
Where We Are

"So, take my hand now when I take yours, We are both heading to the same place." Those unassuming days as Trainees under the fictional DayBreak Entertainment were the real starting point for the two of them. While uncertain hopes had brought them there, the music they made together, and each other, had been the foundation for their driving passion. While they were dreaming of the debut that they were certain they would make together, fate played a different card for them. It led to new bonds and new beginnings. Sometimes though, all you really need is an unassuming and yet powerful reminder. "I hope you'll make me your strength as I have made you mine." The relationship between K-Pop idols and their fans have always been built upon perfectly timed happenstance that transcends rational explanations. But then again, maybe all relationships are like that?

Pia_Oyuku · LGBT+
83 Chs


As we had decided, Baekjae Sunbae and Beomseok Sunbae stepped up first. There were three rounds in total and we were going to alternate. The first song that the staff played was 'Yeongweonhi Norae', but they did not play the chorus. They played the second verse.

That was worrisome. "What? Random verses? I know at least their choruses but I'm not so confident about the rest." I gripped Hanseol's arm. "We're going to lose."

"We don't know that yet. We might get lucky." He patted my hand. "Just try to follow me otherwise."

He seemed unconcerned but I wasn't feeling so confident about this. I knew that it was just a game for an event but it was a little more than that to me as far as Changmin was concerned.

Baekjae Sunbae and Beomseok Sunbae nailed 'Yeongweonhi Norae'. There were one or two missteps but those were overlookable. The choreography itself had not been wrong.

Hanseol and I were up next. My heart was in my throat since they were watching so intently. Even Changmin was watching. To Changmin who actually watched all of S.T.A.Y's videos and probably knew all of our choruses, at the least, this was the perfect chance to see how well I knew 04:00 am too. And I couldn't help feeling like a disappointment. Although I have watched all their MVs and dance practice videos, I couldn't possibly commit all their routines to memory when it was hard enough for me to keep up with S.T.A.Y's routines.

The music began playing and I had frozen in place even as Hanseol began dancing after pausing for just a moment to think. I recognised the song immediately as 'Tidings' from their second album but it was one of those songs whose chorus I knew and they hadn't played the chorus.

"Ah! No!" I panicked but then watched Hanseol and tried to ape him. That did not work too well for me either.

We finished to large roars of laughter from all around. I felt my face burning from embarrassment so much that I walked past the wall of people to the other side and pressed my hand to my face as I chuckled wryly, my back to the camera.

"Ya, Jeongwoo-ya!" Jaehyeon slapped my back and forced me to face forward by my shoulders. "It's okay!"

I laughed, despite feeling like a total let-down. "Sorry. Sorry."

"It was funny to watch, at least." Changmin too laughed. "It's safe to say that Nunchi and Team Headgear are at 1:0 now."

Changmin. Hyung. I'm sorry.

I was able to dance the next song properly and I somehow managed to get through half of the other song that even Hanseol seemed to struggle a little with. Baekjae Sunbae and Beomseok Sunbae couldn't get the last one properly. It was a song from our very first mini album two years ago. Nevertheless, Nunchi won the second game 2:1.

There were two more games prepared for us. By the end of it all, Nunchi had won three and we had won only that first relay game.

"We have a punishment for the losing team." Changmin announced once the cheering had subsided. "The forehead flick."

"No…" Team Headgear collectively groaned.

"But there's a catch here too." Changmin continued. "All six of you need not get flicked. Nunchi's members get to choose. Each member is entitled to one flick and we get to choose who we want to flick."

I had that bad feeling again.

"I'll go first." Youngjae Sunbae walked right over to Minho who made puppy-eyes at him. He chuckled and shook his head. "You put up with me enough in the dorm." He then turned and walked straight over to Yeojun, raising a hand and pulling his middle finger back with the other. "Forehead."

"Why me?!" Yeojun asked, shrinking away.

"Because you're cute." Youngjae Sunbae smiled. "Now, forehead."

Yeojun reluctantly pulled back his hair and squeezed his eyes shut. Chuckling, Youngjae Sunbae let the middle finger loose, smacking it against Yeojun's forehead with a loud 'thwack'. Our Maknae yelped and covered his forehead. "That hurts…"

"I'll go next." Jaemin Sunbae volunteered. He threw a few cool moves before coming to a halt before me. "Choi Jeongwoo, I choose you."

"I don't… I don't choose you." I shook my head.

"You don't get to choose." He positioned his finger. "Come on."

I swept my hair off my forehead and closed my eyes. This was going to hurt.

"Ow!" I stepped back as soon as Jaemin Sunbae's finger had found my forehead. It stung.

