
Where There Is A Shadow, There Is Light

Death has scoured for lost souls since before the dawn of humanity. Bound by duty, he traverses the world for lost souls, only to be captivated by the sight of another generations later.

Fritzgunner · 都市
1 Chs

Where there is a shadow, there is light

From the deepest depths of the sea to the highest peaks of the mountains, there is no place that has not been touched by death. Gifted with great wisdom and foresight, he has seen everything there is and everything that is to be. Bounded by duty, he traverses the earth in search of lost souls and for many millennials he has done just that.

As humanity came into existence, Death adopted a human form to better blend in with the living. He traveled the world, taking on different identities and experiencing the world in all its glory. He had seen the rise and fall of empires, the birth and death of great minds, and the endless cycle of life and death. But with each passing year, Death felt a growing sense of sadness and loneliness. He had seen so much death and destruction, and yet, he was unable to experience any of the joys of life. He watched as families and loved ones grieved over the loss of their dear ones, and it pained him.

Soon later after the ages pass by, death finds himself in Tokyo, Japan. he marvelled at the advancements of the modern world. But even in this bustling city, surrounded by millions of people, Death felt an overwhelming sense of isolation. He took on the form of a tall, young man with piercing blue eyes and a melancholic expression. his long black coat fluttering behind him as he made his way through the city. To most people, he was just another stranger passing by, but little did they know that he was the personification of death.

He wandered the bustling streets of Tokyo, his eyes scanning the crowds for any sign of a soul ready to depart this world. But as he walked, something caught his attention. In an alleyway, a young girl sat on the ground, tears streaming down her face. Curiosity piqued; Death approached her. As he got closer, he could sense the pain emanating from her. She was in so much emotional turmoil that Death could feel it in his bones. But then he noticed the scars on her wrists, a clear sign of past attempts to end her own life. His heart clenched at the sight. Death had seen many troubled souls in his time, but this girl seemed to carry all the weight of the world on her shoulders. He knelt down in front of her, trying to catch her gaze.

'Why do you cry, my dear?' he asked in a gentle voice.

The girl's head snapped up, surprised to see someone addressing her. She wiped her tears away and looked at Death with wary eyes.

'No one cares,' she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. 'No one understands.'

Death's heart ached for her. He had seen the cruelty of humans towards each other, but it still pained him every time. He sat down beside her and leaned in closer.

''I understand,'' he said, his voice barely audible.

Though skeptical, she felt death's concerns were truly genuine and she began to open up to him. She told him about the bullying she faced in her workplace and how her peers constantly made fun of her appearance and intelligence. She shared with him the hurtful comments they made about her, how she felt worthless and alone. Death listened quietly, his heart heavy with every word. He had never felt such a deep connection with another soul before, but he could understand the weight of her struggles. Death knew he couldn't save her from her pain, but he couldn't bear to see her end her life.

'Do you not fear me?' he finally asked, gesturing towards his appearance.

The girl smiled slightly. 'I have always been frightened of death,' she said. 'But, strangely, I'm not terrified when I am with you.'

He had never been one for emotions, but in that moment, he felt something he had never felt before. For every word she spoke, warmth filled the soul of death even to the point that it pours out from him. In that moment, death had a distinct feeling, he felt as though each nerve in his human body was a chain and one by one, each nerve released an electric pulse, and for every electric pulse death felt lighter and lighter. Death soon came to the realization that he was released from his duty, all obligations he had vanished and though he had the body of a human, he has never really felt like one until this very moment.

He looked at the girl with teary eyes and said, 'Your pain and sorrow has taken the form of the wings of freedom and broken the chains that was set upon my soul, if freedom truly exists in this world, then it most definitely lies in true love.'

The girl, realizing the burden she lifted off the shoulders of death, discovered that even if she didn't fit in properly, it meant that her purpose was somewhere else, and she had found hers. They bound each other in embrace and the tears that sunk from their faces conjoin in the slowly developing rain. They release themselves from each other and stare into the slowly filling void in each other's eyes.

"You listened to my cries without judgment and comforted me; you just being here brought me peace, and a sense of bliss washed down all of my problems. I want to be with you for as long as the universe will permits.'' the girl whispered calmly.

They received each other without hesitation and faded into the future.

The End.