
Forming a Team 14.3

The trio stood in the middle a frozen tundra with only a forest in thick snow surrounded the three.

The short man in green mage robes name was Shizomi Ida he looked to be in his late teens. A few mintues passed but still nothing. Qwen assumed it gave warriors time to prepare.

<Shizomi Ida Level 4>

The other party memebe the bald barbarian warrior with a hammer was Ryu.

<Ryu Level 3>

The last guy who wore a sword, sheild, and tennis shoes was Tomi Mitzuni.

<Tomi Mitzuni Level 3>

"W-what's happening? S-survive what?"

As Shizomi spoke you can hear the shudder in his voice.

Qwen was testing them. He would tryhis best to not let them die but nothing was guaranteed. If it wasn't him then they would be stuck here with Himmy and his gang. He saves them from Jimmy's plots but that didn't mean they were a fit to join his team. He wanted people that were strong, reliable, loyal, and fearless.

The winds begins to whip up and the snow began to limit their visibility.

"Okay how many mission have you all undergone?"

Qwen asked while he spread out his senses trying it find any changes in the air to sense his enemies. Qwen raised his arms and created a large dome that blocked out the out the the elements. Qwen controlled the weather so this was dome created with only a thought.

The three looked away not meeting Qwens eyes.

"Well this is our 2nd dungeon IRL. We only fought in game befor3 that and. We were looking for veterans divers but none would join. So then we had run into Jimmy who said that if we went with him he would train us and help us level up. We were desperate so we agreed.

We all went into the level 2 dungeon, but Jimmy and he team did all of the fighting and kept all of the loot. They brought us here saying that we could join their clan if we passed their last test.

We know that he seemed sketchy, but we were desperate. No one would party with us and there aren't anymore monster attacks since the army got control of them. We figured this would be a good chance to get stronger and show that we could be useful in Jimmy's clan." Shizomi reliped.

Qwen was silently shocked. How could these idiots play with their lives like this?

"Idiots. This isn't a video game this is actual life! You decided to join in on the strongest dungeon located any where. One, that the military hadn't even located so that you could prove yourself?"

The just looked at their feet. They figured Qwen would give up on them after saying that.

"Bah!" He shouted in frustration.

"You three stay together. I'll maim the monsters that come near you and you can take the final kills. Once you level up immediately distribute your stat points. All of you put all of your points into agility and 1 into INT for the next 3 levels. After that INT and END.

He gave them his mana barrier bracelet. The barrier was large enough to protect the three of them if they were close to each other.

They all frowned at him telling them how to distribite their stats points but they kept their opinions to themselves. The voice finally arrived again.


'Rooooooar!' Bom Bom...Bom Bom...BOM BOM!

Loud roars filled the woodline followed by powerful foot steps. Two 12 foot giants burst through the the treeline. Their fur on their backs were white but the flesh on their face, chest, hands, and feet were all light blue. They had the bodies of humans but their eyes were blood read and only a tiny black dot for a pupil. The had holes in the side of their head for ears. They had yellow jagged fangs likely stained from years of blood, that have them a a terrifying sight.

They were in the center of a large clearing. One Yeti charged at Qwen and the other charged at the trio.

<Yeti tribesman level 5>

<Yeti tribesman Level 6>

Qwen turned to the trio with a grim face.

"Don't take any hits directly or your dead at your level. Don't tank any damage. I'll do the heavy lifting. Their natural strength is four times your own and that was before the stronger levels. Attack their joints and vital spots the very instant they appear. If you miss or have a mental lapse you and you friends are dead. Mage blind and hinder the monsters at every turn.....here they come!"

A hole was finally blasted into the ice barrier and two yeti charged inside.

Qwen jumped away from the trio to split up the two monsters. At the same time as the yeti got closer to the trio it suddenly froze. Qwen sent a bolt of electricity through the beast stunning it charging at the trio.

Qwen dodged the slow clumsy slashes from the yeti that had charged him, it didn't pose any threat to him all.

He was observing the trio. He noticed they were completely focused now. The instant the yeti froze the green mage cast nature's bind that took a few seconds to cast. Roots shot up from the ground and entangled the monsters arms and legs.

Ryu rushed in front of the monster and used a basic skill call 'Crush' the hammer swung with double force at the cost of mana.


The monster knees bent at strange angles sending it falling to its hands and knees. The beast released a loud pained roar and the binding became even more secure. The mage Shizomi had begun to sweat at this point. He didn't have to wait for long before Tomi appeared next to it and swung down with its short sword and beheaded the yeti.

