage her. "No matter how difficult, it will only be impossible if you give up, Reiya. Remember that."

Those words replayed in her head and she got a newly found confidence. Why was she down just because a few girls were acting out?

She was better than this. She'd show them. She got up to her feet, looking determined.

Whatever it is that she was meant to be in this school, she would become good at it and so much better than everyone. Yes, that was the way to think.

"I finally found you!" Lindy said with a tone filled with relief and Reiya turned to look at her.

Lindy got close and hugged Reiya feeling relieved.

"Where were you? I thought I'd had to set up a search team just for you. Are you okay?" Lindy asked while looking really concerned.

"Better." Reiya answered smiling. Affirmation and a nice hug was the best way to relieve herself of depressing thoughts.

"Reiya?" Logan called and she turned to look at him. "I am so sorry, it's my fault all this happened."

"It's not your fault, Logan. Some girls just can't bear seeing you with other girls, they're jealous to the core and can't help it, I presume." A little smile played on her cheeks.

"You're right." Logan said trying to smile back but couldn't.

"Just pretend we didn't meet tonight. I don't want any trouble while I'm here. Those girls will try something worse if they see me with you, so I think it's for the best."

"Yeah!" He nodded in agreement but he wasn't happy about it.

"Let's call it a night then. Lindy." Reiya turned to Lindy who was silent. "Let's get back to our room. I'm so tired."

Lindy shook her head at Logan and trailed after Reiya. His chances were dashed even before he got a chance to perfect them.

The next morning, Reiya woke up quite late, she had no idea that the time had gone so fast. She remembered Lindy waking her up before leaving but the sleep was just too good to end, now she was paying the price for it.

"I'm late, dammit! How can I be late to my first class?" She rushed into the bathroom, brushed her teeth, quickly took her bath, came out and got dressed. "Gosh. How can I be late?" She asked herself once more as she furiously brushed her hair. She wore her medallion, and checked herself in the mirror to make sure everything was alright.

She picked her bag, a few books on her hands and made sure her phone was in her bag before opening the door. With no moment to waste, she dashed out.

It was a long walk to the main school building where classes were being held. She walked really fast, no, she ran until she finally entered the building.

Seeing as she made it before the bell, she thought it was all still good and that the classes had not yet begun so she sighed in relief and finally had time to breathe. She placed her hand on the wall tiredly and sighed once more, only for her to check her watch and discover it was 8:59.

"Oh no!" She exclaimed and made to run when the bell rang. "I've got to get to class." She said to herself as den ram through the hallway. She tried hard not to bump into anyone.

There was a really annoying crowd standing at the path to her classroom. She was running too fast and couldn't stop, seeing them was like seeing a burning furnace and she'd never thought of entering one.

"Get out of the way!" Reiya yelled. They looked back to see who the yeller was and in the process, cleared the way. She was relieved that they were clearing the path but one boy wouldn't move. "Uh-oh!" She exclaimed and she bumped into the boy really hard and earned the gasps from everyone around.

Reiya was on the floor and so was the boy. She rubbed her head and opened her eyes. Her books were littered everywhere.

"Oh no! My books!" She made haste to arrange them.

"Is that what you're worried about? Your books?" She heard a male voice, she supposed it was from the guy on the floor and didn't look.

"Why wouldn't I be?" She asked and everyone gasped again. 'What's with their annoying gasps? If anything, my books are the ones liable to be damaged.' she thought and finally stood up with her books neatly stacked in her hands. She looked at the boy and her eyes widened in shock.

"I hope you're fit because I don't like it when they give up to easily." He said and glared at her. "I'm going to make you suffer." He threatened with an angry frown. He was damn serious and angry. Really angry.