
Where I want to be

When yesterday take too much of today~

Lebian_heart96 · 若者
61 Chs

Chapter forty seven: The Culprit

Henry darted past people all across the hall. at this tremendous speed he could not see a few feet ahead of him. He speeds up until a counter catches his eyes.

He leaned in to ask the nurse, "Can you please tell me where the patient 'Thomas Lee' is?"

The nurse was horrified to see his messy condition. she hesitated to speak, "Sir ... I can't disclose information about our patients..."

"Move, I'll ask." Pushing him to one side, Jay took the lead. Impatient, Henry looked around the hall while keeping his distance.

"you'll scare anyone if you ask like that." miles wanted to keep him company but the thought of his friends worrying about someone else disturbed him, "what are you even worried for, he said he was fine."

"You dont get it. If something happens to him-" cutting off his words, Jay turned back,  "Its room XX."





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A middle-aged assistant of Thomas walked from side to side in frustration, "Can you stop getting involved in this mess. If your parents find out-"

Thomas replied in annoyance,"Stop nagging at me and dont tell my parent anything about this. they'll only make things worse for me." ending with a sigh, the man sat down beside him.

"Did you do what i asked?" done quickly, the enraged one asked. noticing the impatients in his eyes, the man pulled out an envelope."I certainly did. and this is what came out." 

The paper held his hand caught the other ones attention,"Her father was addicted to gambling. So he was indebted to many people. Some of them were associated with gangs. I think its only right for him to not return home most of the time. since that house will be their only


"because he doesnt come back home, y/n is always alone...?" thomas's heart ached with the sudden mention of her name. 

The past month, she was all he could think about. not sure if it was because of his guilt or because he missed her...

'I miss her' Of course there was times when he admitted it ... but does he have the right to? he knows why she ended up in this situation.

even when he knew who did this and why, he didnt have any proof...he couldnt save her...he couldnt help her out of it...thats how helpless he is.

"..." the man noticed his absent mind and began to quiet down. "if it was any of those people who did it, it might be hard to locate them." Closing their conversation, the trio made a great entrance.

Not even after a second, Henry jumped on Thomas, "How did it happen!?! Who did it to you!"

Thomas checked the other two's reaction before answering, "Its just a minor accident... im fine."

"You better be." henry hit thomas lightly on his injured arm. both let out a playful smile. In the middle of it, thomas felt glares stabbing his back.

jay and miles stood far away but they didnt forget to take notice of the situation. both exchanged a look to find that they were both thinking the same thing, 'when did they get so close?'

The assistant who wanted to say something the whole time, cleared his throat. thomas turned his attention to him. "The culprit ran away. it seems like the accident was intentional." needless to say whom he was reffering to, the other one nodded.

"It was too odvious, they didnt even try to hide it." everybody agreed with him while henry stood confusedly. He probably didn't even realize what he meant, "wasn't it an accident ?! Why would anyone do that to you ?! What can they gain by hurting you?"

watching him cluelessly talking, miles spoke out, "It means they know we're looking for them. they probably wanted to get you out of their way."

"Even if they wanted to, they failed miserably. It doesn't matter. I'm fine and we're about to play our final card. After that, we'll really be able to find them."





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It was cold windy night. Miles walked up to the rooftop. The chilling wind made everything feel even colder for him. but It's was a beautiful feeling when reality seemed all the way shattered.

He always carried a burden on his heart, but never knew what it was. where it will take him...

Old memories always flashed infront of him whenever he was alone. he remembers his happy days but suddenly a moment comes and breaks the glass.

He thought of getting revenge almost his whole life. but now when he faced his enemy, he didnt know where to go. 

whether to turn back and live the life he was suffering or to move forward and welcome the beginning.

"what did you wanted to talk about?" Thomas followed him from behind. Miles was still facing away from him. Not bothering to look at the man on the other side, he threw a file in his hand, "I did some research on what you wanted." looking back, he continued "This should be enough."

Thomas stared confusedly. only when Miles had stopped talking, did he open it. after a minute of reading out the file, a relieved smile spread across his face, "This is more than enough. we should start-"

"Hold it." Miles snatched away what seemed to be the source of thomas's happinesse. From the moment he decided to meet him, he was terrified of doing this. But seeing Thomas so fearless, he was confused....'why...? just why?'

"Will you think about the risk?! if we get nothing out of this, you'll end up in jail for trespassing."

"..." Thomas looked nowhere for a moment. "It doesn't matter. I'm trying my best ... this is our last hope to find her. If we fail again, it will be the biggest regret of my life ... but somehow ... if we find her- "

"Why!?!" startling the other onles walked ahead. "You should've just stayed evil! I wanted to hate you...then why are you doing this?!? Just to get on our good side and make us forgive you?"