
Sugar and Spice

Sara took a deep breath as she walked into the quaint little bookstore, the smell of old books and coffee enveloping her. This was her favorite place in the whole city, ever since she first discovered it during her college years. Now, ten years later, not much had changed. The worn armchairs by the windows still beckoned visitors to grab a book and lose themselves for hours. The tall, crammed bookshelves still held treasures waiting to be uncovered. And Old Joe still sat behind the counter, smiling through his bushy white beard.

As Sara made her way to the back of the store where her favorite armchair awaited, she saw a man browsing through the cookbook section she just passed. He looked vaguely familiar even from the back, with broad shoulders straining against a casual button-down shirt as he ran a hand through short brown hair. Sara shrugged it off, an image from her past that her mind was playing tricks on her with. She had more important things to focus on - the sweet romance novel freshly delivered yesterday that she was dying to start. Curled up here lost in the pages was her favorite way to spend a Saturday afternoon.

Just as she settled into the overstuffed armchair, Sara heard footsteps approach. She looked up to see the man from the cookbook section standing there holding a book with a sheepish grin.

"I'm so sorry to bother you," he started, his warm brown eyes meeting hers. "But I was hoping you could help me find a good book? I love cooking but I want to branch out into baking too. You just seemed so into the book you're reading, I figured you must come here a lot and could recommend something good?"

Sara couldn't help but smile at the question as she tucked a strand of auburn hair behind her ears. Any other Saturday she may have been annoyed at the interruption, but there was something so endearing about this man and his simple request.

"Baking is so fun and rewarding," she found herself gushing as she set her novel aside. "Especially as we head into fall. What kind of baking interests you most?"

The man's eyes lit up as Sara stood and began leading him back towards the cookbook section, listening intently as he described his amateur chef adventures and dreams of finally mastering his grandmother's snickerdoodle recipe this holiday season. By the time they had picked two beginner baking books for him, Sara was still finding excuses to continue the conversation, surprising herself with how easily her usual shyness slipped away in his presence.

"Well, I'll let you get back to your reading," the man said after several minutes spent swapping kitchen catastrophe stories. "Thanks again for all the great tips..."

He trailed off and Sara realized they hadn't even exchanged names. "Oh gosh, sorry, I'm Sara! And you're so very welcome..." She hoped he would fill in the blank of his name, still racking her brain trying to figure out why he looked so familiar.

"Luke," he supplied with an embarrassed chuckle. "I can't believe I didn't even properly introduce myself either when I so rudely interrupted your peaceful reading. I appreciate you humoring me anyway, Sara."

"Of course! I love talking books and baking, so this was fun for me too." Sara tucked her hair behind her ears again, feeling suddenly shy. "Well, good luck with those cookies Luke!"

"Thanks! Enjoy your book Sara, and your regular Saturday escapes here. See you around." With another grin that lit up his eyes, Luke gave her a little wave and headed off towards the register to purchase his books.

Sara curled back up in the armchair, but try as she might to focus on the pages in front of her, she kept glancing up hoping to catch one more glimpse of Luke as he left the store. She couldn't remember the last time she'd felt such an instant connection with someone. It was funny, too, because the more they had chatted, the more familiar he had become until she could almost picture him...in an apron decorating sugar cookies.

Suddenly the image clicked into place. Luke, her old college friend Emily's cousin who joined them for homemade holiday baking sessions once a year. The one Sara always had a tiny crush on but was too shy to think he'd ever notice her. Her heart fluttered remembering the Christmas seasons they had crossed paths, how kind and funny he always was. And apparently still was, all these years later.

Sara peered out the bookstore window, hoping on the off chance to see Luke out on the street, maybe catch up to him again. But he was already long gone, the crisp autumn sidewalks bustling only with strangers. She couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. She should have gotten his number, asked if he might want to grab coffee sometime and catch up properly. Missed opportunities like this were why she was perpetually single.

With a sigh, Sara picked her romance novel back up, determined to lose herself in the happily-ever-after story since her real life clearly wasn't headed that direction anytime soon. But the words blurred as she found herself daydreaming instead - about the way Luke's eyes had lit up so earnestly discussing baking. The tactful way he had complimented her intelligence and reading choices when asking her opinion. His broad shoulders and warm laugh that drew her in from the very first moment.

