
Whispering Realms: Apprentice of the Ethereal

In the mystical lands of ancient China, young Mi Xingzhe, an unassuming village boy, finds his destiny intertwined with celestial forces when he becomes the apprentice of the enigmatic sage, Li Luoning. Thrust into a world of arcane arts and eldritch creatures, Mi must navigate treacherous trials and cultivate his spiritual prowess to protect the realms from looming ethereal threats. As he delves deeper into this mystical world, dark secrets unravel, challenging his beliefs and forcing him to choose between the path of power or the road to righteousness. Will he rise to become a protector of the ethereal or succumb to the shadows lurking within? Join Mi Xingzhe in his enthralling journey through the "Whispering Realms," where every whisper of the wind carries the weight of ancient secrets and the promise of transcendent power.

Bonnie_802 · ファンタジー
86 Chs

Roadside Interlude

"O Shinan, it's quite a coincidence to run into you here. I haven't had the chance to thank you for the Dragon Kui Pills you gave me last time," Yue Ruling said.

O Shinan quickly placed his slender fingers on Yue Ruling's lips, signaling her to keep quiet.

Startled by O Shinan's sudden proximity, Yue Ruling instinctively froze, her cheeks flushing as she nodded slightly in acknowledgment.

The celestial soldiers nearby whispered among themselves, amused to see their usually composed commander blushing like a young maiden.

"Ahem, you go patrol over there, I'll join you shortly," Yue Ruling dismissed the soldiers and then turned back to O Shinan, fidgeting with the sword at her side before asking, "O Shinan, did you come here to see me for something?"

"The little pills from before are not worth mentioning, Commander Yue. What did you need the Dragon Kui Pills for?" O Shinan had been curious since Yue Ruling had last asked him for some blood-invigorating pills, which she mentioned were for Yun Wan Nian.

"It's nothing much, just for my junior brother to keep handy. After all, I can't ask the Medicine King for something as precious as the Zihan Shuo pearls too often, so I had to ask you for some other pills to prepare for him," Yue Ruling explained.

"You really take great care of Yun Wan Nian," O Shinan was indeed surprised that Yue Ruling would pay such attention to a junior disciple of Mirror Cloud Residence.

"He really suits my temperament, and I'm just worried about him getting bumps and bruises whenever he gets drunk. It's not good to let his master know, so I secretly keep some pills for him."

"Oh? Do you often drink with Yun Wan Nian?" O Shinan inquired.

"Not often, but sometimes we have a little drink at the Starlight Pavilion. If you don't mind, you could join us next time for a relaxing drink," Yue Ruling invited with a smiling face.

"Thank you for your kind offer, Commander, but I really can't hold my liquor. However, I heard about your ordeal in the human world, and your successful return to The Liao Yin Immortal Realm should be a joyous occasion. Why do you seem so worried today?" O Shinan asked earnestly.

"It's nothing much. I just went down to the human realm with my master to increase my cultivation, but since coming back, things have felt very strange," Yue Ruling admitted, feeling a bit troubled by the topic.

"Oh? What's troubling such a formidable commander as yourself? Perhaps I can help in some way," O Shinan asked gently, fanning himself with a dark wooden fan.

"It's just strange that while others remember something from their time in the human realm, I remember nothing at all. I wanted to ask my master, but he has been in seclusion since we returned and didn't tell me why," Yue Ruling said, clearly worried.

"It seems you're unaware of what exactly happened. Going to the human realm and returning to then enter seclusion is common for us, and I've heard it's a habit of your master's. Maybe he just forgot to inform you this time," O Shinan replied, trying to offer some clarity.

"Oh, I see. Still, he should have at least informed me," Yue Ruling finally felt relieved after hearing O Shinan's explanation, though she felt a bit sad not knowing something that even O Shinan was aware of.

"You shouldn't worry too much. Crossing over to the human realm is a common practice. I happen to have some pills my foster father recently made for restoring cultivation. If you don't mind, please take them. After all, returning from such an ordeal usually drains one's energy," O Shinan said, handing over a vial of pills.

