
The Slap

Nate only shot her a hard glare. He already found her pretty annoying. He wished he hadn't gotten married to her.

"Quinn for the last time, clean the f*cking house! I won't repeat myself again" he said and left. Her gaze followed him as he head upstairs. He searched the house and didn't find her anywhere.

He already knew that Quinn had annoyed her.

"I should call her back" he said and brought out his phone.



Paige was having so much fun with Trisha. She was the friend she ever needed. Paige was just the kind of person that doesn't like to hang out with others. She's more of an introvert.

"You also didn't come to their wedding. Why?" Trisha asked Paige. She remained quiet for about ten seconds before gathering the courage to speak.

"I did went. But, Quinn made sure I wasn't let in"

"Why? Did you two have a fight?" Trisha asked.

"No.. or maybe yes. She thinks I'm after Nate but I'm not" Paige lowered her gaze.

"Tell me, what happened?" She asked.

"That day, Quinn told us to meet with..."

She stopped talking when Trisha's phone rang. It was Nate calling.

"Excuse me, it's Nate" she said before answering the call. On hearing his name, shivers went down her spine.


"Where are you now?" Nate asked.

"Well, I'm with..."

Paige shook her head, signalling her not to tell him about her. She nodded with reply.

"I ran into an old friend and we are just chilling" she replied.

"Doesn't your friend have a name?" He asked.

"You don't need to know who she is. I'd be home soon" she said.

"Please, come home. I can't handle my so called wife anymore" he said and disconnected the call. Trisha wore a smile of mockery as she slipped her phone into a purse.

"Seem like Nate needs me at home. Quinn is giving him a headache" she laughed. Paige smiled weirdly. She wished she could see Quinn and make up for what happened in the past but Quinn wasn't interested in seeing her.

"Sure" Paige replied. Trisha wished she could continue talking to Paige but she had to go.

"I hope she see some other time before I go back to England"

"I hope so too" she replied. Trisha paid for their drinks and went their separate ways.



Nate turned after making a call and found Quinn standing by the door.

"You just called me a so called wife" she said. He threw his phone on the bed and placed his hand on his waist.

"So what?" He asked in reply.

"You used to love me Nate. What happened? You don't even have time for me anymore. You don't chill with me anymore" she cried and walked to him. She started beating his chest. Nate knew she was looking for attention.

"Stop, stop Quinn. For the past five months, I've been giving you what you want. Why don't you give me what I want? Of course, we are going to build our generation together, why not now" he asked. Quinn wiped the tears off her face and glared at him. She was trying to understand what he was talking about.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"Kids Quinn, we need kids!" He said, grabbing her shoulder. She beat his hands off her body.

"You won't get what you want. For a million time, I won't get pregnant for anyone. Do you wish to ruin my job?"

"You should as well quit that stupid job. Exposing yourself for artist to draw you. I was even there when Dylan was painting on you also, touching every part of your...."

Quinn slapped him hard on his face before he could continue speaking. He didn't expect it.

"You just slapped me?" She asked.

"Do you want another one? I won't be having this discussion with you anymore" she turned and left the room. Nate just stood there dumbfounded. He touched his face again and stared at his hand. Quinn had just slapped him and he did nothing.



Paige got home and went into her house. She closed the door and leaned on the door. She didn't even check on her mother today so she went to the telephone to see if she had any message.

"Hey, this is the hospital. Check on your mother soon. She needs you"

"Hey! This is the hospital. Your mother's case is very critical. We managed to stable her breathing. Please, come to the hospital soon"

"Hey Paige, it's Dylan. I've been calling you but you didn't answer my calls. Anyways, I heard you lost your job. I could help you with one if you don't mind. Meet me at the Hot girls club when it's 10pm"

Paige shot her eyes wide open. She was going to have a job.

"Oh my goodness, it's 8pm already. I should go get ready" she squealed happily and left the sitting room.



Trisha head into the house with some food. She saw Quinn in the sitting room. She looked angry but she didn't care. She must have had a fight with her brother. She scoffed and walked away from her.


"Nate?" He knocked her brother's room. He opened the door swiftly as if he has been waiting for her. Of course, he has been waiting for her.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Just come in" he replied in a low sad tone.

"Okay?" She smirked and walked in. He closed the door and walked himself to the white couch at the side of the room.

He threw himself on the couch while Trisha sat comfortably.

"Are you going to tell me what happened?" She asked.

"She slapped me" he said.

"What! That thing slapped you. Why?"

"All I did was ask for a child" he said. Trisha drew herself closer to his brother.

"Haven't you two have s*x before?" She asked in a low tone. For some seconds, she thought he would be shy to answer her question.

"Of course, we have. She won't sleep with me until I use condom. Even if I use it, she would take contraceptive so she won't get pregnant"

"And why is that?" She asked on disgust.

"Everytime, she says it's because of her job" he replied and rolled his eyes.

"What job is she doing? Is she a stripper at a midnight club or what?"

"She's a nude model"

"What? You got married to a nude model... What the heck? Look, you have to divorce her. Your marriage is already more than three months. So it's easy to get a divorce done"

"Do you think I wouldn't have done that if I could? She's a crazy one. She would tell her father and he would come here to scold me" he leaned back on the chair completely devastated.

Trisha wished there was another way to get rid of her. She hated to see her younger brother in this condition.

"You should eat. I bought food" she placed the food on the table between them.

"I was hungry like damn..." His face brightened when he saw the food.



Paige dressed in a black short gown. Her hair fell to one side of her shoulder, making her look so sexy. She couldn't possibly dress like she was going to the office. She felt uncomfortable with the dress but she wore it anyway since it was only for tonight.

She took her purse and phone and left. She locked the door behind and took a cab to hot girls club.

This would be her second time going to a club. She went with Quinn when she was still in high school and now, to see Dylan. She want to get a good job with good pay so that she would take care of her mother. Growing up without a father made her love her mother so much. Right now, she could bare to see her in that condition.

Tears ran down her cheek at the thought of her mother. She sniffed in and wiped her tears.

The cab driver stared at her through the front mirror but didn't want to say a word. He only felt pity for her.


After some minutes, they got to the club. She alighted from the cab.

"Here you go" she gave him the money.

"No, it's okay. You should take care of yourself. Don't cry, okay?" He said. Paige's lips curved into a smile. She felt embarrassed when she noticed that he must have caught her crying. He was just a guy of probably twenty something. She shoved her hair to the back of her ear.

"Thank you" she replied. He smiled and drove off. Paige stared at the car as it drove off till it was out of sight.

She turned and head into the club. It was noisy as usual with bodyguards. It was a very huge club. People were on the dancefloor, shaking their a$$, whining and grinding.

"Hey baby, come dance with me"

"Your b**bs looks good, can I taste them?"

She frowned as she searched for Dylan. This was the reason why she doesn't go to clubs. She finally sighted him and shot her eyes wide open.

"What the..."