
Chapter 1 exam

United Spiritual High SchoolEagle City In the morning.

Gu Bai finished his meal in the canteen and walked alone on the way to school.

"Hey, you say Lao Gu, how about my body, can I pass the opening exam?" I saw Zhang Bei come out of nowhere, wearing a whole set of silver armor, but his skin was not exposed at all, it can be said that he was really armed to the teeth.

Gu Bai was dumbfounded, not a buddy, not just a little weird, as for it. Then he took a look at his colorful armor.Or his own armor looks good.

Plan to go back to the dormitory to prepare for the next exam … When they returned to the dormitory, they began to check their equipment.

Zhang Bei looked in the mirror and adjusted the position of his helmet to ensure that his vision was not affected.

Gu Bai knocked on the armor on his body, and his eyes flashed a trace of confidence.

"See how the young master pinches you."

"Quickly don't imagine, gather to go, quickly quickly quickly," Zhang Bei took a look at the mobile phone suddenly way.

Then I saw two figures in armor and carrying several weapons running nimbly to the playground.

When everyone arrived, the teacher standing in front of the class team was looking at the two people sullenly. At the same time, the corners of his mouth were still twitching. The students had never seen such a strange person, and burst into deafening laughter.

Two people are coincidentally embarrassed to scratch the head, suddenly laugh more, "quiet", the teacher's voice through the spiritual power spread to the team, then look at Gu Bai and Zhang Bei "how do you dress like this, don't you feel ashamed"? "Hey, this is not afraid of beating, with this armor, can also insist on it," Zhang Bei said with a smile.

The leading teacher nodded his head slowly, reluctantly accepting the reason, and said, "OK, go back to the team quickly." The two men quickly returned to the team. "First of all, I would like to introduce myself, my name is Luo Ran, the leader of the class action, and also the instructor of your exam. Our exam place is Luoxue Building, 33 Baihua Road. At that time, each class will be mixed and scattered on each floor. When you arrive, you will be given a number plate, which represents which floor you want to be on.Every floor of the building is weird, but the weirdness above the gas refining period has been cleaned up by us. Also, your number plate is not just a number plate, as we all know, your exam is using the integral system, so the number plate can record your points, at the same time, it is also a means of saving your life, when your defense is broken, your number plate will start by itself. To transport you to a safe place outside, and of course to transport you back if the number plate is damaged by external forces.All right, the next step is to wait for departure. As soon as the voice fell, people chattered, and Gu Bai and Zhang Bei chatted with each other. Not a little while, the headmaster is taking microphone to stand on the stage "everybody is quiet", the voice just fell, whole playground drops a needle to be able to hear. The headmaster nodded with satisfaction. "You must all know the function of the number plate. I would like to add that you can check it with your spiritual consciousness. Now, I declare that the exam has officially begun!" With the words of the headmaster, the students were led by the instructor to run to the Luoxue Building. Along the way, everyone was very nervous,After all, this is an important exam for the future. Gu Bai and Zhang Bei are no exception, secretly praying to pass the exam. Finally, they arrived at their destination. They gathered under the building and began to distribute the number plates. The students who had been given the number plates entered the corresponding floors according to their number plates. Not surprisingly, Gu Bai and Zhang Bei were assigned to different floors, the 21st floor and the 40th floor respectively. They looked at each other and walked towards the building tacitly.Coming out of the elevator, a cold breath came to his face. Gu Bai looked around warily. Zhang Bei, who was on the 40th floor, was also carefully probing around. The people around him were also careful. He thought to himself: I have to hurry up and meet Gu Bai. Suddenly, a black twisted hand quietly reached out from the floor and grabbed Zhang Bei's ankle. Although Zhang Bei was psychologically prepared, he was still startled, but he soon calmed down and quickly took out a dagger from his backpack and stabbed his black hand. Who would have thought that the dagger could not pierce the treacherous hand, and a spark came out, and the people around him were surprised. "Obviously, brute force alone cannot break the defense of the treacherous hand, so try this." Zhang Bei said to himself.


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