
Whistle of Chaos

At the end of the Earth's destruction in 2368, researchers who managed to create a spaceship and artificial intelligence called Defender, set out on a journey to find a new habitable planet. Then managed to find a planet that has a very large photon power, namely Planet Veda. In order to create peace, the Defenders and Veda formed a space fleet, namely Whistle. To protect Whistle from the attacks of dark creatures named Vedarios and Dolls, Veda creates special artificial intelligence called Returners namely Sachi and Navile. Their mission is to protect the Defender, Whistle, as well as the power of the Vedas. Together with the other Defenders, they began to explore space to find other planets. However, repeated attacks from a group of dark creatures called Dolls and Zero's organization put the Whistle Fleet at risk. Can Naville and Sachi protect them all?

Tieria_Liu · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Chapter 5

A cold wind of unknown origin continued to blow as Navile and Sachi battled the monsters crystal to protect the protective veil of Mort's sealing monument—humanoid Dolls that had ravaged the Whistle Fleet a hundred years ago.

The flashes of lightning from Sachi's magic kept on flashing and making a deafening sound every time it hit the black crystal monster. On the other hand, the clanging sound of Soul Boa's sword that Navile used to crush the crystal monster's ribs, caused an irregular rhythm along with the sound of Sachi's lightning magic flashing.

Every now and then the corner of Navile's eyes caught a glint of lightning that felt like a rampage, punishing the monsters that wanted to pierce the protective veil of the sealing monument. His adrenaline continued to spike every time he saw that flash of lightning, as if he and Sachi were competing to destroy more and more monsters faster.

Navile raised his sword high above his head, his movements looking like he wanted to split the ground where his enemies were standing. As he swung it vigorously, a faint purple light enveloped the Soul Boa sword he was holding. Instantly the purple light turned into a shockwave that rippled across the ground after Navile swung it vigorously.

The monster of crystal that were hit by the shockwave from Navile's sword couldn't move and slowly the crystal covering its body fell off, revealing a terrifying throbbing red patch. But Navile was not satisfied just there. He raised the Soul Boa's sword again and slashed the red part that opened wide.

Pieces of jet red light scattered in the air as Navile delivered his final blow. He also enjoyed the moment, when his enemies were scattered. With a swift movement, Navile swung his sword from top to bottom right, his movements like a knight finished with his mission.

However, just as he wanted to walk towards Sachi who was still battling several monsters, wanting to mock that he had finished off the monsters first, a cold wind blew again. And, this time it was colder than before. It seemed the air around them wanted to signal that the task was still not done.

Along with the cold wind, black mist filled the air, making the monument area covered in the darkness.

"They're coming again?" Navile muttered as he positioned his sword in a state ready to fight again. He looked around, his instincts telling him that fighting wasn't as easy as he thought.

The Dolls dimensional gate which was about half a meter above the ground appeared to the right and left of Navile. The monster of crystal that were much bigger than Navile were also scrambling out of the spiral-shaped dimensional gate shining blackish red.

Navile strengthened his fighting stance, the sword in his hand was ready to welcome the crystal monsters whose shape was different from the monsters that appeared the first time.

A monster that looks like a human but its entire body is covered in black crystals. Some of the monsters carried very sturdy looking shields in their right hands, some in their left hands, and some of them carried large paws.

A pair of small red eyes, a nose and a mouth that was not quite the size of its body adorned the cone-shaped head of the monster.

The shock grew stronger as the huge monsters scrambled out of the dimensional gate. Pointed hands that were also made of crystal gripped the dimensional gate, while dozens of other monsters looked impatient to come out and prey on Navile.

Not quite there, a gate of a larger dimension suddenly appeared behind Navile. The ground shook even more violently, a rumbling that made the feeling of discomfort even worse.

Navile turned his body and opened his eyes even wider, his attention focused to the larger dimensional gate. A few seconds later, Navile's curiosity was confirmed. A huge spider-shaped monster that was also part of Mort's army-whose entire body was covered in crystal finally came out.

Long, pointed legs stuck to the ground, while a pair of claws that were not very sharp kept moving open and close. It was obvious that the monster was targeting Navile. Its mouth that was hiding between its two claws opened and revealed a row of irregular teeth that were stained with black liquid.

The spider monster moved slowly, one by one its feet lazily stepped. Yet his every little movement was able to shake the area of ​​the sealing monument.

Navile opened his eyes wide, looking for the monster's weak point which was usually a red crystal. On its legs and body there are no red ribs like other monsters. Finally he guessed that the weak point was hiding behind the head of a monster that was the same size as a monster with a shield in hand.

Navile turned to Sachi quickly, wanting to check on the girl before he started attacking the spider monster that would surely give them more trouble. A few seconds later Navile had already shot towards the spider monster that was seven meters away from him.

His eyes fell on the curve of the monster's legs that he wanted to use as a foothold to climb onto the monster's back. But just as he was about to jump, the monster's claws moved faster than he expected.

Navile immediately dodged the claws that wanted to catch his body by ducking and then moving quickly to the monster's blind spot. It was better to dodge than to waste energy making unnecessary movements, he thought.

Unexpectedly, the lower part of the body that Navile estimated was a blind spot. It turns out that part of it is one of the dangerous places. The spider monster immediately bent its four long legs and dropped to the ground when it realized that Navile was beneath it.

A loud thud accompanied by a violent shaking was felt as the spider monster's massive body hit the ground. Hit hard!

In that short time, Navile didn't think that the monster could do such a strange thing. the long, crystal-covered legs that have no internodes can actually fold in half. Apparently the black crystal that covered the monster's legs was hiding the red ribs that Navile was looking for.

"Naville!" shouted Sachi. Her attention was diverted from her enemy when hse heard the deafening sound earlier. Her eyes widened as she searched for the figure of Navile who was nowhere to be seen. Where she believed Navile was, there was only a crowd of monsters that were clearly hunting for Navile.

Sachi raised Elysion's wand and aimed at the crowd of monsters with a shield in her hand. A yellowish white magic activation pattern was formed in a matter of seconds. The sound of thunder was heard as a series of balls of lightning emerged from the magic activation pattern on the tip of Elysion's wand. The lightning balls immediately shot and formed a circular formation that cornered the enemy.

Although moving slowly but surely, the magic in the form of balls of lightning that Sachi released filled the crystal monsters with helplessness. The black crystal that protected the body of a monster that was twice the size of an adult human slipped from its place. The red throbbing parts of the monsters seemed to struggle. But Sachi gave them no mercy, the formation of lightning balls continued to narrow, forcing the monsters trapped within to jostle each other.

Once again Sachi formed lightning balls magic to restrict her enemy's movement. In the midst of an unexpected situation, Sachi looks for Navile who hasn't shown hiswhereabouts either.

"Hey…Naville! Your jokes are not funny!" shouted Sachi in annoyance. The annoyance turned into a worry because Navile didn't give any response.

"Did he fail to dodge the monster's attack and get killed?" mumbled Sachi.