Maybe she was meant to have run into Luke today after all this time, Sara suddenly thought with a spark of hope. Maybe there were still second chances to take. She could stop by again next Saturday, see if Luke showed up once more seeking recommendations as he delved into his new baking hobby over the weeks ahead. Perhaps with patience and a little holiday magic, this rediscovered connection could turn into the sweetest romance novel she'd ever read - her very own.

Buoyed by a cautious optimism she hadn't felt stir her heart in ages when it came to dating, Sara nestled even deeper into the oversized armchair and turned the page. She had a good feeling the rest of this book might actually hold her interest today after all thanks to a certain someone on her mind instead - and maybe a holiday cookie or two to get her through waiting until next Saturday rolled around once more.

Over the next week, Sara found her thoughts continuously drifting back to her interaction with Luke at the bookstore. She replayed snippets of their conversation in her mind during spare moments, the way his eyes had lit up talking about baking bringing a smile to her face. More than once she caught herself daydreaming about what he was up to, wondering if he had attempted any of the recipes from those books yet. What his kitchen looked like. If he might also be hoping their paths would cross again soon.

By the next Saturday Sara was practically giddy with eager anticipation as she pushed open the creaky bookshop door, the cheerful jingle of the bell above it matching her mood. She made a beeline towards the oversized armchair in the back, smiling innocently when Old Joe lifted an eyebrow at her not even perusing any of the new releases today. Letting her latest romance novel fall open in her lap, Sara discretely peered over the top of it towards the cookbook section, curious if a certain amateur baker might be browsing there again like he had mentioned hoping to do last week.

To her great disappointment however, no broad-shouldered men were searching the shelves nearby. With a sigh, Sara did her best to focus on the story unfurling in her hands instead of craning her neck around the rest of the cozy bookshop searching for Luke. He had never actually said he was planning to come back again today, she scolded herself. Perhaps he had gotten busy baking at home now that he had those books she recommended. He was probably elbow-deep in cake flour and sugar glaze at that very moment instead of thinking about her.

Still, Sara couldn't help but feel her heart sink a little at the vacant armchair next to her that was usually occupied by other loyal bookstore patrons. The one she was currently envisioning Luke's kind eyes peeking at her over the top of whichever cookbook he might be immersed in if here right now. The afternoon stretched ahead lonely without even a friendly chat about new recipes or kitchen disasters to look forward to brightening her day. With another wistful peek towards the tempting treats under the glass counter near the register that she usually only let herself indulge in after an excellent reading session, Sara did her best to focus on the story open in her hands.

She was just getting lost again in the pages a little while later when Sara felt a light tap on her shoulder that made her pulse inexplicably begin to quicken before she even glanced up.

"I know that look. Novels that suck you in right from the start are the best, aren't they?"

Sara's face broke into a wide smile to see Luke standing there just like she had been hoping, with a good-natured grin of his own.

"They really are the best kind of books," she agreed, thrilled he had remembered their conversation last week. She quickly moved her bag from the empty chair next to her in invitation. "The only thing better is having a good baking session alongside for snacking fuel, right?"

"You read my mind!" Luke's eyes glinted happily at her offer to join as he scooted the chair closer and held up a small paper pastry bag. "I brought us a little something I baked this week to motivationally fuel your reading and my recipe hunting today too. Triple chocolate cookies to mark my first baking attempt surviving without burning down the kitchen!"

"A monumental milestone," Sara praised with a grin as he offered her one of the still-warm chocolatey cookies. It was rich and fudgy, with just the right balance of sweetness and texture. She was no expert, but could already discern the effort and care that had gone into the batch.

"Luke these are incredible! I can't believe this is your very first try at baking something like this."

His smile grew impossibly wider at her genuine reaction to his treats, those twinkling brown eyes making her heart do its own little flip.

"Why thank you! Let's just say I have a good feeling I'm on my way now to finally mastering my grandma's famous snickerdoodles thanks to a great book recommendation from this lovely woman I keep bumping into here." Luke gave her a playful wink before reaching towards a shelf nearby to select a promising new cookbook full of holiday recipes and settling in comfortably beside her.

Sara felt her cheeks flush, butterflies taking flight inside at his flirtatious banter. She ducked her head behind her own novel to hide her involuntary grin. Maybe she had just found something even more enthralling than the book spread open in her hands after all.

