
Side Tracked

It took 7 days to train the entire group of team. The original 150 soldiers were now the training leaders for the rest of the group and also the future police force. Qwen had fulfilled his obligation to train the troops.

He began to leave the training town when he heard footsteps behind him. He could sense the two agent behind him.

"Well I guess this is where we part ways fellas."

Agent Mertz and Clarke approached Qwens back. By now they weren't suprised at Qwens abilities. The agents themselves had special abilities as well.

"Yeah, we have new orders to continue to train and get stronger. Then we supposed to rendezvous with you afterwards."

Qwen nodded.

"Well, good luck on your training and on finding me later. Your going to be too busy getting stronger. Trust me once you reach level 10, you won't look back."

Qwen smirked put up a peace sign. He disappeared from his spot, leaving only an after image that quickly disappeared.

He was now back in his ship that floated outside. It was time to go to the dungeon. He sent a party chat to his team that he would be in the dungeon. Ryu told him that they were in secluded cultivation at the moment.

"Elder also said to tell you to f*** off."

Qwen sucked his teeth.

'The old man is adapting to Earth pretty well I looks like. His mouth surely made the adjustments to this plane.' Qwen thought to himself.

The skipper turned south and flew towards South America and the dungeon tower.

From the sky the sky the dungeon tower looked like a still painting. Nothing could be seen on the other side except the forest and the majestic looking tower. The ominous purple clouds gave the area a feeling of danger.

By now the military forces of the world had set a perimeter around the area as much as possible. The military force was the new world protection force and the local police. It currently had thousands of low leveled systems users as its main fighting force but the man power was still lacking so they needed help if the locals to hold the area down.

Qwen jumped to the ground from his ship and landed in front of one of the gates. There was a bustling crowd waiting to enter the tower. The crowd was becoming restless and shouting could be heard. The military weren't allowing anyone inside.

Qwen frowned. What was the hold up? The dungeon had been open for days. Why weren't they allowing anyone inside?

Qwen walked up toward the gate and could hear the local police man screaming at the angry crowd.

"Hey I said get back! Anyone who doesn't pay 200 gold pieces or items if the same value cannot enter!"

Hundreds of armed police had their rifles trained on the crowd.

"Now pay up, like I said!"

They man had a ruthless grin in his face. They were a group of dirty cops trying to extort people attempting to enter.

"Well, that sounds like a crock of horse sh**."

Qwen stepped foward through the crowed. Of course the thousands of people there went crazy. Qwen was a celebrity after all. They parted as he walked up.

He wore a long navy blue silk hanfu robe and black soft shoes. His black and purple sword hilt and sheeth were on his side. He learned to keep the blade on his hip for aesthetics. His hand and neck was adorned with jewelry with powerful enhancements. He didn't wear any armor seeing as how his natural body was stronger than all of the armors at his level.

The police office licked his lips.

"Now, here we are. Someone who's willing to pay up."

The man eyes were only on Qwens expansive looking items and he ignored what Qwen had said earlier. Greed written on his face.

Qwen scoffed.

"Pay up?"

Qwen unleashed his spirit power and the ground around him shook. The men and people in the crowd stumbled to find their footing.

Qwen smirked an shot a gust of hurricane sized winds at the hundreds of men holding weapons.


They all screamed as the winds picked them all up and threw them into the dungeon one by one.

"Now you can earn your own loot."

Most of the people were normal humans and would have to earn the system the hardest way. By killing a dungeon monster as a normal human.

The crowd was stunned.

"What spell did he use?"

"How is that possible. My wind spells can only shoot wind blades and gust of wind. How is he already so powerful?"

The crowd bust into a commotion.

Qwen ignored the comments and jumped into the dungeon. It was time to get to work.

One step took Qwen into the middle of a vast plains. There was no exit. The moment you enter the dungeon you have to go foward until you defeat a boss. Even with Qwens enhanced senses he could only see hills for miles in every direction.

