
Whisper of the Emerald Isles

"Whispers of the Emerald Isles": Daniel, a determined college student, grapples with the weight of responsibility and battles long-standing depression after the tragic loss of his parents during a mountain climb. Struggling to care for his younger sister, Ayla, and haunted by unanswered questions about the accident, Daniel embarks on a personal investigation into the mysterious circumstances surrounding their deaths. As he unravels clues and navigates his own emotions, he realizes the tragedy might not be as accidental as believed. With the unwavering support of friends Nofath and Joko, who also bear their own burdens of loss, Daniel seeks strength in their shared camaraderie. Set against the enchanting backdrop of the Khatulistic Archipelago, Daniel's quest for answers becomes a journey of self-discovery, where he confronts his inner demons and the complexities of life. The bond between the trio becomes an anchor amid uncertainty, propelling them to face their pasts and forge ahead. "Whispers of the Emerald Isles" weaves a poignant tale of resilience, friendship, and the enduring power of hope, as Daniel's determination leads him through a maze of emotions and uncovers the truth that lies beneath the surface of his parents' tragic demise. Follow Daniel Unraveling his ancestry and hidden world that always haunt him can he bear this fate and can society accept him and his sister

YWD_ · ファンタジー
7 Chs

1: Malgan, Khatulistic Archipelago

1: Malgan, Khatulistic Archipelago

"Sigh, when will I ever be free to live?" someone whispered.

"Ha? Are you a prisoner whose life isn't free?"

"It's not like that, bro. Since I was in 9th grade, I've battled with depression, and even now it lingers," he confessed.

"Stay strong, buddy. Have you told your sister that I'll have your back?"

"Careful there, who are you? I've got this under control."

This is Daniel's tale, a third-year college student living on his parents' legacy. Alone with his younger sister, they endure the aftermath of their parents' fatal mountain climb.

The rescue team reported their demise due to a landslide. Daniel, driven by curiosity, embarked on his independent investigation, yielding no results. His sister struggled with the weight of their loss. The investigation was eventually abandoned. The perplexity lingered — how could a landslide occur during the dry season without human involvement?

As a new student in the city, Daniel hustles to support himself and his sister. He juggles odd jobs, from being an online motorcycle taxi rider to assisting campus professors. Despite the hardships, he perseveres for his sister's happiness. "This is all for Ayla's joy," he reaffirms.

"Ugh, he's at it again, Joko. Typical Daniel."

"What's it to you? My sister is gorgeous."

"Sure, if you're into outdated and distasteful styles."

Both Joko and Nofath have been Daniel's friends since high school. Bonding over shared parental losses, they've always managed to understand each other, even through their occasional disagreements. Both Nofath Aidi and Raden Mas Joko lost their families around the same time Daniel lost his parents.

"People who are single usually create such a ruckus."

"Ha, like you have a girlfriend."

"You bet, I've got a whole harem."

"Not including virtual girlfriends. Try talking to real girls."

"Well, it's a hassle. Oh, by the way, Daniel, come over to my place tomorrow."

"What's up, Joko? I've had a busy day."

"Don't worry, just drop by instead of me picking you up from campus like before.

And then there's Raden Mas Joko – Daniel's parents and joko' s parents were lifelong friends. They had been inseparable since childhood. Joko's older sister, Raden Ayu Nimas, was in her final year at the Faculty of Traditional Arts in Malgan City. Being the eldest among their group of friends, Nimas had always felt a sense of responsibility towards her younger siblings.

Daniel vividly recalled last month when Nimas had unleashed her fury on him in front of the entire class after hours on campus. Fear, a primal and potent human emotion, swept over him. It triggered both universal biochemical reactions and intense personal emotional responses. That's exactly how Daniel felt whenever he faced Nimas' wrath.

"Haish, just leave me alone."

"Come on, Dani, I'm not responsible if you forget."

"See you later. Unlike you two, I'm not busy. Oh, and don't stray too far. It makes me uneasy when you two are together." Daniel watched the ongoing squabble between them.

"Seriously, how can you call me 'gei'?"

"Give me a moment. I'm straight, unlike Archi. I mean, he's into BNP, and he even proudly displays an Astolfo figurine."

"Your buddy introduced me to an anime that feels like a curse. He insists it's all about harem and slice of life."

"Well, it truly is a harem and slice of life."

"Whatever, **beast**."

"So, what about Astolfo? you had his/her poster and figurine?"

"Well, I can't stand the Fate series. But can you believe I found that girl from the trailer beautiful? I got the figurine back when it was under 500 dollars. Then Fate/Apocrypha came along, and that Sieg's affection for her – or him, really – just annoyed me."

"Come on, admit it without hesitation."

"Fine, whatever. Class is starting. See you later, Daniel."


Watching his two friends walk away, Daniel found himself lost in thought, yearning for a life where he could have a system like those novel protagonists. Regrettably, reality was far from a game.

"Ugh, I have work to tackle."