They fell into an easy rhythm then, an effortless camaraderie that felt as natural as though they did this every Saturday. Reading paragraphs aloud that made them chuckle and pausing now and then to debate things like whether fruitcake was underrated genius or inedible concrete. Luke enthusiastically showing Sara recipes he bookmarked to attempt soon, her pointing out desserts that looked perfect for his holiday cookie ambitions when he asked for an extra opinion.

Outside the cozy bookstore, the autumn afternoon passed by unnoticed. Inside, a spark was kindling, an undeniable connection threading Sara and Luke together just like the sugar and butter and flour melding on the bake shop pages they both couldn't seem to get enough of. It was simply perfect.

Until suddenly Sara glanced up to catch sight of the clock and realize with a start it was already past closing hour. She had been so caught up chatting and snacking with Luke that she'd lost all track of time. Old Joe stood at the front of the shop, keys jingling in hand with an impatient look towards the two stragglers still cozied up together in the back.

"Oh gosh, I think we got so into discussing the merits of letting cookie batter chill properly that I forgot poor Joe here needs to lock up and head home!" Sara exclaimed. She reluctantly slipped a bookmark into place and closed her novel, watching almost wistfully as Luke did the same.

"I blame myself and my chatterbox enthusiasm once I get going about baking. Thanks for letting me invade your reading time again, Sara." Luke neatly stacked his chosen cookbooks and popped the last melting bite of a triple chocolate cookie in his mouth before standing and offering her a hand up too. "Can I walk you out at least so our bookshop owner here doesn't ban me for oblivious lingering?"

Laughing, Sara let Luke pull her to standing, trying not to focus on how perfectly her hand fit tucked inside of his larger one. "I suppose I can allow an escort out to save you from exile," she teased gently. "But only if you let me repay you for the lovely cookie snack first."

Sara pulled a crisp five dollar bill from her wallet and pressed it towards cranky Joe as they approached the register, waving off Luke's attempt to hand him his own money too.

"Friends don't let friends get banned from bookshops," Sara said firmly at Luke's raised eyebrows. "Especially favorite friends I still have so much still to chat books and baking with." She hoped the hint of shy invitation sounded smooth rather than obvious in her boldness.

But the way Luke's face lit up and he reached to hold the shop door open for her to pass through first, Sara thought maybe he had caught her meaning.

"Well in that case, can this favorite friend walk you to your car at least?" Luke asked hopefully, falling in step beside her as they meandered towards the small parking lot around the corner. The autumn evening felt cooler suddenly now that Sara no longer had a cozy bookshop chair - or the warmth of Luke's shoulder accidentally brushing hers as they debated recipes - to keep the brisk air at bay. She shivered slightly, wishing she had grabbed her heavier jacket this morning.

Noticing her reaction, Luke quickly shrugged out of his own coat and wrapped it gently around her shoulders before she could protest. The scent of chocolate and spice now surrounded Sara from the lingering ingredients on Luke's clothes as his body heat instantly chased away any remaining chill.

"What kind of favorite friend would I be if I let you get cold?" He asked with a crooked little smile.

Sara was sure he could see her blushing this time as she hugged his jacket closer around herself. They had reached her little blue sedan now, their time together once again cut short by reality.

"Thanks for another fun Saturday, Luke," Sara said softly, shyly meeting those kind brown eyes gazing down at her and trying to sum up the courage to take her own daring chance. "I know the best way you could repay me..."

She trailed off meaningfully just as Luke's face lit up.

"Name it!" He encouraged eagerly. "More cookies whenever you want them, extra book recommendations...I'm all ears."

Sara grinned, pulse racing. This was it, time to throw her cautious nature to the wind. "How about dinner sometime instead?" She held her breath watching surprise, then joy spread across Luke's handsome face at her bold invitation.

"Sara Stephens are you asking me out on an official date?" His eyes danced playfully, but she could hear the hope behind it. The happiness they both were feeling in this moment tangibly swirling in the small space still separating them underneath the glow of a nearby streetlight.

"I am," she managed to confirm without her voice wavering. "I figure you've more than proven you actually like spending time discussing books and baking all afternoon with me, Luke Taylor. And something tells me an evening out together talking over pasta might be even more enjoyable for both of us..." She raised an eyebrow coyly.

His laughter was contagious. "You got me. I can't pretend I didn't plan to stop by here again hoping to run into a certain adorable bookworm who apparently loves listening to me ramble about cookies."

