

SharonAurora · 都市
2 Chs

WHO is father


                   Morenikeji Ayobami wakes up to the smell of breakfast with a smile on her face. She looks up at her husband. "Good morning my dear husband please tell me that nice smelling plate of food belongs to me." laughs. She sits up He pecks her husband and takes the plate of food. "Thanks. You are all dressed up. I thought you said you aren't going to the clinic this morning." "I didn't   plan to, dad called that there is an emergency meeting and we all have to attend. I promise to return early though." "I can call him" He shakes his head. "You know how dad is, I don't want you getting upset. I will call Dami to come over to stay with you till I am back." "Dami isn't my husband kayode. I need you around not my sister-in-law" "You are already getting upset Keji calm down. Please for the baby's sake." "The baby will be due soon and it will his or her dad around when it is on his way into the world for the first time. Kayode what if there are complications and Dami isn't here yet." He realizes that it is one of her panic attacks. "My love, everything is going to be ok." "How do you know?" "GOD TOLD ME. He promised that he is in control." Her expression changes. Kayode knows that his wife is not a person who believes in the big man in the sky according to her words.  He knows something happened in her past and that it must have affected a lot of her outlook on a lot of things except including her believe in God. "Keji to get past this matter you need to talk about it. What happened to you?" She looks away tears in her eyes. "I am sorry. I promise to be back early. Promise me you will be fine." "I promise. Now hurry on, so you won't be scolded." We share a laugh. I kiss her and leaves. On my way, I call my sister. "I will leave as soon as I finish my breakfast brother." "Oh, mom says she will also come with me. Do not worry, we won't leave her alone." "Ok thanks. Can you please give her the phone." I hear her passing the phone. "Oko mi, OluwaKayodemi. How are this morning and how is Keji?" "Mommy. How are you this morning?" "I am good, how is Keji?" "Sincerely mom I am worried about her. She's running." "From what?" "I wish I know; I wish she will just tell me what the matter is mom, or do you think I am doing something wrong that makes it hard for people to trust me?" "It's not by power nor by might son, you shouldn't lean on your own understanding ask God for directions. It will have been so much if she was in Christ." "Yes, mom that is true, I am not sure why God chose me but I love my wife." "I know you do. One just as to look at you two to see that. I will see you when you get back. Have a nice day."


I am at home after Kayode left for the office. I sometime hate my father-in-law for not considering me when he calls him away for duty. I know that he never believed I am the one for his son so he doesn't treat me like his daughter-in-law. He preaches love and oneness but does not practice what he preaches. He treats me this way because I am not a believer. But my mother-in-law and Dami has been great. My past defines me, that is what was hammered into my hears as a child growing up. My past, it isn't something I like to talk about or even remember it is something I will like to put behind me. I rub my belly feeling my baby move and smiling to myself happily. Knowing my son will not go through what I did as a child is enough to keep me happy. Kayode is good to me and I am sure he will love his children. The doorbell rings and my mother-in-law and Dami comes in. I rise immediately. "Mother, good morning" "Good morning Keji, how are you and my grandchild this morning." "We are fine thanking you. Please come in." They come in. Dami is Kayode's big sister. Happily married with 2 children, Dayo and Bayo twins. Mama was sick so Dami had gone to help my father-in-law in taking care of mama. "I am about preparing breakfast. Wil you like some?" "We already had ours. What will you like to have, I will prepare it. Kayode told us you suffered another panic attack." "I am sorry to have bothered you all, I can't help it sometimes." They smile, before long we are settled having fun. I had forgotten about my father-in-law's ill treatment of me. 4hrs later, while we all are preparing lunch Kayode arrives. He joins us in the kitchen, "Hello how are my 3 favorite people?"  I walk up to him. "Welcome back Kayode mi, how was your day?" He pulls me into a big hug. "I am sorry about earlier, I already told daddy I am not coming back to work if it isn't really necessary and they do not have a choice." "But you are a doctor, how about your patients. I have handed them over to another doctor, if he needs help, he will contact, right now I want to focus on you and our son, you are my priority." Mother clears her throat. "Ok lovebirds, we are also here." We both laugh. AT the dinning later, I feel uneasy. Then my water breaks. "Uhm everyone, I think my water just broke. Their spoon stops midway. "Are you sure about that?" The first contraction hits and I squirm nodding. Kayode face gets cloudy immediately, if not for the pain I am in, I will have laughed. "Ok you two should calm down, where are the baby things Keji?" "I will get them, please help her to the car. We drive to our family clinic.


