
Where I want to be

When yesterday take too much of today~

Lebian_heart96 · 若者
61 Chs

Chapter one: The winner

"Please Welcome Our Next Performer." A loud cheer came out from the audience.

y/n began to fidget on her spot. her heart was beating faster in every second. all eyes were on her. She was nervous to even walk ahead, her hands were trembling. She closed her eyes tightly and took long breaths.

Just then, she felt warmth around her. someone wrapped her around his arms. She was pulled closer to his chest. "Nervous?" Thomas said and kept her in his embrace.

Without bothering to look back she could tell who it is. "I've waited my whole life for this day. Is it normal to feel this way..?" . she was still clenching her fist tightly as if it can make things better.

He slowly made her face him."Look at me. You're going to be fine. Just do it how we practiced. Ignore what other says. You worked hard for this day. You can do it." she could feel a strong sense of support from him. It was all she ever needed. He was always there for her in this journey. They've crossed countless boundaries' to achieve their dreams together. Finally it's the day.

a while later the judges called the next performers. y/n looked back and saw all her friends cheering for her. It was all it took for her to walk ahead. After a deep breath she went up to the stage.

It was more than thousand of audiences along with cameras in every angle. The judges were staring at her. Few among the crowd began gossiping and few went quiet.

The music started. She lets out all her worries and started moving in the rhythm. While she was dancing, the memories of past years were all flooding back to her. The pain, the separations, all the hardships. Over them all, her hard work. How she managed to get on the stage with the support she received from her friends. Specially Thomas, who never left her side. Even when she struggled and wanted to give up, her friends all stood there for her. Giving her hope and happiness.

She was lost in those memories. she could feel all the emotions all over again. Her dances were perfectly describing each one of those feelings. She almost forgot about all those eyes staring at her right now.

The judges were nodding and sharing opinions with each other. Few from the audience were so lost in her beauty while some were still judging.

The music stopped and she finished her performance with a bow. In a second she received a loud applause from the audience.

She looked up the judges and found that they were satisfied. After a few compliments from the judges, she walked to the backstage.

As soon as she entered, loud cheers from her friends filled the room. Isla came over and wrapped her around her arms. "you were amazing!" she almost screamed in her ears.  When they parted, Henry and Jay came over to say the same compliments. "Thanks" was all she could say.

When the crowd in front of her came light, she saw Thomas and Miles standing in the corner. She walked toward them.They had the most proud faces.

"Good job", Miles said while patting her head. He then looked at Thomas and walked away. finally, it was the nerve wrecking moment of her life. At that time, waiting for Thomas to say something "Was… I good enough?" She stutters.  Next thing she knew was feeling his warmth again. "I'm proud of you." Was all he said. she hugged him back and both stood there for a while.

A moment later, all the performers were recalled on the stage. The judges were about to announce the final winner. They all nervously stared at the judges while they discussed and handed the winner's name to the MC.

This Year's 'Best Dancer' winner is…