
When the heart beat

a warewolf girl who comes back only to find her pack members, friends and family dead,imagine what she felt,she must have being devastated and broken. Kiara a warewolf who vowed to take revenge on her packmates but ended up making a friend in the way who helped cause trouble within the vampire coven but it wasn't for long as Kiara was captured by the vampire clan leader and taken to the human realm after he made her steal the bloodstone for his own selfish purposes. They took identities of noble people in their area, Kiara planned various method of escapes which didn't work out and Sefra seemed to like her presence in the house and started developing feeling for her,he soon found out that she was his mate and that was the reason he had not killed her yet. Torn between love and revenge which will prevail and what will Kiara do?.

Ceecee_ · ファンタジー
42 Chs

chapter twenty eight Set up

They ate till their satisfaction as Kiara who was initially uncomfortable became loose and was able to relax around him,she began to converse with him and they became indulged in their conversation and didn't realize that It was almost midnight.

They decided to go home,he drove while she was in the passenger seat

The soft hum of the car's engine filled the silence as Sefra drove Kiara home. The night had been eventful, and both of them were tired from the day's activities. Kiara, resting her head against the window, gradually drifted off to sleep during the drive.

As Sefra glanced at her sleeping form, a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He found himself captivated by her peaceful countenance, her defenses lowered in slumber. She looked so vulnerable, and he felt an overwhelming desire to protect her.

He adjusted the volume of the music, not wanting to disturb her peaceful sleep. The car journey seemed to pass in the blink of an eye, and before he knew it, they had arrived at their destination.

Gently, he turned off the engine and looked at Kiara, still sound asleep in the passenger seat. He hesitated for a moment, debating whether to wake her or carry her inside. Eventually, he decided to let her rest a little longer, knowing how tired she must be.

With utmost care, Sefra unbuckled her seatbelt and then carefully lifted her into his arms. Her head nestled against his shoulder, and he felt her warm breath against his neck. Her scent enveloped him, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness over her.

As he carried her through the front door and up the stairs, he marveled at the connection he felt with her. It was as if she belonged in his arms, as if they were meant to be together.

Once inside his room, he gently laid her down on the bed, pulling the covers over her. Kiara stirred slightly but didn't wake up. Sefra couldn't resist the temptation to brush a strand of hair away from her face, his fingers lingering on her cheek for a moment.

He stood there for a moment, watching her sleep, unable to tear his gaze away. In this quiet, intimate moment, he realized just how deeply he cared for her. He wanted to protect her, cherish her, and be the one she turned to in times of joy and sorrow.

He went into the bathroom to freshen up before changing into his night wear and joining her on the bed,he had a very exhausting day and soon fell asleep as she nestled into his arms.

He held her close to him and fell asleep.

The morning sun gently filtered through the curtains, painting the room in soft golden hues. As Kiara slowly woke from her slumber, she felt warmth and a sense of comfort enveloping her. Instinctively, she leaned into the embrace, enjoying the feeling of safety that seemed to emanate from it.

However, as her eyes fluttered open, she was met with a sight that left her heart pounding in her chest. She found herself in Sefra's arms, on the same bed he had carried her to last night,she didn't know how she got there but her checks tainted red as she stared at the sleeping beauty in front of her.

Before she could react or make sense of the situation, Sefra's voice broke the silence. "What are you doing?" he asked, sounding slightly amused and surprised.

Kiara's eyes widened in shock, and she tried to find the right words to explain herself. "I... I must have fallen asleep here by accident," she stammered, trying to extricate herself from his arms.

You didn't,you slept in the car and I brought you here last night,he explained and she was relieved that nothing happened last night.

Sefra's grip on her tightened ever so slightly, preventing her from leaving just yet. "You don't have to leave," he said softly, his eyes locking with hers. "I enjoy having you here."

Kiara's heart pounded even louder, torn between wanting to stay in his embrace and wanting to distance herself from the intense emotions she was feeling.

"I... I should go back to my room," she finally managed to say, though her voice betrayed her uncertainty.

Sefra released her, and she quickly got up from the bed. She avoided his gaze, feeling her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.

As she rushed out of his room and into her own, she closed the door behind her and leaned against it, trying to steady her breathing. Her heart was in turmoil, torn between her attraction to Sefra and the fear of getting hurt.

Deep down, she knew that her feelings for him were genuine and that their connection was undeniable. But her past experiences with vampires(him to be precise) made her cautious, and she couldn't simply ignore the risks involved.

She went to take her bath and brushed her teeth before dressing into a black t-shirt and a short,she applied lotion on her body before leaving the room,as she reached the living room her phone rang but she didn't know where it was,she soon saw her bag on top of the kitchen counter so she went there to take the phone.

It was David calling,though she was mad at him for standing her up she still had to know his reasons so she picked up the call.

She didn't say anything and waited for him to talk first.

Am really sorry Kiara,I didn't mean to make you wait..,when I finished what I was doing I came quickly but I was told you left with a guy,he said and rolled her eyes.

You could've called to tell you you won't make it,she said and he regretted not calling.

I..I thought I could make it,am really sorry,he said and the call got disconnected.

She wasn't mad that he didn't make it,but making her wait for so long just for him not to come.

Sefra who was at the last stairs and witnessed it couldn't help but let out a smile