
Whisper of the Emerald Isles

"Whispers of the Emerald Isles": Daniel, a determined college student, grapples with the weight of responsibility and battles long-standing depression after the tragic loss of his parents during a mountain climb. Struggling to care for his younger sister, Ayla, and haunted by unanswered questions about the accident, Daniel embarks on a personal investigation into the mysterious circumstances surrounding their deaths. As he unravels clues and navigates his own emotions, he realizes the tragedy might not be as accidental as believed. With the unwavering support of friends Nofath and Joko, who also bear their own burdens of loss, Daniel seeks strength in their shared camaraderie. Set against the enchanting backdrop of the Khatulistic Archipelago, Daniel's quest for answers becomes a journey of self-discovery, where he confronts his inner demons and the complexities of life. The bond between the trio becomes an anchor amid uncertainty, propelling them to face their pasts and forge ahead. "Whispers of the Emerald Isles" weaves a poignant tale of resilience, friendship, and the enduring power of hope, as Daniel's determination leads him through a maze of emotions and uncovers the truth that lies beneath the surface of his parents' tragic demise. Follow Daniel Unraveling his ancestry and hidden world that always haunt him can he bear this fate and can society accept him and his sister

YWD_ · ファンタジー
7 Chs

2 Hustle of mythical beast

2 Hustle of mythical beast

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, Daniel's journey stands out as an intriguing tale. A young man shaped by tragedy, his parents' untimely demise forced him to mature ahead of his years. With a cool and collected demeanor, he carried himself with an air of wisdom beyond his age. His raven-black hair linked him to his roots, yet his face bore traces of foreign ancestry, lending him an exotic charm.

Standing tall at 1.85 meters in a country where the average male height fell short at 1.7 meters, Daniel's presence commanded attention wherever he ventured. Whispers followed him, eyes stared in awe, and murmurs of admiration spread like wildfire.

"Did you see how tall he is?" remarked Girl A.

"True, but there's something more to him," noted Girl B, her curiosity piqued.

"Perhaps he's a foreigner, or maybe an athlete," speculated the bespectacled boy.

"Meh, he's just an online driver, hardly worth discussing," dismissed the boy's girlfriend.

"Wait, have you seen his jacket?"

Indeed, Daniel's choice of attire was no ordinary one. Clad in a vibrant green jacket, it wasn't merely a fashion statement – it was a statement of intent. A symbol of his passion for combating climate change? No, it was a reflection of his side gig – an online driver cruising through the city streets on his cherished Motorcycle. This very Motorcycle, a heartfelt gift from his late father's uncle, marked a pivotal moment as he turned seventeen.

As an online driver, Daniel reveled in the thrill of the job. Far from mundane, each ride was a unique adventure. The open road brought not only passengers but also encounters with animals and even the divine. Yes, both animals and deities seemed to cross paths with Daniel. From wrong addresses to pets vomiting in his vehicle, each day was unpredictable. And then there was the showdown with the "strongest creature alive" not a mythical beast, but Kaid- no an middle age lady on a motorcycle.

Amidst all this, Daniel found himself in a relentless battle of wits with this formidable lady.

"Madam, why did you signal left when you turned right?"

Chuckling, she retorted, "Ah, that was to let others know I intended to go left by signaling right."

Perplexed, Daniel questioned her once more, only to be met with more cryptic responses.


"how old are you Why are you so ignorant when you are old"


"pls study I know u just buy your driving license and not take a test normally"

"how the f"

"humm that's you still online driver you don't know highway rule I turn on the right light so people behind my can speed me from the right side"

"mam, lady, madam if u want turn left turn on left light and if u want turn right just turn right light are you read Sutasoma book"

" Why aren't you polite to the old lady if your parents do not teach you enough I can teach you"


The exchange continued, a duel of road knowledge and wit.

Two hours passed, and Daniel's encounters left him both baffled and entertained. Seeking solace, he retreated to a nearby place of worship, a sanctuary amidst the urban chaos. Meanwhile, his sister reached out, a voice from home cutting through the noise of the day.

"Hey, heading home now. What's up?"

"Kanda I am home alone"

"Why are u at home now is there a problem"

"No just school meeting"

" Ok ill go home need something?"

"no just go home"

Amid the noises of the city and the eccentric encounters, Daniel's story unfolded, weaving a tapestry of the extraordinary in the midst of the ordinary.