
when the sky was bright

when the sun shined on the people when the sun enabled the trees to grow and the leaves to be green. when the sun allowed life to thrive when the sun allowed people to farm when the sun disappeared there was no more light to let the trees grow no more light to let the grass plants and even no light to see a world turned from bright to dark. author here this is writing practice so expect not the best story as ill try my best

Swaggypooper69 · ファンタジー
1 Chs

The sun

on a rainy day you could here voices of beings talking and heavy footsteps as if they're preparing for something in a lightly lit room on this rainy day there's a woman on a bed with a red tomato colored face. the woman could clearly be seen to be struggling with something but if you look at the situation any being can guess what type

of situation shes in and beside the woman holding her hand.

is a burly big men of 6ft 8 inches looking

down on this women with concerning eyes

woman in a white gown with a loud voice

says push mistress push the woman begins

following the instructions of the nurse as she lowly grunts and screams from the pain of labor in giving life to her baby her husband

feels his wife's tightened hand gripping down

on him with unbelievable strength and feels pride in how strong she is to handle this situation and bring their baby to the world

as she's steadily grunting and screaming at her husband profanities.You better be the best fucking dad that ever lives or ill tear you're dong between you're pants!

he could only smile and try to comfort her while she pushes his new son our daughter out as she gives out her finale scream and

abusive words towards her husband and stops this time every person in the room was delighted with the loud cry of the baby the dad smiles as the nurse. carries the baby over to the mother and says congratulations on you're new baby boy mistress.

the curse words that been directed towards her loving husband stopped and she looked

at her new son with warm eyes as the nurse gently places the newborn into the mothers arms as she said our cute little light

her husbands face just gets even brighter

to where you can see a gold glow come of

him as he happily says light ather as he represents our new light in this world and just as he finished his words the cloudy atmosphere outside disappeared instantly almost as if the sun its self is greeting the new child to the light family....

soo author here how was the first chapter

as i just started writing im not really sure where i want this story to go but ill do research to improve and get new ideas for the lore to the characters themselves in this story