"How could I possibly accept this?" Although Yue Ruling verbally hesitated, her hand was already reaching out for the vial, drawn by O Shinan's handsome face.

"Helping others is the duty of us medical immortals. There's no need to be shy; please, take it with confidence," O Shinan insisted, placing the vial into her hand.

"Then, thank you, O Shinan. I owe you another favor and will surely repay it in the future," Yue Ruling accepted the pills, convinced by his reasoning.

"I must attend to some matters today, so I won't stay any longer," O Shinan said as Yue Ruling accepted the medicine, and after a polite farewell, he left.

"Thank you, then," Yue Ruling responded in kind.

O Shinan didn't look back. His tall figure drifted away into the distance, waving his hand lightly before departing.

"O Shinan is not only good-looking but also kind-hearted, always ready to offer medicine. I must find an opportunity to properly thank him. Ah, his face, more beautiful than a

 woman's, I wonder who could match him in the future." Yue Ruling mused, then chided herself, "Why am I thinking about this? It's none of my concern," and then she headed towards the Lianzhan Pavilion.

Meanwhile, at Wuming Demon Mountain, Hua Ruoying was worried about the strings for her instrument.

"The Ice Silkworms live deep within the Ice Bamboo Forest, but they only spin their silk on the Immortal Spirit Grass, which isn't something you can just find anywhere."

"If only I could get my hands on some ready-made Ice Silkworm silk," Hua Ruoying mused, tapping her fingers and resting her chin in her hand.

"Speaking of which, I haven't seen Qingping for several days. Ever since I brought him back to Wuming Demon Mountain, he was constantly pestering me to take him around. How come he's suddenly disappeared these past few days?" Thinking this, she decided to go out and look for him, and just as she stepped outside, she stopped a passing demon soldier to ask.

"Hey, have you seen that boy I brought back a few days ago?" Hua Ruoying inquired.

"Are you talking about Young Master Qingping? I heard he went down the mountain a few days ago," the demon soldier replied.

"He went down the mountain? What would Qingping suddenly go down there for?" Hua Ruoying was surprised to hear that Qingping had left the mountain.

"Sister Ruoying," just as she was pondering this, she heard Qingping calling her from not too far away.

Looking up, she saw Qingping approaching, his body dirty, with minor scratches and some dried grass in his hair, and bruises on his face, but he was smiling happily as he ran towards her.

"Where have you been these past few days? I've been looking for you," Hua Ruoying said, grabbing the disheveled Qingping.

"Ruoying sister, this is for you," Qingping replied, extending his hand with a box in it. 

"What's this? Ice silkworm silk? Where did you get this?" Hua Ruoying asked, surprised upon seeing the contents of the box.

"I stole it. At the temple at the foot of the mountain, the abbot has a precious robe made from ice silkworm silk. So I sneaked in and stole a few strands," Qingping proudly confessed.

"Qingping, are you crazy? You're a demon, entering a temple could at best injure you, at worst cost you your soul! Are you out of your mind?" Hua Ruoying was alarmed to hear that Qingping had stolen from a temple. Considering Qingping's low magical power, a single talisman could obliterate him, let alone entering a temple.

Sure enough, when Hua Ruoying pulled Qingping closer to inspect him, she found his hands severely burned and his body covered in wounds.

"Ouch, haha~ Ruoying sister, I'm fine. I asked a young monk for help, explained the situation. The young monk hid me in his robe and took me inside. I just got a few minor injuries," Qingping tried to downplay his injuries, attempting to appear nonchalant.

"Stop kidding around. Since when would a temple's young monk help a demon?" Hua Ruoying was naturally skeptical of his story.

"It's true. The young monk said it was fated that he should help me, that assisting me was part of his destined good deeds," Qingping mimicked the monk's manner as he spoke.

"Enough with your stories. Next time, don't go off doing such dangerous things alone. If I find out you've snuck off the mountain again, you'll have me to answer to. Come inside, I'll apply some medicine for you," Hua Ruoying still didn't believe him but began treating his wounds, pulling him back into the house.


In the forest depths of The Flatland, within a shadowy estate,

"Is everything taken care of?" the cold voice of Nan Ze came through his mask.

