
Who Is The Real Maximillian Walker

Super abilities? After the lab exploded? Max had been the man of Kailey's dreams since she first met him as a child now years later he returned claiming he loved her but after his body went under mutations. Was it really him or was it the parasite?

passmemycoffee · SF
42 Chs


He gave up finding his wife and kids...for now, anyway for he was dead to them. It hurts still and he hopes to find them one day but he doesn't think he is in a great hurry anymore. He might be happy here. With her. His kids will be provided for, from his insurance upon his death so he wasn't too worried. Plus, he had to deal with the fact that they probably have moved on by now. New husband too. His wife. At first, it crushed him but he's had time to come to terms with it, after all, it's been years.

In the beginning, he felt he was going crazy looking for them and now he needed a break. A rest, away from everyone and everything. He felt like a douche for doing this but he thinks he might be in love with her. And according to Max... All's fair in love.