
When The Flowers of Peach Blossoms Flutters

♥WFP #17 Gold Winner ♥ "I only want to be with the one I love. But why the hell is it hard for us to be together?" Roseanne is a daughter of a Chinese Real Estate Mogul. She have a long-time boyfriend who her parents doesn't like and they force her to marry the son of a rich business partner that she doesn't even know. Not wanting to let go of each other, the couple planned to elope during the school trip. But they didn't know that shit is following them resulting for them to part. The next morning Roseanne woke up finding herself in a different era and shits continue to happen.

ItamiHime · 歴史
14 Chs

Chapter 1: First Sight

First Sight

"Do you think she'll ever wake up?"

"Watch your mouth Bing Song! If the General hear you, he'll definitely cut your inauspicious tongue!"

"You're so mean Sister Bai Shen. I only said that because the young miss is sleeping for so long."

I woke up hearing whispering voices near me. I also feel a soft damp thing gliding on my skin. Slowly, my eyes begin to open and I saw two girls aging 13 in front of me. Both of their eyes widen when they noticed that I'm currently staring at them.

"Young Miss! Bing Song call the Head Madame Qi!"

The other girl immediately ran and went out of the room. I look at the remaining girl and figured out how odd her look is. She's wearing an upper garment robe with a pleated skirt. She's wearing a hanfu.

"How are you feeling Young Miss?" she gently asked.

I looked around and realize how weird this place is. The walls and floor are all wood. The bed I am lying is a small thin mattress with a silk cover. The curtains are also silk with ancient style design. There are beads flowing in its upper corner. Where the the fuck am I?

"Who are you? Where am I?"

"Answering the Young Miss. I am Bai Shen. A servant here in Grand General Qi's Manor. I am assigned here to take care of you."

"Grand General Qi's Manor?" I asked confused.

"Yes. Young Miss."

My brows furrowed. What the heck is this girl talking about. Is she on drugs?

I lift my body and sit on the bed. I found out that I am also wearing a hanfu. I looked around for the second time and observe the surroundings. This place looked like the rooms of ancient houses I saw in historical dramas. I tried to find cameras and staffs but they are nowhere to be found.

"Wait, am I in Hengdian World Studios? Girl, I don't remember joining a Historical Drama." I said while chuckling.

"Hengdian World Studios? Historical Dramas? I don't understand the young miss."

"What? Don't you know Hengdian World Studios? It is the largest filming site in the whole world! Don't you have a television?! Geez."

Confusion is clearly evident on her face. She really didn't know Hengdian World Studios? What is she? People of Ancient Era?

"Forgive this lowly slave but this servant really don't understand what the Young Miss is saying."

"Oh cut the crap! Why the hell are you calling me Young Miss? You're making me feel like we're in an old ancient era shit. Gosh!"

Dang. This girl is getting on my nerves. This shit should stop. Why the hell am I even here in the first place? I stand up and walked when I felt my knees wobbling.

"Young Miss!" the girl screamed when I landed on the floor.

She immediately held my hand and guide me to the bed, What's wrong with my knees? Why am I so weak?

The door suddenly opened. Together with the girl who left earlier, a beautiful woman and a scary looking man both in their late 40's entered the room.

"Yong'er!" the beautiful woman cried and ran to me.

What did she called me? Yong'er? I was shocked when she hugged me so tight. Tears are also flowing down from her eyes and I felt its drops falling on my neck. The fuck is wrong with this woman?!

"Excuse me. I can't breathe!" I hissed.

The woman loosen her hug and held my hand instead. She looked me in the eye with that strange longing feeling.

"I thought you're already dead! The Heaven must have heard my woes and plea! You're finally here and alive! What happened to you my dear daughter?"

"Uhm. I think you've mistaken me from someone. I am not your daughter Maam." I calmly said.

"My poor child! What hardships did you experienced for you to not remember your own parents! It's all my fault!"

The crazy woman cried out loud again. Dang. This is really getting annoying!

"Okay whoever put this prank, please stop this now! This is really getting annoying!" I shouted.

All of them looked at me like I am the mad one here. Nothing happened. No one came out of nowhere and I'm still stuck here with this crazy people. I should leave here. There is no point in staying with this weirdos.

I stand up and tried to walk when this fucking knees lose its strength again.

"Yong'er! Bing Song call the Physician!" the scary man shouted.

"Yong'er are you all right?"

"Don't touch me!" I shrieked.