"Who's going next?" Changmin asked. "I'll go last."

Looked like I'd be the last receiver too.

"Then… me." Baekjae Sunbae raised a hand and walked over.

I guessed that he would pick Minho. Baekjae Sunbae was such a nice person. I really couldn't see him hurting someone else.

"Jeongwoo-ya." Baekjae Sunbae smiled from before me.

"Again?" I asked, surprised. "Sunbae…" That was unexpected.

"It's punishment but I won't let it hurt much. Trust me."

Since it's Baekjae Sunbae… I closed my eyes and prepared myself again. He gave my forehead a light flick, then patted my head and returned to his team. I had not expected Baekjae Sunbae to pick me but the fact that he did had made me happy. After all, he was THE Min Baekjae.

"Next… Hyeonwoo Hyung?" Changmin asked.

"Okay." Hyeonwoo Sunbae agreed and picked Minho as his victim. Minho complained but allowed it and pouted after 04:00 am's leader as he triumphantly walked away after flicking their Maknae's forehead.

"Beomseok Hyung." Changmin called on their second-last member.

Beomseok Sunbae looked unsure but soon picked his path and that brought him to stand in front of me.

I pointed at myself in utter disbelief. In fact, many others seemed just as surprised. Beomseok Sunbae actually picked me? All that surprised attention was making his brown eyes cloud over in hesitation again. "What? Why is this so surprising?"

"It… looks like Choi Jeongwoo is more likable than any of us thought he was." Changmin whistled.

Still surprised and offering no protest, I showed him my forehead. The pain that made me jump right after Beomseok Sunbae's flick brought me back to reality though. Unlike Baekjae Sunbae, Beomseok Sunbae had not held back at all. I pretty much howled and crouched where I stood.

I was expecting none of that!

"Now it's my turn!" Changmin said and came over.

I forced myself onto my feet and steeled myself. I had actually expected only Changmin and, maybe, Jaemin Sunbae to pick me.



"Agh. For what joy?" Jaehyeon grunted.

I watched quietly as Changmin flicked Jaehyeon's forehead and laughed, a sinking feeling within.

Was I… disappointed?

I was so sure that Changmin would pick me. He should have picked me. Why would he pick anyone who was not me?

I snapped out of my thoughts when Changmin began speaking again and walked back to his team.

"That was an unexpectedly fun punishment."

"For you." Yeojun spat.

"Right. But we cannot end the show here. It is Christmas, after all. And so, our staff have been large-hearted enough to indulge us with some really good food. With no rules and reservations, we can help ourselves to it all."

Food was capable of brightening anyone's faces. Without waiting for further instructions, everyone made their ways to the table- everyone, except Changmin and I.

"Before we start though, as promised in the beginning," Changmin walked over to me. I removed my reindeer antlers and handed it to Mingyu who was the closest to me at the table.

Unexplainably, I was still feeling upset but I was Jeongwoo of S.T.A.Y. I wouldn't have been an Idol if I had let something like this show on my face. I smiled. "For Old Times' Sake."

Once we were set, a little to the right of the table, the lights were adjusted and the slow music began playing.

Changmin began singing his verse, his voice as deep as this unexplainable feeling within my chest. He was behind me and we were both facing away from each other but his voice somehow resonated within me. Even if I could not show how I was feeling on my face, I could show it in my dance. If anyone, Changmin would understand.

At every step that I took away from him during the entire routine, I broke away entirely and at every step I took towards him, I had every intention of commanding his attention. Even when I sang, I poured everything within me out through the words that left my lips.

If anyone, Changmin would understand.

"We're both still heading to the same place." We sang and ended our performance, myself wrapped up in Changmin's arms as the choreography had been, to signify acceptance and becoming one. Even as they killed the lights and switched everything back on again and 04:00 am and S.T.A.Y cheered, we did not separate.

"What was that?" Changmin asked softly.

"Punishment." I responded, feeling rather satisfied. Then I pulled away and bowed towards him, the camera and the rest of our groups as he followed suit. "Thank you!"

"I have to say, I have watched the MV countless times and yet, to see it in person…" Hyeonwoo Sunbae put up his hands, wide-eyed, as Changmin and I took our seats. "I've got goosebumps."

"I've never seen such perfection and smoothness from you, Jeongwoo Hyung. Contemporary really suits you. I feel so proud as your dance team leader!" Yeojun hugged me.

"You had nothing to do with this routine though, Jun-ssi." Jaehyeon pointed out.

"Still. I feel proud." He rubbed his cheek against mine before letting go.

"Thanks, I guess." I chuckled and then made eye-contact with Changmin. I smiled.

As I had said, if anyone, Changmin would understand.