
When will Yumeko-chan ever stop suffering!?

"TOP", is it medicine to cure a deadly disease or a weapon to bring absolute world peace. That is what Yumeko-chan, Princess of the formidable kingdom, Deamwittz, and the daughter of the almighty King Delulu go on a journey to find it out, after getting dumped by his boyfriend for a very.... interesting reason. Despite the relentless efforts and sacrifices, Yumeko made to work her way through to reach the "Top", people in her surroundings will turn her life upside down. Even her magical diary will only show her the unfortunate event she will encounter just one minute before the disaster will occur. Some like to see her suffer because it turned them "ON", some... just want attention from her...while most of them want her to remain a sadistic girl. Therefore the question arises..... When will Yumeko-chan ever stop suffering?! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. Check out my first novel, Ravenfalls for fantasy-action theme which is also filled with comedy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: The cover page is a temporary one and it doesn't belong to me. Credit goes to the owner who made it. Tell me if you want to be taken down.

abyssallock · ファンタジー
11 Chs


"Alice fell through a sewage drain. Came across a zombie land. Made friends with the zombies. She became a zombie and they all live happily ever after. Good night, Yumeko~" saying that Grandma Ultima pushes her granddaughter out of her room and slams the door in front of her.

"wait...grandma..wait" Yumeko catches the door with the lateral side of her body and pushes in before it slams completely.

"Stop Yumeko. I need to sleep!" Grandma Ultima said while holding the door from being pushed in by Yumeko.

Narrator: She is lying. She just wants to get rid of Yumeko as soon as possible since it is getting late to pack things up.

"Grandma...you have not told me how Alice became a top!"

"Who cares..about that!"

"I care...just tell me..."

How come Grandma is so strong despite being so old!

<What should I do....it is almost time for the castle gate to be pulled up and I haven't made any progress moving those stuff out... and it is all thanks to this stupid granddaughter of mine. I should have just continued faking my sleep despite her throwing a mourning scene near my bed!>

"Ah...I just remembered something really important!... You see, Alice..ughhh..< I'm dying..> received some kind of gift... after she help those zombies.... free from the curse. It is called TOP....."


Narrator: She is lying again! Grandma Ultima seriously wants to get rid of her granddaughter Asap. so she just made up a fake-ass story right now.

"After receiving that gift, Alice became wiser, stronger, and beautiful so much that no men could ever top her..."

"What does it mean by-"

"It means she embodies the power of TOP itself! Used your brain sometimes Yumeko!" Grandma Ultima then puts up a grin on her face. "And I heard that... zombie land where Alice visited. it still exists somewhere.."

Suddenly Yumeko halts herself from pushing the door after hearing the news.

"So the Zombieland exists...how come I never heard of it." She mutters softly.

"Yes, yes, it does exist~ and rumors say that the door that leads to the zombie land is hidden somewhere close to our kingdom border.."

"Is it really tru-"

Seizing the opportunity, Grandma pushes the door and [Slam] in front of Yumeko face.

"wait..you haven't told me where exactly."

Narrator: But is too late, Grandma Ultima has totally shut the door and has gone cricket.

"Grandma! Grandma!"

"I'm not dead, Yumeko! Just hurry up and go to sleep already" Unable to hear her granddaughter screaming like a mandrake, grandma Ultima rages out.

"But the location-" Yumeko desperately wants to know the location despite knowing that her grandmother has been annoyed.

"Just look at the library or something! Just leave me alone already...sob..sob" Grandma Ultima starts to cry audibly.

Library? She is right.

"Okay, grandma. Thank you!" saying that Yumeko runs through the staircase leading out from the basement. "Also I will come again tomorrow morning and goodnight"

Meanwhile inside Grandma Ultima's room.

Sob..sob... Suddenly Grandma Ultima stops crying. She raises her head with a straight face, turns back and then starts moving towards her bed.

She grabs the edges of the mattress with her both hands and thrust it away at the corner of the room with a style.

