
When the world ends

A story were Neighborhood kids find them selves saving the world.

Scarlett_Jacques · SF
2 Chs

Chapter 2

The boys started their journey by walking through the park. They had a long way to go if they wanted to reach the gate, Alex knew they would have to stop and take a break in an hour or so, he didn't want to stop though he wanted to keep going and never stop. He couldn't be selfish, he wanted his friends to be happy as well.

Alex could feel Max staring at him intently, he turned his head to face Max who was indeed staring.

"What?" Alex questioned, Max fixed his eyes back to the path of trees, "Nothing, I just know that look." Alex chuckled and nodded his head, "Yep, I suppose you do know me well" Max turned his head back to face Alex with a smile so wide it showed the crinkles in the corner of his eyes.

"WHAT! Why are you blaming me?!" Casey yelled. "Maybe because you didn't do MY homework!" "Yeah? Well maybe I don't wanna"

Max and Alex looked at each other with playfully annoyed faces.

"As much as me and Alex like hearing you guys bicker, we have a serious adventure to handle." Max said to the bickering boys.

"Come on Max, we really don't know if there's even an adventure to explore," Mason said.

Max just shrugged, "isn't it fun to imagine that there is. I mean what's the fun in going on an adventure and killing the mood by being negative right?" Max said shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah w-whatever. Geez sometimes you get on my nerves with your 'coolness'" Mason whispered the last part.

Max smirked and rearranged his tie.

Their feet started hurting and they spotted a bench not far along, so they decided to take a break. They all brought backpacks full of important things as well as snacks.

Alex took a bite of his sandwich and looked up at all the trees, the park was big and forest like. Alex turned his attention back to the rest of the boys.

"So how did your parents react when you told them you were gonna be gone for a long time?" Alex questioned taking another bite of his sandwich. Casey was the first to speak,

"My parents didn't mind because they know how responsible I am." Alex nodded while Mason snorted.

"My parents gave me some crap about it, you know about me only being 12 years old, they said I was to young to leave into the woods. But I told them I would do chores for a week." Alex choked out a laugh, he didn't bother asking Max because he knew Max's parents were a touchy topic.

"We should get going boys, it will get late by the time we reach the gate" Max said putting all his stuff back in his backpack and putting his hat on backwards. Mason and Casey agreed while Alex was confused, Max seems to want to reach the gate just as much as he does. They have plenty of time but it seems Max wants to reach it now.

Alex puts his sandwich back in his backpack and followed the boys but jogged a bit to walk next to Max.

"Why are you in a rush Max? I mean we have plenty of time." Alex said looking at Max as Max only looks forward, Max finally looks at Alex and sighed, "I've always wanted to do something like this. I just love adventure and getting lost, that's what makes me wish that their is something waiting for us on the other side of the gate. If there's not... there's not really anything I can do I suppose." Max shrugged.

Alex looked at Max and smiled while Max gave a small smile in return. They have been walking for three hours, and they were so close to the gate.

Once they finally made it there was indeed a huge forest behind the gate. The gate wasn't as high as they thought so it would be easy to climb.

"Some of the locals say they hear strange noises and see weird creatures through the bars of this gate." Alex states peaking through the medal bars.

"Uhh g-guys let's j-just go back! I mean come on, this is insane. We could DIE!" Casey was frightened. They all looked at Casey for a moment till Mason spoke up,

"Come on Casey, for god sake what's the worst that can happen."

"Yeah, we don't actually know if there's anything dangerous." Max cut in.

Alex turned back to the gate and could faintly see a shadow hide in the trees.

"Did you guys see that?".................