

Ava's POV

''Would you like to be my girlfriend?''I felt my eyes brim with tears.

All the memories of last night came back to me. His lips close to mine.How he whispered sweet nothings to my ear.How he took me through it all.How I surrendered myself to him.

''Yes I would love too.''She said.

What was wrong with me?

How could I be so stupid to fall for a guy that clearly had no plans of settling down with a simple brunette.

I don't how or when but I found myself in my car.I drove to a liquor store and bought a bottle of tequila and drove to the bridge.I looked over the bridge and could see my tiny reflection in the water.

I could hear sobs and realised they were mine.How could I be so stupid to trust the school's bad boy.I can't believe I liked him.

''Why?'' I slurred.Why wouldn't anyone love me?

He used so he could get back to his girlfriend.

I staggered back to my car and sat on its hood.

Why am I crying over a boy?Was it the fact that he used me so he could go back to my best friend Bethany?

I decided enough is enough.

Am not crying over some stupid boy.

I walked back to my car and drove back hone and went straight to my room.

I cut my hair and dyed it to black and looked back at my transformation.

''Here is to a new start''I finished my bottle of tequila.


I quickly rushed to the bathroom the fifth time today.

After throwing up,I went back and washed my mouth.My sister walked in and looked at me pitifully.

"Sis,you really need to go to the hospital."

"fine I'll go."

I took a shower and and wore a black v neck and grey sweat pants.I went downstairs and took my car keys.


I couldn't believe it.I'm pregnant.

No I can't let him know.I have to leave.

I drove back to our house and started packing.I had to leave before everyone came back home.


I was walking down the stairs and felt so much pain.I had to call someone.I started to feel dizzy and then all i could see was black dots.I held on to the rail.I let out a scream and felt pain inmy abdomen.


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