He was sure people were behind him also entering the transparent wall. After he stepped through he couldn't see a soul. The place must me so large they could spawn anywhere when entering. A system dungeon has no rule but it's own after all.

Qwen flew into the air to figure out where he wanted to go. He used his powerful vision to scan the area.

He could see lower leveled monster of all types. Slimes, silver colored wolves, goblins, and all kinds if weak monsters of all sorts. They looked like they had their own territory and would clash when anything encroached over on of theres.

Qwen didnt want to waste his time. He wanted to find the biggest fish in the dungeon. He had no choice but to explore.

Qwen flew for hours and hours and the landscape finally began to change. There was still grass but it began to turn into grey sand and large rocks or boulders. The creatures here began to get stonger.

He saw that the monsters at this point were around level 7 to 10. These monsters were orc with magical staves and rituals pyres burning. They were sacrificing and praying to their God like statute while chanting to a pool of blood.

Well that's not ominous.

Qwen ignored the cult of orcs and flew on. Their weird rituals had nothing to do with him and they were fat too weak.

It took him over 24 hours of flying for his mana pool to drain from flight. Once he ran out of mana he would land on the ground use his spirit energy to run an subsonic speeds.

He jumped over a large valley hundreds of feet deep. Large triangular shaped trees and strange flora lined the bottom of the valley. He was going to going to continue on but a gleam of light caught his eye. It was the shine from the sunlight on metal. Qwen halted his jump with a backflip and dove towards the light.

Embedded inside of the cliff-like valley wall were two massive doors metal doors. Two large lifelioe statues of griffins were right next to the door.

Qwen moved closer to the doors and put his hands on the cool metal. The moment he did he felt wind fluctuations around him and dove backwards and rolled.

When he returned upright he was met with a large golden pawn.


His body flew into the air tens meters before he righted himself in mid air. He gritted his teeth from the pain. It felt like he was hit with a large hammer.

He looked a the griffin with bird like wings and sharp intelligent egale eyes. The other one had bat like wings instead of feathers. With retractable claw that was similar to short swords. These monster were definitely imposing.

They both roared angrily that a weak human withstood their attacks. The roar sent shockwaves that distorted the air around them.

<*Elite* Griffin Guardian Level 20>

Qwen was suprised at their levels and they moved much faster than their levels suggested. He hadn't even had time to react before he ws hit.

The he had only a moment to check before having to dodge the blows. He sent out powerful wind blades at the bat like Griffin who fired wind blade of his own. Effective stopping Qwens attacks. The two griffins returned fire with wind blades and earth spikes at Qwen.

The attack laughed thousands of projectiles at Qwen. Qwen dodged the attack and shot two massive thunderbolts that connected on the monster breast feathers. They were knocked back back but mostly unharmed.

Qwen sucked hit teeth. They had hardly lost any HP after the attack. The monsters had a strong resistance to magic.

His normal stats weren't enough to do more than chip away at their HP slowly, even with his staff empowering his spells.

He his unsheathed his blade and unleashed spiritual chi energy.

The earth 20 meters around Qwen shook as his powers were unleashed. The attacking griffin were instantly halted. The next second Qwen apperaed in front of the beast and swung his sword twice.


The sound of metal slicing through flesh and bones filled the air. The entrails dropping out of their bodies as they painfully groaned weakly.

Bright red blood sprayed in every direction except on Qwen who effectively used magic to keep himself from getting messy.

Qwens experience bar sky rocketed after the two kills of the elite monsters.

<You have gained a level.

<You have gained a level.>

Qwen was now at level 23.

The bodies of the monsters no longer disappeared right away. When you collect their bodies for material they also leave loot behind.

The griffin didn't leave anything behind however. Just their bodies.

Qwen sucked his and frowned.

"Cheap ass system. Maybe their bodies are worth a lot of GP or something."

Qwen shrugged and walked back up to the doors. This time the doors opened on their own as he walked closer to them.

Qwen stepped inside and saw an ancient ruin inside of a massive underground cavern. The moment he inside the metal doors instantly closed behind him.


<You have entered a hidden zone dungeon.>