"I am not Yong'er! My name is Roseanne! Roseanne Yang! You've mistaken me from someone! I am not your daughter so please let me go home!"

"You are Yong'er and this is your home!"

"No! If you don't let me go, I'll call the cops and sue all of you!"

I stand up and tried to walk again. I cussed when I stumbled on the floor again. Fuck! What did they do to me?!

"Fuck! What wrong with my limbs?! Why can't I walk?! What did you do to me?!"

The door opened again and an old geezer went inside with a chest in his hands.

"Greetings Grand General Qi and Head Madame Qi."

After greeting the scary looking man and this crazy crying woman, the old geezer walked toward me. Why is he coming for me?

"Hey what are you gonna do? Stop! Don't come here!"

I started crawling away. Fuck. What the hell is happening?! This is getting shittier and shittier.

"Please calm down Young Miss."

"Jukes! Don't come near me!" I screamed on top of my lungs.


I screamed when the old man held my arm. I shoved his hands but its too late. He put a smoking thing in front of my face and when I sniffed it, my body become weak.

"Immediately bring the young miss on her bed." the old man said.

The two young servants carried me onto the bed. I tried to fight but all of my energy drained out. The old geezer must have drugged me.

"What did you do to her? Why did she stop moving?" the woman earlier said.

"Don't worry Madame. The Young Miss is fine. I made her smell this tranquilizing smoke."

The old man looked at me.

"Don't be afraid Young Miss. I'm just going to check your condition."

He then took my hand and placed his two fingers above my wrist. I tried to move but I still can't. Dang it!

The old man finally removed his fingers and looked at the two couples.

"The Young Miss is so weak. Her body was also filled with cold wind making the heat in her body unbalanced. I will list the medicine she needed for regaining her strength."

He opened his chest and I saw different porcelain jars and containers inside. He took a paper and started to write with his brush. After that, he gave the paper to the servant and the servant gave it to the upper woman.

"The instructions are listed in that prescription. I also suggest to feed her a great amount of nutritious food and soup."

How could he come up with that result by merely touching my wrist?! This man is clearly a fraud!

"Thank you Physician Hong." the beautiful woman said.

"You know what to do Physician Hong. No one must know what happened here. No words must come out." the scary man said.

"This lowly physician promised the Grand General. I am now taking my leave."

The old man bowed and after that he left. The beautiful woman gave the prescription to the two girls and instructed to buy them. They immediately left and now I'm stucked with these two people.

"Yong'er. My poor child!" the woman cried while gliding her soft hands on my face.

This is so sick! What the hell is really happening here?!

"It took us two long years to find you. You don't know how much we suffered when you left. Where have you been my daughter?"

"Maam. As I said earlier, you've mistaken me from someone. I'm not your daughter!"

The woman cried harder. Shit! She's so annoying and overdramatic!

"Are you really that mad at us? We're very sorry for making you feel neglected. We both love you and your brothers! We love you very much!"

"Maam please stop! I am not really your daughter! My name is Roseanne Yang! The only daughter of Yang Guoqiang and Yang Yanchi!" I shouted on her face.

"Xue Yong!"

My tongue got bitten when I heard the man's thunderous voice echoing in the walls. His face got so much darker and he's fucking looking at me! Fuck! I'm so scared!

"We know that you're mad at us but shouting to your mother is not acceptable! Stop that act!"

I didn't speak. I am so legitly sacred to him. The woman shouted to his husband. She told him to stop scolding me because I am sick and what he's doing is not helping me.

"Mother is very sorry to Yong'er. Mother promised that this this time, Yong'er will receive all the love and attention. Mother will take care of you."

I am so fucked up!

Days passed and I'm still stucked here in this room. I wonder when will I regain my strength.

Most of the time, that woman who's insisting to be my mother is always here checking up on me. She's also feeding me delicious food.

For kidnappers, they really pampered me so much.

But no matter how good they treat me here, I'm still not going to stay here. I have to leave.

I am pretty sure that my parents is freaking out right now. They must be flipping the whole China to find me.

I wonder what happened to Felix? Did he escape from my bodyguards? Did he made it to the port? Is he still waiting for me there? It's been days that we parted. I hope that he's okay.

"What is the Young Miss thinking?"

I stopped looking at the majestic view outside the window and looked at the girl named Bing Song. Her face suddenly become flustered.

"Forgive this lowly servant for being intrusive."

