
Where I want to be

When yesterday take too much of today~

Lebian_heart96 · 若者
61 Chs

Chapter Thirty nine: Promise

'No matter what happens, promise me, you'll never choose between us and that guy.' henry's last words kept running around her mind. then added what thomas had said, 'who's right and who's wrong'.

apparently y/n stood nowhere near of hurting them or digging in to their past. but if it meant to end up with choosing sides, she blamed her friends for not hearing out thomas even once after the incident. if they had, none of these accusations would've taken place.

her steps halted before walking in to the park. It's where they decided to meet up after school. her friend's figures were already in her view.

she slowly approached while noticing their intensity growing as if something terrible has happened.

henry sprints toward her. he grabbed her shoulder aggressively. his fierce eyes digged in to her soul. he spoke with rage, "Is it true? you were with that guy?" y/n stood there agitated. 'how did they know' wasnt even the last question on her mind.

what troubled her was henry's way of asking. it could've been said calmly, but he chose that rude way. her eyes shifted to the other two, who seemed to have no wish to stop where this was going.

"so it is true...you chose him over us." her eyes widen in shock. she watched him stepping back from her.

left speechless for the remaining seconds, unable to speak up even if she wanted to. at last, her hand moved upward to grab him,

"you have it wrong... I was with him but it has nothing to do with what you're implying!"

"you reached out to him even after knowing what he did?" jay bit out in anger. he walked closer. miles followed behind. "I thought we could trust you with our past. but you seem to mind him more."

"Nonsense! I was only there to hear him out...since none of you bothered to do it in the first place." she debated whether she should bring out the conclusion about that third person. but the given situation would only make her look like a fool if she did. moreover they wouldnt just take in her words without any proof.

"wasnt it simply because you dont trust us? are you that dazed to believe he's innocent?!" luckily none passed by to complain on them being loud. it would've only left them on a awkward stage. right then, if it meant to defend herself, y/n wanted to go all out.

"or maybe you're too blind by your guilt to judge him. you held him responsinble without even giving him a chance to explain. it shows how desperate you are to put the blame on someone else."

"Are you defending that bastard right now?! he's the reason perry killed herself-" y/n interrupted before he could finish.

"what if he's not? what if there's someone else involved who forced her to write his name. why cant you just look the other way without blaming him for everything that happened in the past!" henry who stood behind, suddenly turned her around to face him.

"Nobody cares about the past. it doesnt even matter anymore. what matters is that we've always been here to protect you but you never gave a damn about it." tears welled up in her eyes. she bit down on her lip to hold it back. she cant look weak while fighting for herself.

three against one, it all felt unfair to her.

"I dont want you to protect me!" she shook off his grip. her eyes burned in flame as she turned to face jay again. but this time, it shifted to miles.

the one who hasnt said a single word since the beginning. as if he's the one who turned them against her. his stiff silence was more and more evident to it.

"I dont want to be shadow of the person you seek... Im tired of being her replacement!" everything stood still. time stopped to leave them speechless.

the spark of guilt flashed on jay and henry. they regretted even starting this argument. meanwhile, miles remained indifferent. as if he expected it. his eyes set forth no emotion to her.

"Im not perry... what happened to her wont happen to me... I want you to see me as i am... for once."

miles turned to the corner where he left his bag hanging. he picked it up before walking toward them, "very well then. dont hang around with us anymore."

"Miles!" other two shouted in warning tone. as they locked eyes, a mental conversation occurred between them.

jay felt shrunken in miles's stare. he knew him better than any other. if miles set his mind to leave y/n behind, there was no going back.

"she chose her side to defend. there's no point in blaming." he continued his pace toward the exit. not long after, jay followed. "henry, you coming?"

'he wouldnt ... right?' she felt too scared to look up to henry's face. 'what if he leaves me too...?'

henry was the only true friend she ever made since she moved into this place. he was always there for her whenever she needed him. they were like one another's missing pieces. they made one another happy.

she wanted him to stand by her side one more time. even if it meant going against everyone, she wanted him to...stay.

"coming" henry shouted back. he took one last look at y/n before sprinting toward his friends.

just like anyone else, he left too.

'do you realise it's the second time you're doing this to me?' hearing her thought, miles looked back. everything ceased to stand between them. as they held their stare, he replied, 'I'll make you realise, you're nothing without me.'

when their figures left her sight, kneeling down on the ground, she gasped for breathe .each seconds felt like hours . she realised, it was all a mistake from the start. maybe she shouldnt have turned up with them. she shouldnt have argued with jay or cause this mess. no matter how much she wished them to come back, they wont. they left her.

she ended up just how she started,
