
32. I want to Rampage

Once we set foot on the island and seeing nothing, but the beach and a giant forest, we decided to separate and explore the island separately, meeting here again at nightfall. Which is around eight or nine hours away, as its already noon, when we came here.


"Be careful Alex, we don't know what to expect."


"Mhm, I will. But you should be careful too."


"Don't worry I'm pretty strong already."


Two hours have already passed, since I left and explored on my own. I went for the East side of the dozens of kilometer long Island and until now, found nothing interesting, some small water streams with fresh water, some normal wild animals and trees, trees as far as I can see, it's truly disappointing.


I even had my Search Domain active the whole time, looking for something hidden or living beings, but like I already said, I only found normal animals and nothing else.


But let me explore for two more hours, before returning to the meeting point.


I was growing up inside a jungle island, so I didn't get lost and still knew exactly how to get back. I only hope Alex, will be able to do the same.




Now that I think about it, maybe separating wasn't the best idea. I only hope she won't get lost, or getting into an unexpected situation.




My domain picked up something else, other than an animal just now.


Let's check it out.


As I was making my way towards the new signal, I activated the Silent Domain, but only for 3 meters around myself, as it really only muffles my sound, to those outside my domain, in addition to the Search Domain, as its still the best for tracking, or is it? Maybe I should make a new domain, a tracking domain. But that has to wait for later. First I should check this new signal out.


As I was slowly getting closer and closer, I could finally make out what entered my Search Domain, it was a human.


A man, around 180 cm tall, dark skin, short curly hair and many tattoos, that resemble some tribal tattoos from Africa in my old world. He also carries a wooden spear in one hand, and a wooden bow and arrows on his back. He looks like a hunter.


He was currently crouching on the ground and looking at a patch of grass, what was so interesting about that, I couldn't tell. Probably a trail of some wild beast, but I don't know, as I'm unable of this traditional tracking method.


Anyway, after crouching and looking at the patch of grass, and looking a bit at his surroundings, the tribal man seemed to have picked up the trail and moved towards the south eastern direction. The same direction I was coming from.


Jumping onto a nearby tree, and switching the Search Domain for the Attack Domain for a short moment, to flatten the earth of the path, I just came from, and switching back, I looked as the man was nearing the spot I just jumped from.


I hope my attempt of erasing my tracks worked.


Since I have never done so, I can only hope that this amateurish and brutish attempt would fool this hunter.


I wasn't really scared of him, as with my experience, that I now have after fighting for two years I could somewhat tell, the rough strength of my opponents. This of course was very rough, and didn't consider if the person had a devil fruit or some other special techniques.


For example, Rear Admiral Horin,  who recently gave me some trouble, I was totally unable to accurately estimate his strength and underestimated him greatly. That's because of both his devil fruit, and him being able to use Soru.


And I had to put the strength of this hunter, then it would be around a normal pirate of the East Blue. So nothing special, but that wasn't the reason I didn't want him to discover me.


I wanted to hide myself, because I plan on following him back to his tribe. Maybe I find something something interesting there.


Maybe they even have a ship.


I didn't plan to steal it, if they are civilized enough, I wanted to trade with them.


But first I wanted to survey them, and see how they lived. If it's even possible to trade with them. And if not? Well I didn't think about it yet, but still, simply stealing a ship still felt wrong somewhat.


Ah I shouldn't think about it. Let's see if they even have one to begin with.




The hunter just came under the tree where I was hiding and stopped in front of my try at hiding my tracks. He slightly frowned as he looked at them and looked at his surroundings. His gaze even swept near my location once, luckily he didn't discover me in the dense treetops.


After seemingly discovering nothing,the hunter frowned even deeper, but then simply shrugged and continued in the direction, he previously traveled.


Puh. Lucky!


He didn't discover me, I really didn't want to knock him out.


As the hunter slowly followed the tracks he discovered, I soon found the prey he's been following with my domain. It was a boar. A pretty big one, probably enough for 5 or 6 families for one meal.


Soon the hunter saw the boar too. He then crouched on the ground and slowly made his way over to a strategically good spot. He took his bow and aimed at the boar. Shot. And hit. Directly into  ist head, killing it.


All this looked very fluid and trained. He also made no sound the whole time. Something even I struggle with. Only showing his experience.


After killing the boa, the hunter used the surronding branches, grass and a rope, which he made from the surrounding grasses, and created a makeshift pushcart, but without the wheel, to ease the transportation.


After he finished he then slowly dragged his prey deeper into the forest, while I kept following him.