I just looked at her and stared outside the window again. The view is really one of a kind. There is a garden full of blooming flowers everywhere. If only I can walk, I will go outside and smell them.

"Do you know how I got here?" I asked.

"Answering the Young Miss. The Grand General found you in the seacoast. You are unconscious lying inside a strange looking boat."



Yes! That freaking boat!

I frantically looked at her and hold her hands.

"Where is the boat? Where are my luggages? Did you keep them? Where are my things?!"

"I... I don't know Young Miss. Maybe the Head Madame know."

Shit. I can't ask the Head Madame about my things! They will never give me those! What should I do?

"How about Bai Shen? Maybe Bai Shen knows! Call Bai Shen!"

Bing Song called Bai Shen. When Bai Shen arrived, I immediately asked her and I rejoiced when she said that she saw that the Grand General's men carried my things inside the manor.

"Do you know where did they put them?"

"They put it inside the storage room."

"Can you get it for me?"

"Forgive me Young Miss but I can't. I am not allowed to go there without permission."

Dang it!

How the fuck can I get my phone?!

How can I contact my parents?!

How can I call Felix?!

Think Roseanne! Think! You don't have a brain for nothing.

I looked at these two young servants. They are like 12 or 13 years old. They are still young.

Hmmm. Okay. I know now what to do.

"You said that you just need a permission right? You have my permission! I am your Young Miss! You should follow my orders!" I boastfully said.

The two of them looked at each other. It seems like they're weighing what to do. Damn this little bitches! Why can't they just follow me?!

"Forgive us Young Miss. Regarding that matter, we must ask for the Head Madame's permission first! We're very sorry!" Bai Shen said.

"What a fucking Hierarchy."

I heard the both of them gasped. I will cuss if I want. I am so pissed right now!

"I just want to get my things. Why can't I do that? Too bad. There are lots of food there. There are delicious chocolates and candies that I bought from the other side of the world. Just thinking of it makes my mouth water. I even want to share it with you two."

I sneakily looked at them and I smirked when I saw Bing Song's mouth moving slightly.

I hooked a fish mouth.

Later that night, I heard soft knocks on my door. My eyes sparkled when I saw Bing Song carrying a luggage inside the room. I excitedly sit up and instructed her to take it near me.

"Thank you Bing Song! Did anyone see you?"

"I think no one saw me Young Miss. All of them are currently sleeping. The guards are not that strict tonight. Where did you get that strange looking bag Young Miss? It's so heavy."

I didn't answer the talkative girl and opened the luggage.

"Geez. It's Felix's! Where is his phone?! Oh shit. I forgot. He left it in his room!" I yammered.

I stopped scrambling his things and stared at Bing Song. I can't let her go there again. It's too risky.

"What's wrong Young Miss?"

"You got the wrong bag."

"I'm very sorry Young Miss! I will go back there again."

"No. Don't. It's too risky. Also the bag is too heavy. Let's get the other tomorrow night."

The little girl nodded. Then she stared again at the bag. Oh. I forgot. The candies.

"Oh let me find for some candies here."

I started searching for the candies. I open all the zippers and search for the pockets. I smiled when I touched a plastic.

"Here it is Bing Song!"

I took the white plastic containing the candies and chocolates I asked Felix to buy. Why did I not remember this when I was starving in the boat?

"Go on. Get yours!"

I looked at her and saw that she's just staring at the candies. Oh my. Bing Song is shy? No way! By spending some days with her I learned that she's not like that.

"Don't be shy! Get yours! Get the candies!"

She looked at me and finally she picked one piece. Then she stared at it. Bing Song looked at me again and I smiled at her urging her to eat it. There's no poison there gosh!

What she did next made my eyes pop out.

Bing Song put the candy in her mouth with the plastic!

"What the fuck are you doing Bing Song?! Don't eat it with the plastic! Unwrap it first!"

She spit the unwrapped candies and talked.

"Forgive me Young Miss but I don't know how to eat this."

Seriously?! This fucking idiot doesn't know how to eat a fucking candy?

I put my palm on my face. I am really going to be a crackbrain here!

"Okay Bing Song watch me. First you should put your two fingers near the tip of the plastic. Then do this. This is how you unwrap it. Throw away the plastic and get the candy inside. Now eat it."

I instructed her and put the chocolate candy in my mouth. Bing Song tried to unwrap the candy and she succeeded. Her chinky eyes widen as she suck the candy.

"It's delicious right? You can take as much as you want. These are all yours."