I look at my wife as she lay on the bed asleep. It is a very happy day for me. Even the issue between myself and my dad got resolved and he apologizes sincerely for the way he has been treating keji. He was even one of the doctors that delivered. My son really takes after his mother. I smile now understanding the way my dad feels, the feel of overprotection. Keji stares awake. The first thing that comes out of her mouth is her nickname for me." Kayode mi." I sit up my face brightening at the sight of her. "Keji, hi. Welcome back." "I remember a little bundle. Where's our son?" I move to his cot and picks him up, walks back to her and hands him over to her. "Hello, little one. My name is Morenikeji Jasmine Ayobami and this is your dad…." She says taking my hand. "OluwaKayode Mokorede Ayobami. You have a grandpa, grandma, aunt, uncle and cousins. I am going to call you Remilekun Joshua Jeromy Ayobami. After your grandfathers." This surprises me. That is the first thing I will hear of her family. "Your dad's name is Jeromy?" She nods. "Jeromy Peter Akintola. He died when I was six years old." I drop the topic though I am happy she is finally opening up. That's the most I know about her past. She's about to say something when my family comes in. "Keji you are finally awake. Good to see you healthy. She laughs and then I noticed that this is the first full hearted laugh I have heard from her. The baby is truly a miracle boy. My dad comes in with a bouquet of Red and golden roses in his right and tulips in his left. "I know I haven't been the best father figure, but I am hoping we can start all over." "No problem, sir. Nothing in this universe will make me happier. I do like flowers my dad always got me one when I was a little girl. Roses for me, tulips for momma." "Where are they?" "Special daddy died when I was 6." She says and stops the line of conversation with her no uncertain tone we all know to well. "Dad, everyone meets my son, OluwaRemilekun Joshua Jeromy Ayobami." The look in my dad's eyes tells me he also sees the connection. He turns to me mouthing, we need to talk. I nod. Three days later, my wife and son are discharged to go back home with me. We all go to my parents, to spend the holidays. My dad and I start to look into Keji's background. We want to find out what is going on with her.

2 years as dad and I drive back home I am still in shock. "You don't have to keep everything buckled up if something is up, ok I know what's up. Why are they driving back with us?" "I am going to confront her and if they are with me, she won't be able to deny it.  I can't believe this. She said she's an orphan." "Kayode, I advise you take it easy and hear her own side of things before you take a drastic decision that you will regret. I nod. "Ok let us do it this way, I will drop you at home, while I and the Bamise's return to our home. Have a word with her, we join you after 2hrs and be careful." "Thanks dad."

I am home with Remilekun reading a child's novel to him when Kay drives in. "Mama papa is back" "Yes baby. He comes in. "Papa!!!" Our son calls, because of the environment I grew up in, I know he isn't in a good mood and I become scared. "Esther?'' He calls our domestic staff. "Have this money, take Remi and Quadric the 3 of you should go have the dinner. Don't stay too long." This makes me more nervous. "Kay Is something wrong?" "Oh, I don't know junior, you tell me." "You met my adoptee's?" I ask. He faces me shocked. "They are the only ones that call me junior. Look I can explain it is a long story." "Of course, You can." He hisses and walks out angrily. He enters his study shutting the door. "Are you really shutting me out because of strangers. He does not answer. I leave the study's entrance. I enter the room and is surprised. I drop my tray of fruits.

I remember what dad said about giving keji a chance to speak for herself. I hear something drop and Keji yelp. I hear hushed voices. Her and a male voice. I keep hearing her repeat father. Leave us alone, I am never returning to the home, so excuse me. She sounds scared. I decide to intervene. "Keji, darling. It's everything ok? Open the door." "You see what you've done." I hear the man's voice echo angrily. I hear the window open and Keji scream, then a thud. That does not sound good. I hear a car start and Esther scream. I run downstairs and the scene I meet freezes my blood, Keji is laying on the floor with blood flowing from her head and Quadric too at the gate shot in the leg. My parents, the Bamise's arrive with Dami and Ade. Dami takes my son and my mom leads Esther inside. I and dad run to Keji's limp body. I check her vitals while dad checks her wound. "What happened?'' "We had an intruder. Please attend to Quadric." "Who was it?" That is Sope, her foster brother asking. "I do not know. Please call an ambulance. Dad, please help me. Quadric are you ok?'' "Yay oga. Madam dey ok?" I couldn't answer that. The ambulance arrives and we drive over to the hospital.


