
Martial Earth Armour

Bai Niu who had coated himself in an armour made of rock launched a powerful fist towards Adam's stomach, but it was from a distance that was too far for him to strike Adam. However, to Adam's surprise, his armour extended to close the distance and almost land a strike on him.

The armour that was not only very durable, light and flexible, also had the capability to expand and grow, allowing him to have a much longer reach than his opponent. With that reach, he was planning to make it so that Adam wouldn't have a chance to land an attack on him even with his great speed.

"You see this. I don't like using this as it is very straining on my body, but this is my Martial Earth Armour. Something that I spent many years creating and mastering, and will be what kills you," he announced in a grand manner.