"Thank you Young Miss!"

"You're Welcome! Wait, maybe there are still some left here."

I put my hands inside the luggage again and search for the candies. Suddenly, I touched a hard thing. I took it out and saw Felix's phone!

"Yeeeees! A phone!" I silently squealed.

I looked at Bing Song and fortunately she's focused on eating the candies I gave her.

"You can now leave Bing Song. Take all of that. It's all yours. Thank you again!"

When Bing Song left, I immediately took the phone out. My lips formed a smile when I saw my face in Felix's wallpaper. Aww. My dear boyfriend.

Wait. He said that he left his phone in his room. So why is it here?

Dang it. That forgetful one.

My annoyance arised. If not because of this phone, Felix and I will elope successfully. We will not be separated. And I won't be stranded in that boat.

I am just lucky that I survived and didn't die.

But I was found by these psychotics.

Still fucked up.


I looked at the signal bar and saw that it doesn't even have one bar. I tried to dialed the signal request but it didn't work.

"Fuck! What's the use of this? Did they  have a signal jammer here?!"

I angrily threw the phone on the bed. It's damn useless! What will I do now? I go back laying on the bed. I move side to side until I sit up frustrated.

"How could they wear this? It's freaking hot!"

This silk hanfu is covering my whole body. Air conditioner is nowhere to found. There are no electricity and only the candles light up my room.

I am so freaking sick of this place! I wanna go home!

I removed this shitty hanfu. I opened Felix's luggage and took one of his shirts. I wear it and finally my body felt comfortable.

I lay on the bed again and hug my body. Felix's smell is lingering in his clothes. I sniffed it and imagine that he's just right beside me.

That made me feel safe.

That made me feel his warmth.

And that made me sleep.

Weeks passed and I can finally walk. I'm now allowed to go out too but Bing Song and Bai Shen must accompany me. Having a servant felt really weird but I got used to it.

I also strolled the whole Manor and I was surprised to see beautiful views. Aside from my aesthetic garden, there is also a pond with lotuses. There is a wooden swing that I never ride. The building are all old style. The pavilions are all surrounded by flowers.

The maids are all wearing hanfu and even the guards are wearing soldier armors.

This residence really gives off an ancient vibe.

Those couple are really insane. Making their maids and guards wear those. Gosh.

Roaming the manor for sight seeing is just an excuse.

My real agenda is finding a possible escape route.

After observing for days, I finally made a plan.

Every night, the guards are roaming around the manor. That last for about thirty minutes and after that the main guards in the gate are replaced by the other guards at midnight. Thanks to my phone that I only used for the clock. Unfortunately there are only 2 bars left.

My plan is creating a fire in the empty room near the Jade Pavillion. I'm pretty sure that all guards will get distracted and I will use that time to escape.

All I need is just a small lighter. Thanks to Felix's bag for having it.

And I plan to do it tonight.

"Young Miss, you should go back to your room now. I am afraid that you will catch a cold if you stay here longer."

I am currently here in the Jade Pavilion with Bing Song. I secretely looked at my phone under my sleeves and saw that it's already 10:45 in the evening.

"Let's just stay here a little longer. The moon is crescent and I want to stare it for a long time. Why don't you just get me a blanket?"

Bing Song looked undecided. It's like she's having a mental battle whether she'll force me to go back to my room or follow my order. That's why I have to give a little push to this little girl.

"What are you waiting for? Go. Get a blanket!"

Bing Song sighed and left. This is the reason why I prefer Bing Song accompanying me than Bai Shen. Bing Song is easy to fool while Bai Shen is an intelligent persisting bitch.

When I saw that Bing Song is nowhere to be found, I ran to the room near the Jade Pavilion and went inside. There is no light and the room is really dark. I click the lighter and flame light up. I looked around and find for a better spot to ignite a fire. I chose the paper divider and walked near it. I place the lighter in the edge and the fire started to eat it. I went to the other side and burn the paper windows too.

Gosh. What a waste. I really don't want to burn this room but I have no choice.

Fire started to grow and smoke got thicker. I went out of the room and sit back to the chair in the Jade Pavillion. Base on the amount of paper in that room, I'm pretty sure that the fire will spread immediately.

After 5 minutes, I saw Bing Song walking towards my direction. Suddenly, she stopped walking and sniffed. She looked at the room near me and widen her eyes in horror.

"Fire! There's a fire!"

