
Where I want to be

When yesterday take too much of today~

Lebian_heart96 · 若者
61 Chs

Chapter forty five: Light To Change

Meeting the cold gaze, a chill ran down her spine. Grace gestured to the assistant behind her. With her consent, he passed a phone within her reach.

Holding the phone in front of y/n's face, she mocked her confidence, "It's been a while, I'm sure you've forgotten. I get rid of everything that comes in my way."

"You're dreaming of getting yourself out of here? then, i'll make it clear to you that it will never. ever. happen."

The screen lit up showing a footage of public highway. Judging from the position, it had to be a recording from the cctv camera.

'As expected, they're controlling it all.'

Looking at it, y/n was confused why it was being shown to her. her eyes shifted to grace, delivering the same question.

"look closely or you might regret it. your saviour is standing there." the next time y/n looked at the screen, she indeed noticed the person mentioned.

Thomas, was standing amidst a crowd, waiting for the traffic light to change.

how long has it been since she last saw him?

was it a week ago?

a month ago?

In this enclosed warehouse, she kept no track of time. With how suddenly she got a chance to see him, her eyes filled with tears.

"Aww! you're already this emotional. I wonder how the next scene would play out on your face."

"..." Of course this crazy woman would never show her where Thomas is for no reason.

"what did you do?!"

"I havent done anything yet.

But I will.

If you look closely, there's a red car parked just infront of him." looking at the screen once more, there really was a red car parked before thomas.

but what could this mean....

"just when the light will switch, I'll order my man to run over him!" the feeling of terror sprinted out from her. she couldnt believe those words, "you will never..."

"Of course i will. No one's stopping me from doing it if it means i can get my revenge. i'll make him suffer for using me!"

"Stop this!! this isnt a joke, you're playing with someone's life! get your revenge on me, but dont hurt him!"

"Oops, too late." the green light switches. A crowd of people starts crossing the road, including thomas.

"No! Stop! dont ... dont do this-" y/n screams as her gaze repeatedly moved from Grace to the screen.

but the evil didnt budge...

"I'll do anything you say, I'll never try to escape, please dont do this!"

when y/n was too busy persuading grace, she missed what happened in the screen.

But the next time she looked, there was a crowd in the middle of the road... surrounding an accident.

it didnt take her much long to figure out what happened, "Thomas...no..." she mumbled to herself as the phone moved away from her sight.






A while passed but y/n still couldnt believe what happened "it cant be....it can not..."

"You see, it was just a trailer. everytime someone gets close to where you are, i'll make sure they wont see the daylight anymore." leaning closer "One by one, I will destroy every one of your dear ones."

"why...are....you doing this to me..." Looking up to those indifferent eyes, y/n shouted, "Kill me if you want, what did they do wrong!"

"kill you...? that wont be fun."

"..." for the first time, y/n figured how it feels to really hate someone.

She hated the person making her feel this way...

She hated how everything's so messed up....

more specifically, She hated herself.

Grace got the hang of it. As if she was waiting for it to happen all along, to make y/n blame herself for what's happening.

from the outside, she played a look of pity, but inside she was enjoying every bit of it.

Getting enough of her fun, she sat down to the other ones level, "want me to help you out?"

She placed a medicine on the table beside them, "kill yourself."