I pace the waiting room, nervous, they succeeded in removing the bullet from Quadric's leg. I wish I could go in to check on the progress. "What happened?" "I do not know. After confronting her, and she was acting nonchalantly, I went into my study to await your arrival. Not too long afterwards, I hear her and someone arguing in low tones. I couldn't really make out what was being said, but she kept repeating the word father. At a point, she raises her voice a little saying he should let her be. This is when I decide to interfere. I try opening the bedroom door, but she locked it. Then an angry voice says, you see what you've done. Then the window opens and I hear Esther scream. The rest you know." Sope paces. "When we were kids and she stayed with us, Jasmine is always having nightmares and she keeps repeating the word *Father* in it. I usually thought she was thinking of her late dad." "No, he's special daddy. The 2 times she ever mentioned him that is what she called him." "Then who is father and what is Keji running from." Ade says coming in. "Mom and Dami are keeping Remi and Esther busy." We nod. "Before us, she was a street child maybe some street lord." I don't think so, but Keji alone can shine some light on this situation. The doctor treating her comes out. "She's going to be alright, thankfully, there is no serious injury done. A little cut on her head, and a twisted wrist and ankle. It seems she must have tried directing the impact to her hands and legs." "Alright thank you doctor, but how about a concussion?" "We have treated her incase of that and after she wakes, we will do an x-ray on her to be sure and be on the safe side. Also, when she wakes, do not serve any liquid until she tested in any case of internal bleeding. Congratulations once again. Please excuse me." The doctor leaves. The next morning, we are allowed to go check on her. What we meet takes us all by surprise. My wife Morenikeji Jasmine Ayobami is praying.

After Kayode knocked on the door, father jumps out the window taking me with him. Thank God for the few things I learnt concerning protecting yourself in such situation. I made him a body shield and we fall after which he pushes me off me a couple feet from the floor then I used my hand instead. I blacked after hitting my head on the flower vase. I dream of heaven the place where special daddy thought me about at the beginning of my life and special daddy himself. "Little flower." He said calling me my childhood pet name. "Special daddy.!!!" I call and goes to hug him. Crying profusely. "You are all grown up. How are you?" Then his countenance changed. "Jasmine, you need to go back, it isn't your time yet." "No dad I want to stay with you. Please don't send me away." "If you choose to stay you won't be with me still, you will end up in the lake of fire forever. You kept malice against your creator, you have grieved the holy spirit." "I do not want to end up in hell, I want to be happy and make it to heaven, but what can I do?" "GO BACK!!! Talk about what is grieving your heart. The devil hates a united family and you are giving him a foothold in your home. Go back Jasmine, go back my little flower, I love you." "I don't know how" "Open your mouth and he will fill it with words, but first open that beautiful mouth." He leaves in a bright light that makes me bow my head hiding my eyes, opening it I am in zan hospital and taers are running down my cheeks. "Lord Jesus, it is me, Jasmine. I am sorry about my transgression, please I am sorry for grieving and hurting your beloveds. I am lord please have mercy and accept me back into your flock. I leave FATHER to you deal with him as I surrender my all. In Jesus name I pray." I hear a chorus of amen and I open my eyes and I am surrounded by everyone I have ever loved in my life, except my biological parent. Kayode is by my sided the minute he realizes I am awake. "Keji, darling. Are you awake?" I open my eyes and stare at his worried gaze. "Hi, yes, I am awake. Please help me sit up." He puts his hands around me and lifts me off the bed as I sit up. "I turn to the Bamise's. "Sope, papa. Good evening." "Jasmine, Good morning. You don't seem surprised." "I know Kay found you." I look away. I feel Kay's hand on my shoulder. "Are you in pain?" I shake but this brings a splitting headache. He rings my bedside bed. "A nurse will come take you for Xray." "We need to talk, all of us." "Why are you so cold? Jasmine you are acting like an emotionless machine." "You know nothing about me, so don't act high and mighty around me. You aren't the judge of me." "Really, after the disappearing stunt you pulled back then." "You know what I think I should have stayed so you will be on this bed not me." "What are you talking about?" I withdraw this side is my defensive. I know they are mad at me and I am not ready for this so I am going on the offensive. That evening Dami and mother-in-law arrives with Remi. I am really happy to see my son. All this while I am still wondering how to do what special dad said. Open up, he had said, I have shut myself in for way too long and I have no idea how to loosen up. "Oh God please help me."