I pretended to be shock and ran to Bing Song. I looked at the room and saw that the fire is finally eating the whole room in half.

"Oh my Bing Song! The fire is so big! Let's call the guards!"

Bing Song and I run our asses. We screamed so hard enough for the whole manor to hear. I am a professional screamer duh! The more attention I get, the better. I want all of them to gather near the fire.

I smirked when I saw the guards running towards us. Bing Song told them about the fire in the Jade Pavilion and they immediately run there.

Even thought there are now guards aiding there, I still screamed my lungs out and aspired for commotion. The nosy servants went in the Jade Pavilion too. Now all that left is the guard in the main gate and Bing Song.

"Bing Song! Call the guards near the gate and ask for assistance. I'll go back to my room on my own."

"But... "

"Just go! Do you want that fire to spread in the whole manor?!"

And I successfully fooled this idiot again. When Bing Song left, I hide in the corner near the walls. I waited for minutes and saw the guards in the gate running with my stupid servant. When they passed by me, I ran like shit to the gate.

"Oh come on! Are you fucking with me?!"

The gates are all locked. Those guards really deserve a raise for keeping this manor safe.

I tried to kick the door several times but nothing happened. I looked for a possible exit but there's none!

No way! I have to get away here! If I can't escape tonight, then I'll be confined here forever!

I looked around and think. Maybe there are things I can use.

The wooden cart catched my attention. It seems like that it is a trash collecting cart and it is near the wall. I stared at it and the wall.

Dang! My last resort!

I ran to he cart and push it nearer the walls. When the cart is now touching the walls, I step on it and tried to climb. I grasp for the roof tiles and successfully climb up. I lifted my feet and step on the roof.

"It's not that high Roseanne isn't it?"

I convinced my self and boosted my courage. I flipped my body making my stomach lie on the roof and slowly move my feet in the other side. My feet is hanging in the air reaching for the ground.  When I looked at the other side, I saw that there's only about 3 meters down.

No choice. I wish that my legs won't get strained or something.

I jump down with my butt landing on the ground. My mouth is urging to cry out in pain but I suppressed it. I don't want to get busted.

Despite my aching butt, I gathered my strength and stand up. I was strucked when I saw how dark the area is. Only the moon gives light in the way. Scary things played inside my head and that only add up to my fear.

I slapped my face and remove all unhelpful imaginations. There is no time left. Later on, the commotion will stop and they will notice that I am already missing. I am just so lucky that the Grand General is not here. The guards are doubled everytime he's here.

I moved my feet and run fast. This is my first time going outside the manor and I can't believe that it's in the middle of the freaking forest! It is so isolated and I can't even see any neighbors around it. It is really a perfect spot to hide your abductees.

I didn't stop running and just rest in interval but no matter how far I've run, I'm still in the middle of nowhere. I sit for a while and grab my phone. I cursed when I saw that there's still no signal! What kind of place is this?! I turned it off again to save its remaining power then I go back running.

My feet started to feel numb. My body is reeking of sweat. My hair is disheveled. I am so fucking tired but I can't see any progress of leaving this forest. My tears are urging to fall. My hope is fading.

But just when I am about to wail, I saw that the tress are decreasing in number. I stop running and just walked. Minutes passed, and the trees are all cleared. There is a rough road ahead. Beside it is a full bloom rice field. I am really in a province's secluded area. I looked back too see if there are guards following me but I saw none. It seems like I really burned down that room.

I sit down and have a rest for a while. Maybe a car will pass here. I looked at my phone again and cursed again when I saw that there is still no signal. Fuck this place. I looked around hoping for a passerby. My eyes widen when I saw a light coming from the distance. I stood up and waved my hands.

"Help! There's someone here!  I need a help!"

The light glow is coming near and my brows furrowed when I saw where it comes from. It is a lantern hanging in a wooden carriage. There is a man sitting in the front holding the rope of his horse.

Are you seriously fucking with me?! Who the hell uses that wooden carriage in this time?! Goodness! I am really going nuts here!

The carriage stop in front of me. I saw the man looking at  me. Unlike my silk clothes, the he's wearing a rugged cloth hanfu. His white hair is tied into a bun and his beard is almost covering his whole face.

"Is there anything wrong Young Lady? I heard you shouting and asking for help."

Should I trust him?

Roseanne do you really have a choice?!

The old man looks nice. Unlike that psychotic man they called Grand General.

"Yes. I really need help. Someone kidnap me and I escaped! Now they're all after me! Please help me!"

