
Who made me a Witch?(HP)

The consciousness of a young girl finds herself in a world of magic and mystery, armed with her prodigious talents and an ambition to explore and grow to her limits and beyond. *WARNING* All characters and exept for a few OC's belong to their respective creators. Some parts of the sensibility of the story might clash with the original either on purpose or due to me forgetting some details or interpreting them in a different manner. The MC is female, and I am still not sure if the story will have a serious love interest. The love interests could be either male or female.

Solace_7649 · 書籍·文学
4 Chs

Chapter 2- Letters, School and Cheats


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,

Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mrs. Bell,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress


It felt like a dream. Athanasia read the acceptance letter several times to confirm what she was seeing.

Now, all the strange happenings around her could be explained, they were caused by the unstable accidental magic that all witches and wizards go through. Her ability that she had been training and practicing with was not some superpower, but magic!

She thought that she had arrived in an ordinary world but she actually came to the world of Harry Potter. She could barely remember any of the contents of the series, only some names like Harry Potter, Dumbeldore, Newt Scamander, Hagrid and Voldemort.

She also vaguely remembered that the events of the series took place in the 1990's and also that everybody lived in fear of the nose less bald Voldemort.

That means in the coming years she might be in danger. The choice of running didn't really occur to her as she really wanted to go to Hoqwarts and learn magic.

Just when Athanasia was debating on how to avoid or completely solve future troubles a sound suspiciously like that of an elevator when it reaches its destination rung in her ears and a screen popped up in front of her.


{Conditions have been met. Admission Notice received. Unsealing system. System now online. Please check details.}

"Hahaha. I have my own cheat."

Athanasia breathed a sigh of relief and began to browse the system.

{Character Panel:

 Name: Athanasia Astraea Lyra Bell(&%^*'<)< p>

 Species: Human/Witch

 Gender: Female

 Age: Eleven years old

 Height: Five Feet (152 cm)

 Weight: 37 kg

 Innate Magical Ability: Metamorphagus, 

 Integrated Characters: (only 6 slots)

 1. Athanasia de Alger Obelia 'from Who made me a Princess?' (Superior Magic Affinity, Immense Magic Reserves, Superior Talent in Transfiguration and Charms, Ancient Magic in Space-Time) 





 Items from Characters:

 1. Elemental Spirit- Rai 'from Golden haired Summoner' (Not made of the primary elements and can be considered the 'metal' element. Can swallow almost any matter Nd imitate its properties and also make nore of that matter.)



 Extra Perk: 

 1.Amber Jeweled Eyes 'from Princess in the Dumpster' (ability to sense people's auras and emotions)



Evaluation: A slightly malnourished brat with lots of power but no control and no spells. Basically, a weak grunt.}

Athanasia felt a little uncomfortable at her evaluation and made up her mind to become very powerful. She felt even though she is a child she can beat up all the kids in the orphanage and even a few of the older ones in the surrounding area.

She started exploring the capabilities of the the system and discovered that it the system can only provide 6 characters and one item related to those characters along with one perk. So if she got an OP character then everything would be fine but if she got trash characters then she would have to do everything herself.

She could only assimilate one character at a time and she would only gain initial mastery of each characters abilities and she has to develop the powers further all by herself. She would not gain their experiences but would have an instinctive grasp on what to do to advance in her abilities.

As a starting gift the first character would be chosen as a base and be completely assimilated and adapted before the system activates. She would have to carefully sense for the characters powers. She also received a small inventory that the size of an elevator that can carry her items and equipment.

The chances for getting another character depended on getting certain achievements like killing a basilisk or taming a phoenix or becoming a master of any particular subject.

Ignoring the currently impossible achievements, Athanasia is very satisfied with her system. She decided to go to sleep and test her capabilities the next day.


 [A few days later.... 31st July 1989]

An old, tall, rather severe-looking woman with black hair combed back into a tight bun, square spectacles and a green dress walked into the orphanage and her presence stopped the games and banter of the children.

Her demeanor gave of an air of a strict educator and caused all present to quiet down and tidy their appearance so as to not get scolded. It was also because the woman could be a potential way out of their life as an orphan.

The woman did not let herself look at the eyes of the children as she strode into the building. She saw a young man carrying a box filled with books.

"Good morning, I am here to visit Mrs. Sophia Jones. Is she available?" The woman asked the young man.