Two months later, Keji has been discharged from the hospital. Since she became conscious after the attack. Earlier this afternoon, she had called me and asked I contacted our extended family and the Bamise's, she wants us to meet all of us later in the evening. I and the Bamise's arrive together while she's in the kitchen with our son. I join them. "Good afternoon…" I greet I enter. Keji turns to me smiling, the first one I have seen on her since the attack. "Hi love, welcome back. Please did you deliver my message?" "Yes, your foster parents returned with me." A sad smile crosses her face. Dayo comes into the kitchen and the cousins leave the kitchen together as Remi has come to adore his older cousins. I walk up to her and takes her by the waist. She freezes then relaxes to my touch. "Shouldn't you shower before the meeting?" "I will. Let me enjoy this moment with you." She turns to face me. "I am sorry about the way I have treated you all these past months. You will understand this night. I want to tell you the story of my life. I want to tell you about "Morenikeji Jasmine Akinwale. Me. So please go freshen up and keep our family busy, food is almost ready. Please send Sope or Dami in. I need help." "Sure, I will send Dami." We laugh and I go in. I take a cold shower, change into something casual. 30 minutes later, I return to the family. The dinning is set. Quadric and Esther are also there. "Good evening, sir." "Good evening to you both." We all have dinner and we put the little ones to sleep. In Remi's room, I ask her… "You invited Esther and Quadric?" She nods. "I think they should also know what is going on especially after what happened that night. I think I owe them that much, especially Quadric." "It's alright, shall we?" She nods and we return down stairs. I take my sit and she across from me facing everyone. "Thank you all for agreeing to meet me. I want to explain myself to everyone. I have no excuse for my attitude so first I will I am sorry. My name is Morenikeji Jasmine Akinwale. My parents are Mr.  Jeromy and Mrs. Joanna Akinwale. I am the only child .20 years ago, I was 6 years old, I was at home with special dad. I just finished sketching him and he sent me upstairs to pick his canvas, he was a very talented artist though he left as a hobby. While upstairs, I heard voices from the Livingroom followed by a gunshot. I hid under the bed, until the cops found me after momma returned. After special daddy died, mom lost the will to live. One day after losing everything, mom takes me to an orphanage promising to come back for me after she's back on her feet. That never happened. 6years later, I was adopted by father. The man that broke in that night. Had the sister known they wouldn't have allowed him adopt anyone."  She stands up.  "Excuse me, I need a drink, does anyone want one?" "Water will do?" I answer and everyone answers nodding. She leaves for the kitchen. She returns with bottles of water and a bottle of beer. "I drink when I am down. I also smoke at times." She says opening the bottle of beer. She takes a mouth full. "So Jasmine, what happened after you were adopted?" "Well, it turned out father is running a secret serial robbery and fraud organization and children and the foundation of it. We were fighters, killers, hackers, great swimmers and runners. I am a fighter and hacker. 4 years after, I was 16. I adored father so much and he adored me also, he claims I am one of his best disciples, but I never felt good hurting people. At this time, I had lost my faith in God. I felt he is the reason everything in my life is going wrong and meanwhile, father made us worship him and he alone." She pauses and takes another gulp. "Esther please get me another in the freezer." She nods. After Esther returns. "Things changed this year; I hacked my childhood home's cctv and found out that …" She starts to cry, sob actually. Mr. Bamise goes to her. "Jas it is alright. What did you find out?" "Father killed special dad." We all gasp. "I was heartbroken. I considered killing him or exposing the group Buti knew it will get me nowhere. I burnt down his office instead and escaped, you found me and the rest is history, you know."


I complete my story and take another gulp of my beer to stop the flow of tears. "I am sorry I got you all involved in this mess. I left your place then because, father has trying to find me, so I have been moving from one place to another. I never stay in one place for too long. At least, until I got married. It has been great, don't get me wrong, but look what happened 2 months ago. Father found me and if not for your interventions I might have either died or forced to return to the gang. This my life." Everyone's head is bowed. "This is what you are running from." "Sorry what?" "We always knew you were running." "I guess. I miss my family. When I was in comma, I saw my dad and he told me it is either I return or go to hell. He told me when I do return, I should do this and find my momma. I called these meeting to pass the information and tell you that I will leave if that is what you all want." "Of course not." "Not?" Kay joins me. "Keji you are just a victim of circumstances. And remember; 2cor: 5:17. 'IF ANY MAN BE IN CHRIST, HE IS A NEW CREATURE.