Luke gently reached out to tuck back a lock of windswept auburn hair behind Sara's ear, his fingers trailing sparks against her cheek. When he continued, his voice was soft and sincere. "I'd love nothing more than taking my favorite girl out for the perfect date night to get to know her even better beyond this bookshop. When are you free next, Sara?"

The promise in his words wrapped around her heart as tightly as his coat was embracing her shoulders, keeping the cold world at bay. This felt so incredibly right. She had never believed in fairytales or romantic destiny, but maybe just this once the stars had aligned perfectly after all.

"I'm free tonight if Italian takeout back at my place works?" Sara heard herself offer impulsively. Home on the couch chatting the evening away rather than some crowded restaurant suddenly sounded infinitely more appealing when it came to getting lost in those twinkling brown eyes for hours.

Luke's smile broadened impossibly wider. "You read my mind exactly. Lead the way!" He opened her car door like a true gentleman, stealing one last lingering glance her direction before circling around to the passenger side.

As Sara slid behind the wheel and turned the key in the ignition, the engine humming smoothly to life beneath them, her heart felt like it was soaring too. This felt powerful and right, as if she had discovered missing pieces she hadn't even realized were vacant slots in her world and watched them click flawlessly into place.

She couldn't stop smiling over at the man beside her, feeling lighter than air despite having just met Luke again. Well, rediscovered him technically. But somehow she intuitively knew a single evening together laughing and talking wouldn't be near enough time now that they had found each other once more.

Her favorite book - their story - was only just beginning, but the promise of the yet-unwritten pages stretching ahead already pulsed between them brighter than the golden rays of the setting sun bidding the last Saturday of autumn adieu.

Over heaping plates of spinach ricotta ravioli and glasses of rich red wine, Sara and Luke fell into easy conversation just as effortlessly as they had back in the cozy bookshop earlier that afternoon.

Time slipped by unnoticed as favorite books and baking disasters turned into reminiscing about ambitious attempts when younger to make Christmas desserts like Luke's grandma. The cozy Christmas Eves their families had overlapped for parties over the years past that fatefully intertwined their lives for this moment.

"I can't believe you actually do sort of remember me from back then!" Luke exclaimed late into the evening, topping off their wine glasses for a third round as he gestured towards the photo on Sara's fridge of the two of them grinning with frosting-smeared faces behind a lopsided gingerbread house.

"Of course I remember you!" Sara smiled, leaning into his sturdy shoulder as a pleasant tiredness from wine and laughter settled over her. "I always thought you were the sweetest guy. So thoughtful and funny. Not to mention cute," she added with a playful nudge and was thrilled when Luke's pleased grin glowed even warmer.

"You were definitely the only girl I ever wanted to lick frosting off of," he teased back, brushing a stray crumb from her cheek so tenderly that Sara felt her breath catch.

Across the kitchen, the clock chimed faintly, reminding her just how many cozy hours had passed tucked up close together on the couch reminiscing and connecting. As Natural as breathing despite hardly knowing one another as adults. And still, Sara wished the night didn't have to end.

An impulsive idea struck her then. "Since you're clearly as bad at baking as me still, want to give those gingerbread houses another try now for old time's sake?"

Luke's eyebrows shot up in delight. "At almost midnight? Are you asking me to stay over, Sara Stephens?" His voice dropped lower, that seductive rasp that had been making her pulse race all evening winding even tighter around her heart.

Suddenly all Sara could focus on was how badly she wanted to kiss him.

"Yes. Stay a little longer?" She whispered. "We can bake and talk and just...be together." Biting her lip, Sara dared to meet Luke's heated gaze again, electricity charging the air between them. "Unless you have better plans to get to of course."

A heartbeat of thick silence pulsed where she had left her tempting offer hovering. And then Luke's mouth was urgent against hers, kissing Sara until she was dizzy and breathless in the most delicious way. Strong arms wrapped solidly around her, pulling their bodies flush in blissful contact.

"I can't imagine anything better," Luke finally managed raggedly when they broke apart just enough to fill starving lungs again. His tempting lips grazed her ear, voice low and wanting. "Nothing better than you, Sara. Tonight and maybe...every night, if you'll have me?"

Joy erupted through Sara in fireworks. She answered by kissing him again, losing herself in Luke's arms.

Eventually they did make it back to baking gingerbread houses amongst hungry caresses and playful laughter. Only this time, there was no one Sara would rather be decorating cookies and making an inevitable mess with than the man she had fallen for across book pages and sweet confections.

