
Why Am I Here?!

After being abducted for 5 years, I thought I could finally live the life I always dreamed of. A life of leisure and laziness, but NO, of course I can't! The clichés of the universe and the will of the gods demand that I have to deal with everyone else's problems! I want compensation dammit! Who the hell wants this useless goddess?! What the hell am I gonna do with a harem?! FUCK OFF, ALL OF YOU! (This is my attempt at satire on the isekai/fantasy genre. This is my first time writing so any criticisms or corrections are welcome.) (Image is from Waifulabs.com)

subarashi · ファンタジー
6 Chs

Chapter 1) I’m Leaving The Fantasy World Behind….Finally!

You've all heard the stories; the stories of a hero summoned from another world to defeat the demon king. This is yet another one of those stories...or at least it should be.

"Cassandra! What the hell are you doing?! Are you trying to get all of us killed?!" yelled the abnormally muscular man.

"I'm going to kill that thing, that's what!" Cassandra screamed almost hysterically.

"That 'thing' is the Demon Lord! Now get your ass back in formation!" the muscular man said sternly.

Cassandra continued to run at the 'thing' with her short stubby legs, going speeds that shouldn't possible. She jumped, hoping to to land a hit on its face, only to be back-handed with such force that her neck bends at an odd angle.

"PLEABEANS! YOU DARE TO ATTACK ME!?" the demon lord shouted with his nonexistent vocal cords, causing a minor earthquake in the vicinity.

"Shara! Heal!" he screamed, his voice trembling.

"Got it." she said back.

A white light surrounded Shara and shot out towards Cassandra, but before it could reach, the 'thing' launched itself towards Shara and split her in half. He then looked toward the overly muscular man with a murderous glint in his 'eyes.'

"Don't just stand there you dumbass, HELP ME!" he yelled at the man standing a distance away from him.

The man looked at him apathetically, not moving a single inch. Before he could say anything else, his head burst like a piñata, brain matter splattering everywhere. The 'thing' opened its arms, streched, and let out a deep, satisfied sigh. He then looked towards the last remaining man in the room.

"Kilo...hero of this generation, why do you do nothing as your companions are killed?" the demon king said in a deep, grumbling voice.


"Are those your last words?"

"Why....." Kilo said softly.




Hello, my name is Kilo, how is your day going right now? I hope yours is going much better than mine. Due to some unfortunate circumstances, I am standing in the Demon King's castle, facing the demon king in an "epic" battle to save the world.

I hear the muscle man(I forgot his name) yelling at the loli as she runs towards the wreathing mass of tentacles that still somehow looks to be "human." Normally, you would expect the loli to be in a very erotic situation, but no, she gets bitch-slapped into oblivion. Our healer soon followed. The muscle man then yelled at me to help him, only to have his head explode with a satisfying "pop."

"Kilo...hero of this generation, why do you do nothing as your companions are killed?"

Why? Its very simple really. When I arrived in this world 5 years ago; I was very exited at the time, I mean, who wouldn't want to be the hero that saves the world, right? Wrong. I have spent the last 5 years running around with the genocidal maniacs that people call my companions. They are maniacs that kill anyone that doesn't share their point of view, that killing the demon king is the only way to save the world. Anyone that goes against this idea is immediately branded a Demon Worshiper and executed on the spot. I tried to stop this of course, but they would then go behind my back to hire assassins the do the job for them, saying its for the greater good.

Back to the question, why do I do nothing? Because this is the best day of my life! Did you see how that loli got slapped like the bitch that she is?! That stupid, judgmental whore of a healer finally suffered divine retribution for all the innocent people she killed! Oh, oh, and my personal favorite, that arrogant muscle man really left this world with a "Bang." HaHaHa, this is amazing!

Putting that aside, the Demon King is looking at me now. Now then, how do I deal with this? Negotiation...

"Are those your last words?"

Or maybe not. Can I run away? No, that won't work, he'll kill me as soon as I try. I really don't want to fight this guy, he's the real victim at the end of all of this. The humans of this world kill demons indiscriminately, so its only natural that he fights for his people, right? Why would humans antagonize the one being that can bitch slap them out of existence?

There's another reason I don't want to kill him. About 2 years ago, I had a fling with a Succubus woman; I thought I had finally found love. She was the sweetest, most caring individual I have ever met. She listened to all of my complaints and rambling, but nothing good ever lasts forever. It turned out that she was one of the Demon King's children. My "companions" found out about her and promptly kill her saying, "She was manipulating you; she didn't love you; you are mine and mine alone..." It was then that I started plotting and planning to kill these so called companions of mine, but it seems that was all for naught. No matter what I did, I couldn't kill the bastards. Poison, assassination, pushing them into a volcano...nothing worked. Then, a few months ago, we got word of where the Demon King's castle was located. I finally got my chance to end them and go back home all on the same day.

Then I realized, why do I have to kill the who was going to be my father-in-law? I have to kill a man who raised such a wonderful woman? To do what, save a world that I don't even belong in? No, I can't take this anymore!

Fury rose up from the deepest depths of my psyche and I screamed, "WHY AM I EVEN HERE!?"

Tendrils of red lightning started to coalesce around my body, melting my surroundings. This is due to the my magic that I have spent the last five years training. Nuclear Fission is what I call it. This is what I created with my meager knowledge on nuclear energy that I leaned about in chemistry.

The stone and metal that made up the castle started to bend, twist, and fall apart. As everything around us started to collapse, the Demon King stood there, his body melting away. By the time the destruction stopped, only his head remained.

I walked closer to the remains of my would be father-in-law, "I'm sorry it had to come to this, we could have been family..."

"Fret not, young one..." he said in a soft voice, "This was meant to be."

"...I'm sorry and thank you for raising such a wonderful woman." I said, almost crying.

"Goodbye, young Kilo, I hope we never see each other again..." he said as his head turned to dust.

"...Wait a minute, that's not foreshadowing, is it?" I said to no one in particular.

As I was wondering what to do next, a voice resounded in my head.

[Hero Kilo, you have done a great deed by slaying the Demon King that was plaguing this world. Now, It is time for you to return home.]


Everything in my vision turned white. As I slowly opened my eyes, I was in a white room that looked like a principal's office.

[Hello, did you enjoy your stay in another world?] a woman said in a lazy, almost robotic, voice.

"...No, no I did not."

[Wonderful, thank you for service, do you have any complaints or concerns I should be made aware of?]

"I have quite a few actually..." I say before I was interrupted.

[Great, I'm so glad you had a wonderous time in the tutorial world.] she said in the same, lackadaisical manner.

"Wait! I have a shit-ton of complaints, don't ignore….wait a minute, did you just say tutorial?"

Hi there, I brought this story over from ScribbleHub. I figured I should try to put it on different platforms so here you go~.

subarashicreators' thoughts