I look into my husband's eyes and I see love and happiness radiating in it. "I love you Morenikeji and we are united. Remember it is for better for worse.  We are in this together." "What did \I do to deserve your love?" "I am the one that does not deserve yours, I am happy you allowed me into your life." I hug him crying. "So, what do you want to do now?" "I will file a report against father after which I am going to pay the orphanage a visit and try to find out if mom dropped any address, if not I will try online, a couple of hours will find her. I hope she wants me back." He hugs me tighter. "Alright," He releases me as everyone comes to hug me. Esther and Quadric stand up too.  "Aunt Keji, Esther says. "We aren't mad as a matter of fact we respect you more. We thank the almighty God for protecting you till this day." I smile at her. This is a new beginning for me. I need to find mom though. Life is good and God is filling me more happiness. I am making the best of my new life. Dad is also good and Remi soon starts school. I start a little business. Online business as a consultant for a forensic force. I work from home, and I am searching for my mom too. The orphanage was shut down 10years ago after the sister was killed and the children scattered. The building is under lock and key.


It is summer holiday. I and Kay with Remi, invites our extended family to celebrate with us. I and Dami goes to an Ice-cream stand to buy for the children and soft drinks for us adults. I am controlling my alcohol intake and they all helping. I remember the face of the ice-cream seller. Special dad always brings mom and I hear every summer during summer. As a matter of fact, we owned 2 horses and a beach house and a lot a sand castles. This is what I was telling Dami, when I sight a woman walking head bent, with a sad look on her face, picking pink, red and blue sea shells. I freeze completely in my tracks. "Keji? Are you ok?" "Please call Kay. I need him right now." "Stay put." She leaves and I start towards my mom. Halfway there, I hear Kay's voice. "Keji!!!" I stop looking back at him. "What's the matter? Are you hurt?" I notice everyone except the children came. "No, I am not hurt. Look see that woman, the one in the sunflower gown." "I see her. The one picking seashells." I nod. "That is my mom, Mrs Joanna Akinwale performing the Akinwale family summer ritual. The picking of red, pink and purple seashells, it is used to decorate my room in spring." "Wow, that's lovely and that means we found your mom." She nods. "What if she doesn't not want to have anything to do with me." "Don't that that way Jas, look there she is gathering decorations for your room." "Jasmine's room. Not Keji's." "I am sure it wouldn't matter. She just wants you back. No one will want to lose you. If you are up for it let's go give her back her daughter. If you were her and Remi you, would it have mattered?" My mother asks. "No, it wouldn't. You are right. Kayode mi please come with me." Everyone else hugs me wishing me God's guidance. Kay takes my hand and we start walkover to the beach house. What I found stops me in my tracks. A lot of children and teenagers, doing one thing or the other together. They turn as we arrive. "Hi guys", I say. "Hi." "Please I want to see Mrs Joanna Akinwale." "Arte you here for the memorial?" "What memorial?" "Oh, then you must be a newcomer. Once you enter the first room on your right is the place." I whisper to Kayode. "My playroom." He takes my hand encouragingly and we walk in together.


We arrive in the playroom to find my mom arranging the sea shells she picked decorating in the room Just the way we used to back when I was a child. She notices she's not alone and turns. "Mrs Joanna?" Kay calls as my voice. "Yes? Good afternoon. Are you here for the programme?"  "I … No ma." "Ma do you recognize this young girl in this picture?" I ask bringing out my photograph, the one she left me in the bag she parked for me the day she took me to the orphanage." "This is my little girl, Jasmine. She is dead. Her memorial is what we are doing today. But please where did you get this photograph?" I start to cry hugging Kay not able to give an answer. Once Father adopts a child the child is dead to the world. He changes the person all together, my name is Starfire from the movie Teen titans. "Ma, my wife's name here's maiden name is Morenikeji Jasmine Akinwale." Her gaze snaps up. She takes my right hand, raising it. She's checking my birthmark. "Omma!!!!"  I call bursting into tears. She pulls me into a hug. Crying heavily. "Jasmine, Jasmine my darling. Sister told me you died. She said… My God. "I cry also. "I missed you so much. See, I did not destroy your playroom as a matter of fact I just picked your favorite summer seashells. Pink, red and blue." I step into my playroom. Memories of my childhood comes calling. "Kayode mi see this." He enters the room. " Red and golden roses." I nod. "Jasmine but how did you know I will be here." "Oh, I saw you picking the seashells earlier. Omma, will you like to meet my son and in-laws?" "You haven't even introduced me to your husband officially." I blush. "Omma, meet OluwaKayode Mokorede Ayobami and Kayode mi, meet my mom, Mrs Joanna Akinwale." He prostrates to greet her and Omma pulls him up. "Thank you for taking of her for me." "No ma, it is the other way around. She's the that deserves kudos for taking good care of I and our son." "Son, I have a grandchild?" "Yes." I say feeling the proud. "Can I meet him?" "Yes, he and our family are on the public side of the beach." "Then what are we waiting for? I want to meet all of them." I nod. The three of us leaves. She tells the group outside that she will be back.


