
Where I want to be

When yesterday take too much of today~

Lebian_heart96 · 若者
61 Chs

Chapter seventeen: Preference

"say pizza!" y/n shouted followed by a light flashing on Henry's face.  "I wasnt ready-", he protested with a pout. He snatched away the phone from her. "my turn, say burger!" 

"Burger!" Jay who ate quietly beside them seemed to endure enough. He slammed a spoon on the table loudly to get the other two's attention. "cant you see im in the middle of dinner?" the screen zoomed out to show them in a resturant. 

"oh...you wanna take a picture too?", henry moved the camera to his face. " No thanks. I prefer silence over pictures." Jay looked annoyed enough. y/n and Henry obediently puts down the camera and began to eat.

"thanks for the meal." both said. "finally...", the other sighed in relief and continued.

doorbell rang. All their attention turned to the entrance door. A group of girls and boys laughed and walked in. They were fancy in dress and fabric. Most of them were covered with expensive accessories.

y/n reconized one of them, "hey, Isnt that your leader lucas?", she asked in excitement. "It is. . .he played well today." Henry looked gloomy out of blue. most likely to not have good relation with the person mentioned. "He hangs around with a lot higher-up students." Jay suddenly made a sound to get Henry's attention. "Is he coming?" he asked while chewing.

"Who's coming?" henry ignored y/n's question for the next few seconds. Instead he checked his phone and went through some texts. he simply nodded at jay. "an old friend of us. Its been a long time since we hung out together. I decided to invite him in this occassion. If you dont mind-"

"No, its completely fine." a loud cheer came out from another table. They looked back in curiousity. It was the other group's table. as they stared to see what made them so excited, two figure walked in. When they entered, a shock came upon her. The couple who entered was no other than, Grace and Thomas.

"Sorry guys, we're late." grace said while tightening her arm around Thomas. She had the biggest smile on her face. while Thomas just nodded and smiled back. they took their seat. "The main guests are never late." lucas said with a pat behind thomas's back. They poured drinks at one another's cup.

It was hard to look back from the corner they sat. but no matter how she tried to avoid it, It was too uncomfortable for her.

Just sitting there and thinking of thomas being touched by some other girl. "You hate it that much?", she came back to reality with henry's sudden words. "What-...what are you talking ...about?"

"The food. You've been crushing it for a while now." she dropped her knife. "sorry..I couldnt tell...". 

fifteen minutes passed. She was almost unbothered with thomas's presence. henry shared happenings that made her burst out in laugh while Jay glared. "There he is." with the other two's joyful expression, y/n knew that the person they've been waiting for has finally arrived. She turned around.

The time seemed to slow down for her. a familliar figure walked toward them. when their eyes met, all her forgotten memories flashed back. the person before her, was Miles.

both became stupefied in the moment. Miles forgot to greet his friends and stared at her. so did she.  Henry and Jay felt confused, they spoke out, "You're not gonna say 'hi'?"

Miles took seat beside Jay and high-fived the other. "I've been busy lately...sorry for being late." y/n felt shrunken before him. her fist tightens around her dress. how could she so easily pretend that they dont know each other when their last conversation still pained her like a stabbing knife. 

"I forgot to introduce. this is y/n and he's the lost friend we've talked about." even if henry failed to notice the mysterious stare between Miles and y/n earlier, Jay couldnt ignore it. "You two know each other?"