"Reporting to the lord, it has been done. The little shadow demon went to the temple as you had informed. We ensured he obtained the ice silkworm silk and saw him safely back to Wuming Demon Mountain," a black-armored soldier reported.

"Go," Nan Ze dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

Nan Ze was gazing at the hibiscus beads on his wrist, reminiscing about his encounter with Hua Ruoying. It seemed as if every motion she made was playing in slow motion in his mind, his lips curling into an almost imperceptible smile.

"She really is something else," Nan Ze mused, then flicked his wrist, concealing the beads.


Back at Wuming Demon Mountain, Hua Ruoying was applying medicine to Qingping.

"Ow, don't move," she cautioned, her hands moving with extra care.

Just then, a demon soldier knocked at the door and reported, "Miss Ruoying, the Demon Lord requests your presence."

"Understood, I'll be there shortly," Hua Ruoying said, her hand trembling slightly upon hearing that Li Minghan wanted to see her.

Qingping noticed her nervousness, "Ruoying sister, what's wrong?" he asked with concern.

"It's nothing, just stay here and wait for me," Hua Ruoying reassured him, then quickly left the room with her things.


Inside the Demon Lord's palace,

"What was that gu you used last time called?" Li Minghan asked lightly.

"Reporting to the lord, it's called 'Qi Kuo,'" Hua Ruoying kneeled and answered with her head bowed.

"Qi Kuo? 'The pact of life and death, a promise made.' Good, I like it. You're rewarded," Li Minghan smiled, then handed Hua Ruoying a box.

"I know you serve me because you hope to find a cure for the poison afflicting your brother. This pill will suppress the toxins in his body for six months. If you continue to obey, more will follow," Li Minghan said.

"Thank you, lord," Hua Ruoying replied.

Holding the pill in her hand, Hua Ruoying felt mixed emotions, wondering how much longer she would need to endure to cleanse the toxins from herself and her brother.

"You may leave now," Li Minghan dismissed her.

"Lord, I encountered someone in The Flatland a few days ago, someone you might be interested in," Hua Ruoying suddenly spoke up.

"Oh? Who?" Li Minghan inquired.

"Mi Xingzhe," Hua Ruoying knew that Li Minghan had a particular interest in Mi Xingzhe.

"And how are you certain it was Mi Xingzhe?" Li Minghan's interest piqued upon hearing the name.

"I'm sure. He claimed to be Mi Xingzhe and referred to Yun Qingyi as his senior brother," Hua Ruoying explained confidently.

"Really? Did you capture him?" Li Minghan's gaze sharpened.

"Although Mi Xingzhe's cultivation is shallow, he carries a jade amulet on his waist that houses a powerful protective barrier. The moment I touched him, I was injured by the force within the amulet," Hua Ruoying explained, nervous about Li Minghan's unpredictable temper.

"So, you didn't capture him?" Li Minghan's tone was not reproachful but rather intrigued.

"I sensed a signal from the amulet and feared exposing my identity, so..." Hua Ruoying's eyes darted around, somewhat evasive.

"Hua Ruoying, let's make a deal. If you can bring Mi Xingzhe back alive, I will grant your brother Hua Qiuyuan three years' worth of antidote. What do you say?" Li Minghan's voice was full of schemes.

Hua Ruoying was surprised that Li Minghan would offer such a generous reward for the young man, but she wouldn't miss this opportunity.

"I will do my utmost," Hua Ruoying promised, driven by her long-standing efforts.

"But this time, let's do something different," Li Minghan approached, pressing his lips together before lifting Hua Ruoying's chin gently.

Faced with his eerie, ghostly mask, Hua Ruoying felt a flicker of panic but maintained her composure as Li Minghan's cold fingers touched her face.

"I want you to make Mi Xingzhe willingly stay at Wuming Demon Mountain," Li Minghan's eyes gleamed coldly, yet he seemed to relish the moment.

"I understand, lord," Hua Ruoying, seeing Li Minghan's demeanor, could only agree, feeling overwhelmed by the task ahead.