
When the night is torn

A character who always finds a way to run away from the organization A man who was murdered by his clan. A power struggle between underground forces. Authoritarian people, are willing to risk everything to achieve the peak of power. Conspiracy makes us cold. There are fears, there is courage. All will be revealed when you click and enter that world...

JuXian · 都市
42 Chs

The light of life

Thien Ma Mountain.

Chu Duan Ham and Novan go to Thien Ma Mountain.

Thien Ma Mountain is the place known as the valley of hell. Here all year round is covered with toxic mist. Plants and animals can't survive. Only entrance, there is no way out. That's why no one dares to venture to the Thien Ma Mountain.

Chu Duan Ham doesn't know the reason why Yu-san ran up the mountain.

"Novan, why did Yu-san come here?" asked Chu Duan Ham.

Novan looked bored at the Thien Ma Mountain. Novan's mood isn't very good. Maybe the reason why the damn girl came running here was also that she wanted to run away. She ran here, only to fear that her life was in danger.

Instinctively, Novan said:

"The pleasures of a predator and prey. That is something we do not understand. Luckily, I gave her a positioning chip earlier. Because she always carries it with her, we can track her whereabouts. But the topography of Thien Ma Mountain is dangerous, it's very dangerous to go in there. Hmph, if not because of that antiquity medical book, I won't foolishly run here!"

Chu Duan Ham decided to keep silent.

This Sir doctor talks a lot!

Chu Duan Ham wants to shut his mouth.

He already knows Yu-san's whereabouts and hopes she doesn't get into any danger. The grace to save lives is as deep as a mountain, he doesn't want to make himself look ungrateful. He determines to find Yu-san. By all means, must save she.

He looked sadly at the toxic mist, he was heartbroken for her.

In this hunt, only fear that she is in danger. Maybe she was lonely facing professional killers alone.

"Novan, maybe she was injured. I am very worried about her," said Chu Duan Ham.

Novan glanced at Chu Duan Ham, he pouted and said:

"Hey, bro! Don't tell me that you love Yu-san! This story is not funny at all!"

"Don't you have a pure thought in your head? It's bullshit!" Chu Duan Ham frowned and replied.

"Oh~" Novan smiles, "The duck is dead, its beak is still hard. Do men love women isn't it obvious? An objection of what?"

"…" Chu Duan Ham shut up and keep quiet!

If they continue to argue, he is afraid that Novan's psychotic babbling will persist.


They find the location of the positioning chip, Yu-san's location is very near. Perhaps Yu-san is nearby!

The topographic here is rugged and the path is difficult. Despite wearing protective gear, the slippery road still made people feel scared. The light of the flashlight shines. They groped and went.

Somewhere a groaning sound came out.

Novan shivered. He quickly grabbed the hem of Chu Duan Ham's shirt, his whole body was shaking to the point of being intimidating.

"Hey, bro! Does this place have ghosts? Why do I feel that the negative energy here is too thick? It feels like a cold arm is touching me! Oh my god!" said Novan.

Chu Duan Ham shines a flashlight on his face.

"A…A… God save me! There are ghosts!"

Novan was scared to death. He yelled. Chu Duan Ham's hand holding the lapel of his shirt had let go. He ran like crazy forward.

Chu Duan Ham mumbled sadly: "This coward!"

Chu Duan Ham continued walking.

"A vow to heaven and earth…hmm… hmm,"

A hoarse female voice softly resounded.

It's Yu-san!



Maybe this time it's the stupid Sir doctor.

Novan is a nuisance!

Chu Duan Ham pointed his flashlight in the direction of the loud sound.

"Novan? What's wrong Novan?"

"Chu… Chu… Duan… Ham… you… come and help me!"

Chu Duan Ham: "…" ???

Novan must have slipped.

Chu Duan Ham goes ahead.


Chu Duan quickly unzipped the backpack behind his shoulders. With one hand he shines a flashlight, the other he rummages through looking for something. Before going to Thien Ma mountain, Chu Duan Ham and Novan had prepared quite a few backup items. Chu Duan Ham is searching for a rope. He pulled the rope out of his backpack. In the dim light of the torch, he struggled to find a large tree. There is a big tree nearby. Chu Duan Ham tried to pat the tree trunk, he wanted to check the strength of the tree trunk. Until the tree is certainly usable. Chu Duan Ham immediately used a rope to tie the tree trunk. According to the dim light of the flashlight, Chu Duan Ham searched for the location of Novan.

"Novan? Novan?" Chu Duan Ham calls out loud, "Where are you at?"

The familiar hoarse male voice groaned:

"I'm here! Chu Duan Ham, I'm here…"

Novan's voice was hoarse. Perhaps he had been screaming all this while, so now his voice was shaky and powerless.

The flashlight illuminates Novan's face.

Novan looked up, his tired body leaning back.

"God! I'm going to die!"

Chu Duan Ham dejectedly rubbed his forehead. His handsome face became obvious…..



"If you keep whining, I'll leave you here to be friends with wild animals. Well, it seems that Thien Ma Mountain has no wildlife. Perhaps you will befriend the forest ghost. This is not bad!"

"…" Novan???

This wicked man!

A moment later.

Novan is saved by Chu Duan Ham.

Reaching the ground, Novan quickly hugged Chu Duan Ham's thigh, his whole body leaning against it.

"With my gratitude, I volunteer to give my body to you. Let's usurp me~"



"Get out!"

"…" Novan pouted.

It's so ferocious!


"Whew! I'm so tired…"

A female voice whispered in the dark.

In that quiet space, her thin breath kept moving.

In her dream, she sees a man. She felt his face was very familiar. It seemed she had met this man before. Maybe she can't remember for a while.

This man wears a costume wedding for the groom. The regal aura exudes from his body. The red color of the outfit combined with gentle eyes. What a charming man.

He smiled a bit. His smile is like autumn sunshine.

He went against the light and came.

Like a male god, the divine breath spread to every fiber of her body. She felt her frozen body being warmed by the divine breath.

She felt like a cool stream was flowing through her body.

It's comfortable and pleasant!

She wanted this feeling to last forever.

"Yu-san, Yu-san… Don't be afraid! I have arrived!"