Two more hours passed, since I started to follow the hunter, and I got slightly impatient, if I wanted to make it back in time, I soon had to turn back, but now following this hunter for two whole hours I was slightly unwilling to turn back without anything to show for my efforts.




I will follow that stupid hunter for another quarter of an hour then I would turn back, no matter if I found anything.


Fortunately after another five minutes of following, my domain finally picked something new up.


Buildings, people farms and some animals, behind fences.


This looks like a small primitive civilisation.


I no longer waited for the hunter and instead moved ahead of him, I wanted to take one quick look around, before turning back to the meeting point.


This small settlement, really reminded me of a small village. Outside the village were some farms with crops, then came a small wall, which enclosed the whole village inside a bit of protection.


Inside the village it was well organized, as there were seemingly three areas. One, the biggest, was full of houses, where people seemed to live, another was some kind of small market, where all kinds of people, traded their wares. Hunters their hides and bones of the animals they hunted, the farmers their crops, and then there were also some kind of tailor or other such professions which sold their good.


Lastly there was a district with a massive temple. It looked like some of the old Maya temples. But that temple wasn't the only thing in the district, as behind it there was something like a prison.


Many cages with different kind of beings inside. Mostly wild animals, who were still alive, the exception were 5 cages. All with people inside.


3 Darkskinned woman, with tribal tattoos like the rest of the community. But also two white people.


One a man. He had average height for normal people of around 170 cm, long orange colored hair, that went past his shoulders, a big long beard  which reached beyond his chest and brown lifeless eyes. Looking more closely, that man had a very dispirited appearance. His hair and beard were dispelled and dirty, his body, scrawny, looking very malnourished. His skin being a very unhealthy white and in some parts of his body one could even see his bones sticking out of his skin. One could see some black and blue spots on his arms, legs and exposed body, too, obviously coming from repeated beatings.


Overall, he looked like he was mistreated over a long period of time and kinda broken.


As for the last person it seems…


To be Alex.




Fuck did they capture her?


Seeing my crew mate and friend in a cage, especially after seeing the state of the male I grew incredibly angry, even slightly leaking my Conquerors Haki. But I quickly reigned it in.


Now isn't the time to fall into a rage. First I have to save her and then go on a rampage.


Spending two years alone hunting Pirates, let me indeed get more vicious, as I know that rampaging, probably meant a massacre.


But they captured my first real friend in my age range.


Yeah I was friends with Shanks and Mihawk too, but my friendship with Alex went deeper. It's like I had already told her. I saw her as my family member, once she joined my crew. And now seeing her captured, and seeing the state of that man, I don't want to imagine what they would do to her.


But let me not think about that, or I might start my rampage early. I should first think about a plan to safe her.


If they were able to capture her, then that means, that there should be someone strong amongst this tribe. Looking at Alex, she didn't seemed too injured, which was both good and bad. Good as she didn't get injured, but bad, as that meant, that her enemy overwhelmed her.


So let's see what I can do.


The village was around 500 meters from one end to the other, so I should be able to cover it with my domain if I stood in the middle, not that I would do that, as that would literally shout to the tribe, look I am here, an outsider!


And looking at them capturing Alex, they didn't seem that friendly towards outsiders.


Now then the cages of the prisoners, were more on the outskirts, so I should be able to break her free, once I jump over the wall and into the village. The problem with that, was that just in the part of the wall that was by the prison, a small tower was erected. Looking like a watchtower, for both the prisoner area and the outside of the wall.


But that wasn't that big of a problem, as I had my ways to mask my movements.


The bigger problem, was that I didn't know where this boss of the tribe is, or how strong he is. Or if there is even more than one person, who is strong.


After thinking for a while I pushed my Search Domain to the max it could currently reach, which was 260 meters, even with two domains. This was possible, as my Silent Domains was only 3 meters wide.


Anyway, with my Search Domain this big, I then set a new search option in it, searching for the strongest enemy it could find. I then started to run around the village, but as I had to stay a distance away from the village I couldn't reach the core area of it with my domain.  But this wasnt that important, as I wanted to only rescue Alex, who was at the outskirts of the village.


After my initial scouting, I found out, that many of the stronger villagers, gathered around the temple, which was bad, as the prison was just besides this temple.


But although this is bad, I was still able to from a plan soon.


The plan was actually pretty simple, and similar to my first thoughts.


My scouting, not really changing anything about it. Simply because this is already a good enough course of action. At least for this kind of backwards village.


I would wait for the midnight, then using my Mist Domain, to hide myself, sneaking into the village, freeing Alex, then taking her out towards a safe location. Then I would return and go on a rampage, venting my anger.