"Kidnap?" the old man asked with a confused look in his face.

"Yes! Someone kidnap me! Someone abducted me!"

The man's face changed and the confusion was replaced by panic.

"Is that so?! Come on. Go inside and I'll take you to the nearest city guards in town."

City guards?

Is he talking about the police?


He's taking me there?!


Maybe there's a signal there!

I walked inside the carriage and sit down. The carriage starts moving. I looked around the carriage and saw weaved twigs shaping like sacks. The wooden floor has some spilled rice grains. Man. They used that useless twigs as a rice sack. What a way to save the earth.

"It will be a long ride Young lady. I suggest that you should sleep for now. I will wake you up when we're already in the city."

"Thank you Mister. Can I ask what your name is?"

"My name is Li Yu. How about you Young Lady?"

"My name is Roseanne Yang."

"Roseanne Yang? What a strange name." the man chuckled.

What's wrong with my name? It's beautiful and unique!

I ignored the man's laugh and layed on the wooden floor. Gosh. I am so fucking tired. I closed my eyes and drift to sleep.

I woke up feeling soft nudges in my shoulder. I opened my eyes and saw the smiling face of the old man. Right. I escaped that freaking Manor. I sit up and wipe my eyes. I looked at the sky and saw that the sun is already striking hot.

"We're already here in the nearest town Young Lady. Let's go."

I stand up and walked outside the carriage. When I looked around, my eyes widen in shocked. The city he's talking about is not what I expected. Instead of skyscrapers, I saw ancient wooden buildings! There are wooden tables with different things the people are selling. In front of me are bunch of people roaming around and all of them are wearing hanfus!

I think I'm gonna faint!

"Where are we? Why are we here? I thought that we're going to the city?! I thought we're going to the town!" I said hysterical.

"Yes. We're currently here in the nearest town. The city of Luoyang. "

"Luo Yang? I know Luoyang is very sacred and ancient but this is not the Luoyang I know! Let's go to Beijing or Shanghai! Anywhere but here!"

"I don't know what you're talking about Young Lady. I don't know what is Beijing and Shanghai."

"Seriously? Beijing is the capital of China and Shanghai is one of its city. Don't tell me you also don't have an idea what China is?"

The old man looked at me like I am a mad person. Gosh! They are the mad ones here! Not me!

"China is the name of our country! Our President is Xi Jinping! Don't tell me you have an emperor here?! What is your Emperor's name? Emperor Quan?!"


I was taken aback when the old man shouted at me. He looked around and search for something and looked back at me.

"How dare you speak our Emperor's name like that?! If the guards hear you, your head will be rolling in the ground right now!"

What?! Is he serious?

"What the hell are you saying old man?! We're in China right?! Tell me we are in China right?! These are all Drama sets?!"

"Young Miss it seems like you experienced terrible things during your abduction. Your head is muddled with non existent things. We're here in Luoyang. The capital of Western Jin."

"Western Jin?" I said with a weak voice.

"Yes. We're in Western Ji. So you should be careful of your words especially when its about the Royal Family. One wrong word and it will eradicate your whole family. Wait here and I'll find for a guard."

Mr. Li Yu left me dumbfounded outside the carriage. Bunch of ideas came inside my head. No way. No fucking way.

Did I die in that boat?

Did I transmigrate in the Jin Dynasty?


I can feel that it's still my body and I brought all my things here!




No way!

But how can I explain this?!

All missing pieces are now fitting to each other!

The reason why there is no signal here.

The reason why they're wearing hanfus.

The reason why it's so ancient here.


Am I really in the Jin Dynasty?!

No freaking way!

"Young Lady!"

I looked at where the voice came from. My eyes widen in horror when I saw Mr. Li Yu together with two men wearing the same armor in the Manor where I came from.


"Young Lady!"

I run fast and ignored the old man. I will not let those guards catch me again and trap me in that Manor!

"Hey watch out!"

I didn't even say sorry to the people I hit while running. There is no freaking way that I transmigrated, reincarnated, time-travel or whatever thing that happens only in a drama.

When I think that I'm already far away from them, I looked back and see if they're following me. I sighed when I saw none.

I sit and catched my breath. Suddenly I heard my stomach growling. I am hungry.

I looked around and find for a food stall. My eyes sparkled when I saw a food standee. I walked near the store and talked to the vendor.

"Hey. How much are these steamed buns?

The woman looked at me from head to toe and that made me look at myself too.