Qwen smirked in satisfaction. He turned to his own battle and dodged a slash before pushing off to the ground an appeared infront of the monster, summoned his staff and swung down.


The yeti froze before falling in half. Its insides spilling out on the cold snow.

The trio was shocked. It took all three of them to take down one of them were tired from dealing with one. How were they going to deal with more?

Here Qwen took out his old firebolt staff and gave it to Shizomi and a mana recovery amulet. He gave Ryn a new hammer and boots that boosted agility by 20%. He gave Tomi the same pair of boots and a shield that boosted endurance and a long sword that increased attack power by 5%. He gave all three amulets boosting endurance by 20%.

He bought this in the system in seconds after converting $90,000,000 into GP. He memorized everything that he had access to in the shop. His universal mind easily retaing the information.

"Here. Hurry and equip these items we dont have much time. There are more coming. A lot more."

They all had grateful looks in their eyes. He really hadn't abandoned them, they thought. They saw that he clearly didn't need them. They bowed gratefully and quickly armed themselves. Just as they finished, there was a series of roars. This time 20 smaller yeti armed with spears and swords charged at them.

'Now the real fight will begin.'

Qwen used the ice and created a massive barrier with one opening. Only one or two yeti could attack the trio at a time. These yet were smaller by a few feet but still large and ugly.

Qwen was outside of the dome. He was at his best while mobile. He stood in a martial arts stance and prepared his his body.

<Yeti footsolider Level 7>

<Yeti footsolider Level 5>

<Yeti footsolider Level 6>

<Yeti footsolider Level 7>



Qwen we surrounded by 6 yeti with his back towards the barrier he created. The rest of the yeti charged towards the group inside the barrier.

Two rushed towards him. At the same time they swung their axes down in a vertical chip attempting to cleave him in to three. Blocked the slashes with his staff. Before following with a lower leg sweep. Four loud cracking sounds rang out and the bones in the monster's legs shattered. When they hit the ground three fire balls flew at the monsters faces exploding their heads before they could even scream.

He dashed forward and dodged another the stab of a spear. He appeared in front of a suprised yeti in a blink. Qwen punched out with his spirit power active. His fist sounded like a bomb went off when it impacted the beast. The yeti's body was sent flying with a massive hole in its torso. Qwen these monsters weren't a challenge at all at this level. He conjured three lighting spears and sent then flying into the chest of three more yeti.. The monsters screamed as a 2 foot hole burned through their bodies.

Qwen looked up to make sure he could still hear fighting inside of the barrier. He heard mage chants and flesh being impacted . He cast 'Regeneration' three times inside of the dome and heard audible sighs of relief. He also heard the fighting intensity increase with more vigor.

"This is amazing! My wounds are healing hella fast!.

"I've already leveled twice and these guys aren't looking as fast as before. My skills even leveled!"

He heard the three commenting to themselves. He let them battle and get experience. The yeti were mindless killing machines. They didn't realize they were walking into a meat grinder.

He heard the three of them leveling up three times each in such a short time was amazing. Ryu bashed the last of the yeti in its chest caving it in. Making the monster stumble and spew blood from its mouth. A fire bolt shot out and pierced through the monsters head and killing it.

They were all gasping for air. Mostly from adrenaline.

"Qwen you are amazing! You took out 6 of these things alone! How are you so strong?" Tomi said. He had rarely spoken since they met until now.

""Now isn't the time to talk about that besides everyone has their secrets. You should all be able to hold you own now. The monster will be getting stronger and I can't protect you from here on out. I just wanted you all to get to level 6 or 7.

Fight together and you have a greater chance for survival. Things are gonna get tougher from here."

Four imposing, 14 foot tall yeti in armor peices, step out of the wood line. They each held various weapons an stood menacingly. They were much more menacing and had hints of intelligence in their eyes. They didn't rush out madly but walked with cool long strides.

Qwen was able to tell the subtle differences as he studied his enemies.

<Yeti duel wielding berserker Level 6>

<Yeti Spearman berserker Level 7>

<Yeti swordsman berserker Level 8>

<Yeti Knuckebane Level 9>

He had to take the initiative. Just as he started to move. The level 6 yeti pulled a bow from over his shoulder and shot a massive arrow in one quick motion. Qwen tried to react but was too far away and a second too late.

"Tomi, NOO!"