The clock ticked towards sunrise and still they talked effortlessly about hopes and dreams and favorite recipes. Sara knew without a doubt now that she had been falling for Luke since the very first smile he gave her in that bookshop weeks ago and every minute afterward. She only hoped this was the beginning of a lifetime of laughter and love still to come, the first pages of a romance story she would never tire of getting lost in every day by his side.

Midnight gingerbread kisses and talking until dawn was only the start of their beginning. Happily ever after was the end goal glittering like sugar crystals ahead - and Sara knew she was looking right at her Mr. Right.

In the softly glowing days that followed their first magical stay-up-all-night-baking date, Sara felt like she was floating on air. From stolen midday coffee breaks to long evenings walking under streetlights hand in hand with Luke, rarely a minute passed now when they weren't together.

And when they were apart, Sara's phone pinged continuously with sweet little messages he just couldn't resist sending the second she crossed his mind. Recipes Luke wanted her opinion on, funny memes that reminded him of conversations they'd had, candid photos capturing behind-the-scenes looks into the baking adventures he embarked on more frequently than ever now thanks to her encouragement.

As December peaked around the corner though, Sara and Luke were most looking forward to their already-declared tradition of Saturday afternoons spent curled up in the back of their favorite bookshop once more. With peppermint mochas and gingerbread men procured from the bakery counter to fuel their reading, they cherished their cozy little haven away from real-life obligations, a place to simply snuggle close uninterrupted for a few blissful hours and chat about anything on their minds.

Which is why Sara couldn't wait to see the sparkle of delight in Luke's eyes when she shyly presented him with a gift one chilly Saturday afternoon underneath the familiar glow of old Joe's shop - two matching mugs with their names intricately lettered across one side, a different beloved book quote wrapping around each handle.

"Just a little something to commemorate bookstore date days and lazy Sundays," Sara explained, suddenly wondering if engraved couple's mugs might be coming on too strong only a few weeks in. "I know it's cheesy but—"

Her nervous rambling was cut off swiftly however by Luke's crushing kiss, brimming with so much heartfelt emotion it nearly brought tears behind her closed eyelids.

"It's absolutely perfect," he declared sincerely, gaze unwavering adoration as he cradled the mugs gingerly for closer inspection like they were fine China teacups instead of painted ceramic. Already envisioning a future of them being put to regular use Sara could tell by the warmth blooming across Luke's handsome face. "I love them. I love you."

"Yeah?" Sara whispered back, heart swelling fit to burst hearing those three little words from him at last to solidify this was real, not just some fantasy her overly romantic imagination had conjured up.

"Truly. Madly. Deeply, Sara Stephens." Luke punctuated each affirmation with tender kisses until Sara was dizzy in the sweetest way. It was better than any novel she'd ever read, and the happily ever after promises were just beginning.

"Good. Because I'm pretty crazy about you too," Sara finally managed to giggle once she caught her breath again, playfully tapping the tip of Luke's nose with her fingertip before pulling both treasured new mugs protectively close to her chest.

The sight made Luke laugh aloud too as he slung an arm around her shoulder and reclaimed his engraved vessel, raising it high in official toast.

"To us and a lifetime of bookshop date days together ahead," he declared merrily, eyes dancing brighter than the multi-colored holiday lights now decorating the shop windows.

As they clinked mugs and Sara snuggled even closer against Luke's sturdy frame, she knew in her heart this marked the first of countless magical Decembers just like this they had to anticipate in their future. Already she was picturing them returning here with little ones in tow one day, teaching tiny eager minds to love books and baking and this charming place that had brought their souls together just as much as that first magical kiss.

For now though, Sara let her mind wander no further ahead than thoughtful discussions over whatever novel captured their interest today and delicious new recipes to attempt baking soon never very far from their chatter. Luke's tender caress up and down her arm lulling her into an almost dreamlike just-right contentment.

This blissful book nook world they had stumbled into together was only the start of something beautiful, but Sara soaked up the rosy glow of new love surrounding them now with starry-eyed gratitude anyway. She had a wonderful feeling that when the time came to inscribe their own incredible epic tale across pages edge to edge, today's memory would serve as a most magical beginning to the sweeping romance story a decade in the making, written amongst books and baking treats and smiles meant just for each other.

my first romance story on webnovel ;)

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