The edge of my hanfu skirt are freaking full of dirt. My sleeves are full of stains. I touched my hair and learned that it is also disheveled.

Man I'm freaking sure that my face is full of dust and dirt too.

I looked like a fucking beggar.

I looked back at her and saw her face that is full of disgust.

"Don't mind my look. I may look like a beggar but I have valuable things with me. Can I trade this with that dumpling?"

I handed my phone and she looked at it bewildered.

"I only accept copper coins and if you don't have that, leave! You ugly woman! You're scaring all my costumers away!  Shoo!"

I gasped. Did she call me ugly? This fat and hideous looking woman?!

"What?! Did you call me ugly? Wow! You have the guts to call me that when you look like a pig! Your face and your attitude matched! Both abhorrent!" I screamed to her face.

"You! Guards! There's a thief here!"

"What?! A thief?!"


You called me thief huh?! Then I'll be a thief!

I grab four of her steamed buns and ran away. I heard her loud screams  and calling me names. Huh! Be careful of your words!


Holy shit. That was a man's voice. A guard is following me!

I turn left and passed by the narrow road. I turn left and right to mislead the guards. I saw a cart full of twigs and went inside it. I lay down and hide. After 5 minutes, I heard them panting.

"She's not here!"

"Let's go to there."

I sighed when I heard them walking away from my direction. That was so effin near.

I took one of the steamed buns I stole and eat. Hmm. So this is what victory tasted like. Haha.

"Those buns are so good. I'm so full!"

I touched my stomach and caress it. Suddenly I started yawning and my eyes felt heavy.

Maybe I can sleep for a while.


"Hey wake up! Hey!"

I woke up feeling mild slapping in my arm. I opened my eyes and saw a middle aged man looking at me with brows furrowed.

"Hey! What are you doing here in my cart?! Are you a thief?!"

I sit up and looked around. The sky is already dark and the mood is shining in full circle. It's already evening.


"What?!" I shouted back.

"Go away! You thief!"

"I'm not a thief duh! There is nothing worth stealing in your cart! Do you think I'll eat this dried grasses?! What a rude man!"

I stand up and went outside his cart. I scanned the area and saw that I'm in the forest again!

"Hey wait! Let me hop in!" I yelled at the man

Instead of stopping his cart, he hit his horse and the horse galloped.

"FUCK YOU!" I cursed with the top of my lungs.

Now I am alone again.

In the middle of a forest.


Why is this happening to me?

I am really in the ancient china.

What would I supposed to do?!

I absentmindedly walked. There's nothing I can do instead of walking.

"Look what we have here."

I glance where the voice came from and saw three odd looking men. All of them are wearing rugged and dirty clothes. Their hair are all disheveled and it seems like they haven't taken a bath for months.

"We have a lovely lady to accompany us."

Fear starts creeping into me.

"Come with us and we'll give you a wonderful night."

The three of them started walking towards me. Like a gun in a race, that signalled me to run for my life.

"Whoooo. She wants to play!"

Their laughs are earsplitting. I run as fast as I can but they seem to be a fast runner than me. The shoes I'm wearing parted with me.

"We're coming for you!"

My tears started falling like a faucet down my cheeks. I started crying. I shouted as loud as I can hoping that someone could hear me.

Is this the end for me?

Ahead of me, I saw river. The moonlight is reflecting to its water. It's so beautiful.

Maybe that can be my way out.

Way out of this wretched thing that will happen to me.

I'd rather die than to be a feast for this lunatics.

My knees are losing its strength and they started wobbling.



Please just give a strength to go near the river.

Please let me just take my life.

I don't want to get defiled.

I want to die with honor.

But the heavens must be punishing me.

Because as soon as I went near the riverbank, a stone tripped me making me land on my knees.

It's over.

I'm over.

I weep on the ground.

There's nothing I can do anymore.

My knees are so weak. My feet are also aching from the hard stones and twigs I stepped on.

This is the end for me.

I looked up to take a glance at the river. It's overwhelmingly beautiful. The peach blossoms are fluttering with the wind.

This is a great view to die.

I was about to look at the moon when I saw someone sitting on a tree trunk.

A man.

He's wearing a red loose cotton hanfu with his long hair tied in pony. With a jar of wine and that light that illuminated his face, it was as if he was a piece of art that comes into life.

With tears falling down, I looked in his dark slanted eyes and beg for life.

Please. Please save me. Pleas.. "