You may have heard about a lot of people fighting for the crown but have you heard about a crown fighting for the king? A Well that abandoned people choose to cherish one, six kingdoms on land but one that doesn't exist. One that should have been in the dark but isn't, and one that should have been hidden but isn't. Hidden from the whole world, a tale of the crown, that tells the story of an obsession.
"Class of what?" Ophni asked with a confused expression.
"Shackles, your highness," Gage responded with a smile.
"Professor, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?" Ophni asked over while beaming.
"No, I had a really good morning today " Gage replied while presenting his best smile.
All of them were surprised to see the pile of shackles—no one noticed Feron, who was emitting a menacing air while seated on his chair.
"But what are you going to do with it?" Arlo asked.
"These are for all of you to use," Gage replied with a smirk.
"For us? " Lydan signed.
"Yes, you all will be using it to practice your spells today," Gage replied.
Before turning to the index page in front of him again, Ayrton peered at the shackles with his glasses before reading the third line: "shackle remedy."
When Lynorr felt something sinister close by, she looked to her right and saw Feron staring down at the table with black smoke billowing from his fritters. She jerked back, drawing everyone's attention to her. She had been reading the same page as Ayrton.
"What happened? " Arlo asked in a surprised tone.
"Feron..." Lynorr grunted.
All of them looked toward Feron when they saw him with a grim look on his face, black smoke was arising from both of his sides "What happened to him?" Ophni asked while looking at Lynorr.
"I don't know I was reading the book when I felt something and when I looked to my side, he was in this state " Lynorr hastily said.
"Feron? " Ayrton called out.
Feron opened his eyes as they were closed before, his hazel eyes were dark black—all of them abruptly stood up from their seats and went into a corner after peering at Feron's eyes except for Gage, who was standing in front of Feron.
"What's happening?" Lydan's notion muttered when he was haled by Ayrton into a corner.
"Why is this happening," Gage murmured as he took a little step toward Feron.
"How did he get like that?" Arlo said while gaping at the smoke beside Feron.
"This is the first time when we didn't feel anything before he get into this condition," Ophni said in a curious tone.
"He has gotten stronger," Ayrton said out loud as everyone looked at him.
Lydan stood with others while gaping at Feron with an upset look on his face—he had no idea of what was going on there "He is cursing, what was the reason for him to be like this?" Ophni said.
Feron's half body was covered with black smoke that was emitting from his fritters—Gage set at his place as soon as he saw the black smoke dissolvable-defensive that was girding the rooftop area.
"How can it be?" Gage murmured.
"Professor if you're going to something then it should be now, do something before he started chuntering and cursing us all here," Arlo said in a shaky voice from behind.
"But I don't even know what was the reason for him to be like this?" Gage bayed as the wind started blowing in the separated area.
"This is bad, my all-defensive barriers in the fog are getting weakened," Gage muttered.
"The burned books," Lynorr holloed from behind.
"Books?" Gage said with a confused expression.
"That's it! Professor, you said something about burned books a while ago that's what triggered him," Arlo said.
"Excuse me, books!" Gage said as he got more confused.
"I remember now, he's a book-obsessed piece of s***" Ophni murmured in an irked tone.
"We've to ease him, professor, the word of the burned book was too much for him," Arlo said.
"He loves books more than humans," Lynorr said.
The wind started blowing heavier—Gage stepped forward toward Feron "No one is allowed to intrude in unless you want to die," Gage said.
"We won't even if you say we should" Arlo murmured.
"Feron?" Gage called out as he stepped near Feron.
"He won't gonna heed to you," Ayrton said.
"Why!? " Gage thundered.
"The heavier the smoke will be the lessen hail ability he'll have," Arlo said.
"Why do I feel like they all are playing with me," Gage's notion muttered.
Gage was a few steps away from Feron when he started chuntering–a subcaste of fog formed around Feron, and in the blink of and his body was wholly covered with fog—Gage froze as he saw the fog that was covering Feron was now turned into a thicker black smoke.
"It's not working" Gage murmured.
"All of you step outside, I'll be using my powers now," Gage said as he darted his finger—a side of fog faded, revealing the mountains out.
"Your powers can hurt him," Ayrton said.
"Do you see another way besides this one?" Ophni said, gaping at Ayrton.
"There has to be a way," Arlo said.
"No one told him to get obsessed with books," Ophni said.
"You should blame his powers not him," Lynorr said.
All of them were worried for Feron—They didn't notice that Lydan, who was gaping at Feron with an upset expression, was now left with a blank expression as if he was someone else.
Lydan could only feel that he was standing there, but he couldn't control his body—no matter how hard he plodded to move it was all in vain–he started quivering when in all the chaos the sound of whispers echoed in his ears.
Feron who was at a sand table where he couldn't harken anything, suddenly heard the whispers as his black smoke started to disperse—Feron was coming back to his consciousness as his blur regard fell on Lydan, who was standing in a corner with others.
"His smoke is dispersing," Gage said as everyone looked in the direction of Feron.
Feron's vision gradually started to get better—he suddenly gripped his hand into a tight fist, and he tightened it to the point where blood started dripping from the impaling of nails in the palm.
His body started trembling as a horrified expression crept on his face all because he saw something behind Lydan that was beyond any explanation.
To be continued...