
Telling the Truth Part 2

"Come on, tell us. Whatever it is, we will accept it and move on, you can't keep hiding it from us" urged Sarah and Emma seeing that Adam was reluctant to answer them.

"Sorry, I need to use the bathroom quickly, could you excuse me," said Adam before quickly getting up and going to the toilet.

Seeing that he wasn't leaving the penthouse, Sarah and Emma assumed that he was coming back and didn't try to stop him, but they wouldn't have been able to even if they wanted to.

Adam hadn't used speed that was supernatural, but he used speed that was higher than a normal person would be able to achieve and with his great control, moved at a speed that was too fast for them to stop, but still seemed normal.

Walking through the very large penthouse, Adam went to the toilet that was furthest away from where Sarah and Emma sat, which they found very unusual, then as soon as he got inside the toilet, took out his phone.