
Russia's Master

Immediately upon the man's appearance, Adam sensed Elizabeth calling him and answered her call through their communication connection.

"Adam, Nathaniel has just contacted me. He said that the Master of the Russian Army should have appeared and that you owe him a favour," she said within his mind.

"Thank him for me and tell him that if he needs me to do anything for him, to contact you, then you can pass onto me whatever he wants me to do," responded Adam before ending the call with her, telling her that he was in an urgent situation.

Their exchange lasted a few seconds, and in that time, everything seemed to be silent and frozen, with even the wind seemingly afraid to come out in the presence of the figure before them.

Adam couldn't tell exactly how strong the figure before him was, but he was sure that he was much more powerful than himself, and was shocked and grateful for Nathaniel going to such lengths for him.