"Uh... yes." The young man responded. He worked around the orphanage as a volunteer and helped Sister Sophia with the chores and taking care of the children. "Please come with me."

He put the boxes down in the corner of the room and led the woman to a room and knocked on the door, "Sister Sophia, a lady is here to meet you."

The door opened and Sister Sophia who is older and thinner appeared.

"Hello, my name is Minerva McGonagall, and I have sent a letter to you of my arrival."

"Please come in." Sister Sophia remembered the weird letter sent by an owl and also remembered the topic of a boarding school for her most favored and yet most troublesome child.

"Do you know her?" Sister Sophia asked anxiously.

"No, but Mrs. Bell has the qualities necessary for admission to our school." McGonagall replied.

"But I don't remember Athy applying for any boarding school and she has been abandoned here so no one else should have been able to apply for her."

Minerva McGonagall felt a little helpless over this mother hen and felt she had no choice but to use magic. She took out a blank sheet of paper and tapped it with her wand and then gave it to Sister Sophia.

Sophia read the blank paper and found that there were no problems and all her questions about the school were solved.

"Ok. Thank you for taking notice of Athanasia. Athy is a very smart child."

Seeing that there were no more problems Minerva breathed a sigh of relief and gestured to go meet Athanasia.

On the way to Athanasia's room Sophia started telling her good anecdotes about Athanasia to form a favorable impression and also gave a brief summary on how Athanasia was adopted.

"Anything strange I should take note of?" Minerva asked, fishing for information.

After hesitating a bit Sophia told her about a few strange occurrences that happened around Athanasia.

"A few times flowers around her boom at strange intervals and some accidents would happen around her. That is the reason she was sent back after being adopted. Poor girl. She is otherwise quiet well behaved, if a bit mischievous.

"We originally didn't notice anything wrong but when she was first adopted the couple was sent her back in only seven months and they were quite frightened.

"They told me that some items would inexplicably change positions and they once saw an item floating near Athy so they sent her back." said Sophia while wiping a tear from her eye.

"Athy became very quiet for a long time before she regained some of her earlier liveliness. But then at seven years old she was adopted again."

Minerva assumed that the adoption didn't go well since Athanasia was back in the orphanage. "I assume they were also frightened by Mrs. Bell."

"They weren't originally frightened as the Smiths were believers if the occult but after a few months Athy ran back to the orphanage. I later found that in order to get her adopted parents approval she took the initiative to show her ability but they too were scared but they were also curious and they asked her to show her abilities more and then for some reason they lost all their memories of adopting Athy, so she ran home."

"Have you seen her use this ability?" Minerva asked.

"No, she closed herself off after that and started getting into fights. All that changed a year ago and she has regained her cheerfulness but has become a bit violent. But she has also started earning money on her own and even helped the other children earn some pocket money. This has helped in the care of the orphanage as she uses some of her earned money for the younger kids."

Minerva's asked again, "When you say violent, does she bully other children?"

"NO, No, she doesn't bully the kids younger than her but.... she beat up all the older kids in the surroundings who tried to take 'protection fees' from the kids and now collects money from those older kids. Though she did also help the older kids find some odd jobs in the area and only takes a bit of their money calling it 'service charge'." Sophia said with an awkward expression.

Even Minerva's stern expression twitched for a moment as the image of a small female gangster threatening a group of taller boys for money.

"No matter what, please believe that Athy is a very kind child and she has helped shoulder the burden of taking care of the orphanage... Oh, I think you should just meet her." said Sophia as she neared Athanasia's room.

She knocked on the door and then went in. "Athy, this is Mrs. McGonagall. She is here to see you and invite you to her school."

Inside the room a young girl with long, wavy light blonde hair tied back into a high messy ponytail, with soft bangs falling into her sapphire-blue eyes leaning back on the bed in her hands a book titled Cosmos by Carl Segan.

Minerva McGonagall looked at the girl in hand-me down clothes and had to admit the girl was among the most beautiful she had ever seen.

As Minerva observed Athy, Athy was also observing Minerva. She recognized the lady vaguely from the movies and due to the letter as the Vice-Principle of Hogwarts.

"Hello, I am Professor Minerva McGonagall. I am the Vice- Principal of Hogwarts and am here to get you ready for your schooling starting in September."

Athanasia's eyes sparkled in excitement which she quickly suppressed and got ready to start her magical journey.