She then peeks down at the hollow bed, where glimmering tools start to come in light.

"I am afraid, Yumeko. We won't be meeting up again tomorrow. Grandma has some serious business to run."


I wonder if the library is still open.

Yumeko slowly strides through the empty royal chamber without making much sound since she doesn't want to alarm anyone from her footsteps.

She passes her room as she run by and slowly gets closer to her mother's room. Then just a few walks from there is the royal library.

I seriously want to find out more about Alice. If grandma is telling the truth then, I can somehow cure this bottom disease.

Narrator: Yumeko has found a new purpose in her life.

"I am afraid to say this but the queen's condition is getting worse." A voice suddenly came out from the queen's room, making Yumeko halt her movement.

She glues herself near the door and slowly peeks her face inside.

Did he say something about my mother's condition?

Inside the queen's room. The royal physician is nursing a very beautiful woman, sleeping silently on the bed. The woman has a very pale complexion as if there isn't any blood circulating inside her body.

Her face bore a painful expression with dark circles buried under her eyes, while her silky blonde hair spreads widely on the pillow she is sleeping

Narrator: The pale woman is none other than Yumeko's mother, Queen Gorgiana who has been in a coma state for almost 5 years already. Besides the royal physician, King Delulu stands there with a crestfallen face.

"Is there no way we can do something about her illness?" King Delulu asked the royal physician with a solemn face after hearing the dreadful news of her wife.

"Sigh.." The senior-looking doctor stands up and clears his glasses with a handkerchief.

"Hard to say. We have been doing all we could for the past 5 years." The royal physician answered. "We have treated her with a series of medicine that can boost up her brain... but it didn't work.

"Then we have done some tests to see if there is any physical injury inside her brain. Just last week we tried another test. But it came negative as always. We have no clue anymore what the queen is suffering from."

King Delulu's face grows crimson hearing the negative news from the doctor.

"The only thing the queen is surviving is because of the IV. We have tried to include all the essential nutrients that her body will need through that. But..lately, her body cells are starts to degenerate. If it continues..."

"Don't!....say it anymore"

"It is the truth, Delulu. The faster you do something about it..the better it will be for Gorgiana. We are running out of time." Doctor Wilson, King's old friend didn't waver to say the truth.

King Delu stands silently swallowing every ounce of pain inside him seeing the hopeless condition in front of him. He doesn't know anymore what to do anymore at this point. King Delulu stumbles hard on a path finding what will make her wife wake up again.

"Hmm... If I remember correctly five years ago..the queen has gone to this state after your daughter, Yumeko-"

"Wilson! Will, you stop it already" King Delulu rages out. He bites his lips in anger under the dim light and mutters softly. "She is no daughter of mine..."

Yumeko who has been listening to the whole condition the entire time heard what her father just said clearly.

Tears start to run from her cheek and Yumeko weeps silently. Trying to avoid what her father will say about her next, she turns back and heads for her room.

"Psh. Stop saying that will you. You will end up being cursed for always accusing your poor daughter."

"Tch. As if I care."

My, my..you are hopeless..." Saying that Wilson is exasperated and shakes his head.

"So...how is the research going on that? Does it even exist?" Wilson asked King Delulu about the secret project he has been researching for a long time now to cure his wife's unknown disease.

"It does." King Delulu replied in a serious tone.

"Wait. really?"

"Yeah. But I have no idea where that thing is. Legends say that it is hidden somewhere in a cursed land. Only the chosen one with a pure heart can enter that place"

"Is there no way, you can find that map? maybe you can search those old archives or enquire some people who might know."

"I am trying, Wilson." King Delulu replied. "But there is one more thing...I am trying to understand that."

"In that old article..it says that the person needs to awaken itself from the bottomness after manifesting the power" King Delulu replied with a serious face.

"The name of that power is called Top. A power that can bring world peace and can cure any form of diseases in the earth."