It has been 6 months since I saw Omma. WE are forming the broken bond but I have not been able to tell her everything I went through despite her several attempts to get me to tell her. One day, Omma sends for me with an address to meet up. I arrive at the address and sees the big name. It is a palace built on large field. It is filled with cheerful sounds. I step in and I see a group of children playing around. Happy, it different from the one I grew up in. I sight Omma and a group of teenagers singing a hymn. I sight a group of instruments at one corner. I pick a guitar and plays to their song. *WHEN PEACE LIKE A RIVER* After the songs, the whole place was silent bas I discover everyone as gathered. Then an applaud starts and before I know everyone is clapping. I go to my mom and hug her. "Gooday Omma." She hugs me back. Then takes my hand. "Everyone meets my daughter Jasmine Morenikeji Ayobami. The long lost supposed dead Jasmine." They clap. "Then alone says, "Welcome home sister." "Thanks. Omma and I start towards the building. "Where is this place?" "I t is a little something. It's an NGO. Like the one we wanted to start before your special dad died. It is out to help families in the situation we were in or families in dire need of help. We are out to help them financially and provide job opportunities with our sponsors. The children and teenagers are the kids from the street that O tried to home and give a better life after I thought I lost you. There are also volunteers among them that work here during the holiday or weekends." That is good. I think. "I invited you here, so I can introduce you to it. I know you have a job and a life outside, but…" "It is ok mom. I actually work from home so I am available. I will have started right now, but I will like to tell Kayode first. I don't think he will be against it, but I think he should know from the onset set." "Of course. I didn't expect an answer right away. Thank you, Jasmine." We hug. That night I tell Kayode and he agrees as I knew he will, he as a matter of fact dropped a donation of 5 million naira.




It has 4 years since I found out about Wale social help. It is named after special dad. I worked full time in the Ngo. Dami also works as a volunteer. Today as I arrive in the office, Dami walks up to me. "Omma wants to see you. We have a new case and she wants us working on it. She wants to brief you herself." "Alright." We both head towards Oma's office. We arrive, knock and enter. She rises to welcome me into her embrace as she has always done since I was a little girl. I notice a man sitting down. "Jasmine please sit down. Meet Mr. Daniel Omokore, our new client. Mr. Daniel meet one of our ambassadors who is also my daughter. Because of the seriousness and urgency of the matter I will be leaving you to her able hands. Jasmine, I will leave you to it." "Yes Omma."  Mom leaves us as Ashe goes to handle other pressing matters in the hostel. We have a new girl and her pregnant teenage sister. "Please have your seat." "Mrs Jasmine?" "Please call me Keji. So, mom says you are going to brief us personally. Here with me is my partner, we will be working together on this case together. So, what can we do for you?" "My name is Daniels friends call me Dan. Actually, I am here on behalf of my friend. His name is Ore Oluwa Adegeshin. He was one of the workers that lost his job during the last relay of workers and ever since, he and his wife has been finding it hard."

Ayomide is in her flat, happy and awaiting her husband to break the Goodnews to. After 5 years of waiting, God has finally answered my prayers and blessed us with our own child. Though Ore Oluwa doesn't believe in God. I know it has something to do with his past. We were 12 years old when we were promised to each other. He was kidnapped when we were 15. He was rescued/ found when I was 20 years old and we continued my relationship. Though at that time he was really strange. A year into our marriage I genuinely gave my life to Christ but this has a constant bone of contention   between us. I miss the little Ore who invited us to church, the one that is always teaching psalms as children although all that time I was just a church goer. Now that boy is no more, he is replaced by an atheist who doesn't believe in God. I am praying to God constantly for his soul. I hear his car drive in and stand up adjusting my clothes. He comes in on a call. I start forward, but he raises3 hand his to stop me. "What were you thinking preaching to our Mus