I couldn't sleep. It was late at night and I went through my book over and over again. It was empty. That woman was really suspicious. Maybe the book has some sort of magic and tried to warn me. I had a feeling that this night won't go that well. Like someone heard my thoughts, I heard whispers outside my room.
"He should be asleep right now. Even if he's not, we can capture him."
"Are you sure? You said he is an adventurer."
"I put sleep potion in his drink earlier just in case."
I froze in place. This was a trap. They wanted me to sleep here. Damn it, I don't think I can fight them, seems like everyone here knows magic. I quickly gathered my things, questioning twice before I finally picked up the book again, and readied my dagger. I took a glance through the window, the height was medium, I would survive the fall, but what if other villagers are the same as them? I wouldn't be able to escape. I smacked my head. And all this happened because I was stubborn and didn't take the offer for academy or companions. Now that I think about it, how could they just let me go? Wasn't I the strongest mage? Maybe they all gave up on me. I'll take the window as last option, and try to fight them. There is a chance the villagers will help me. As I pulled my dagger, the door exploded in pieces. I tried protecting my face but I could feel the flames on my arms and chest. Yeah, there's no way Im winning this.
"He's awake. Quickly." The same woman urged the man.
He rose his hand and threw a fireball at me, I quickly ducked, and the fireball hit the window behind me, shattering it in pieces. Great, now everyone knows what's happening. Not giving them any time, I jumped through the window. Death from height seemed better than being burnt to bones. Luckily, I landed on a bush and tried to pick myself up again. I could hear them yelling from above, the man prepared another fireball. I barely got up and started running again, the fireball went next to my head, hitting a tree and setting it on fire. I had to escape. As I was running through the village, It was rather quiet, no one paid any attention to the noise and me screaming for help. As I was running through the village, I stumbled across a small field in the centre of it. My heart froze again. Just like when the mages tried to bring my memories back, there were a few mages in a circle, wearing red robes. The weird symbols on the ground were written with blood. It was dark, with only a few torches outside lightening the place, so it took me some time to notice several dead bodies at the side. All of the mages turned to me and grinned.
"You need to die." Simple words echoed from their mouth.
I tried turning back, but the man and woman were behind me, closing their distance. Panicking, I noticed a huge barn nearby, next to a few old houses. I needed to buy time. I rushed to it and closed the doors. It was weird that they didn't throw any magic at me now, like they knew I wasn't a threat and can't escape. Damn sadists. I moved away from the door and looked around. The barn was filled with farming tools and... haystacks. A grin appeared on my face. If Im going to die, I'll bring those people with me. I took a small torch but it wasn't lit. I needed fire. I desperately tried to make a fireball, just like that man, but nothing happened. Cursing myself, I had to risk it even higher. I put a few haystack next to the door, just that it doesn't block the entry. I could hear them closing in. In the final moments, I stood in front of haystacks, dagger and torch in my hand. This better work. This time, the door didn't blast. They slowly opened it. I should've known they're not that stupid to threw fire in a
the barn. The man appeared on the door, with the mages behind him.
"If you come out now, we'll make it less painful. I promise."
"Come and get me you bastards." I spit as I pointed my dagger on him.
"What are you going to do? You can't even do magic." He laughed as he entered. Not many mages entered with him, but there were around 10 people in here, with probably 10 more outside, plus what I haven't seen. I grinned. I had to bluff this.
"Now that you're all here..." I said as I got my hands in position. It was a good idea wandering around the camp. World's strongest mages were there, practicing magic. I couldn't help but remember the chanting of the most powerful attack magic I have ever seen. I started chanting.
"This bastard, he tricked us. Kill him." The woman screamed. Seemed like they all knew the spell. How lucky. The man immediately threw a fireball in my direction. This time, it was too fast and I couldn't dodge it. I was lucky it hit me in the chest, the leather armor proved to be useful. Still, a huge wave of power pushed me back, hitting the haystack. The haystack was set on fire. With the pain in my chest and blurry vision, I set the torch I was holding on fire, and threw it at the entry.
"I don't suppose you know any water magic?"
I coughed, fire spreading around me. The fire spread quickly, but unfortunately, a few of them managed to escape through the door. It still wasn't a win, I was inside with people who wanted to kill me. The man started running at me, and not having any options, I retreated back in the flames.
"Scared? Come and get me." I taunted him, but I could feel sharp pain everywhere. I wouldn't last in this fire for long but neither would them. As I expected, none of them knew water magic, and while people were screaming outside that fire has started, it was too late. The barn was gone beyond saving. I have to endure this pain, I thought as fire ate on my flesh. I could hear the mages screaming as they were being burnt alive but I waited. Until I was the only one alive. Call it luck or whatever, but I survived, however It was far from over. I needed to burn down this whole damn village. I was more of a corpse than a living man, but my slow steps left the barn. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. The fire spread to the next houses as well, they were rather close to each other. Before I knew, everything was burning. The mages seemed to have killed all the villagers here, and despite living next to the river, there weren't enough people to help stop the fire. I could hear people scream and smell the burnt flesh. Ahh, is this how I go? I wanted to save the world. I wanted to remember all of them again. I couldn't keep my promise to her. Serves me well. I collapsed on the ground.
"You need to die." A cold voice whispered.