
When She Died at Nightfall

In a moment of seething anger, Miha, a fiery 22-year-old college student, confronts her best friend and ex-boyfriend in a crowded club, only to be interrupted by a sudden and devastating explosion. In the aftermath, she awakens in the Kingdom of Berfin, a strange and frigid land vastly different from her own. To her dismay, she crosses paths with Constantine de Dampiere, an insufferable and menacing ethereal being whose desire and fascination with her are disturbingly fixated on the taste of her blood. Determined to return home and start anew, Miha seizes any opportunity that presents itself, even if it means trading her own blood for the chance to escape this realm.

Josephine060606 · ファンタジー
8 Chs

Let Go

"Amihan?" someone said in surprise from where Miha stepped foot, away from the attention she didn't even try to avoid as she painstakingly slammed the door shut behind her.

A string of curses were voiced one after the other, wafting through the thick air of mingled scents of vape, cigarettes, and alcohol as she found herself a ticking clock that loomed above her, signifying the patience she likened to a bomb.

"Hello," Miha said in disdain. "Having fun, everyone?" she asked, her voice dripping with bitterness and her words accompanied by the hate she had stacked in the past few days. Bright overhead lights cast long shadows across the group who stood frozen in tense silence upon recognition of her presence.

Her question was met with silence.

The many onlookers nearby gave no reply and instead, uninvited whispers came about her and things done to her by her so-called friends.

Miha walked away, disinterested in what they had to say. She assumed the others knew better than to respond, and realized that any answer from them would only add fuel to the fire. Now, the weight on her shoulders felt even heavier than when she had arrived.

As she recalled in silence the bitter memories of a few days earlier, one corner of Miha's mouth lifted. It was a bitter smile, born from the realization of how each and every one of them had made her into a fool by keeping her in the dark about what was happening between her best friend and her boyfriend. Perhaps they believed staying out of the drama was the right choice, but Miha knew deep down it was just their way of tolerating something that was morally wrong.

Determination had already filled her head as she decided that it was time for her to address her friends, but of course, it would, indeed need to hurt as much if she adds a devastating twist.

Truth be told, the embarrassment they had caused her was incomparable to a public confrontation.

Truly, it was not hellish enough. Barely, and Miha needed more out of this situation or else she'd go mad when the sun rises.

Her resolve fixed, onyx eyes darkened by bags drove through the raging crowd. Whispers of old gossip spread rapidly, but her targets remained unfound.

Every person inside the club had stopped what they were doing as as she walked past them in no rush. Miha definitely took her time, imagining she was traversing instead on a muted red carpet and headed to receive her award of martyrdom and fool to subside the feeling of wanting to go mad with rage at what she was facing.

Miha didn't care about the swarm of prying eyes multiplying by the second as she searched even the darkest, smelliest corner of the club. What only matters is that she find the people she was looking for. She didn't give a damn about the rest of them, and they could go to hell for all she cared.

Her heart joined its own race as her chest squeezed with an uncomfortable truth: her presence was becoming a nuisance that no one celebrated.

Miha knew she couldn't blame these people, nor could they do the same to her. After all, as one song went: they were all in this together.

Deliberately concealing the truth from her was not something that should be normalized nor experienced by anyone who's getting cheated on. Sure, it could've been much worse, but Miha's life had been drained into half from shock as she accidentally discovered her best friend and boyfriend lying on her god-damned favorite couch, all the while she was struggling with finals and life in general.

It was plain torture to even recall it.

The devil heed her, for he would've been on her side if he knew, and he'd gladly kill for her with the amount of rage she had conjured right this moment and for the days that went by.

So, yes. She supposes pampering them with her unneeded attendance simply seals the deal.

The music echoed through her ears loudly, bleeding and desperate, as the crowd parted when she shuffled down the dance floor. It was intended to be a fun beat that shook the four corners of the club, filled with familiar faces from the university who decided to waste time in the idle night before taking their final exams as college students.

Miha couldn't care less about what they would finish. As they had discussed in the group chat earlier, tonight was meant to be a way to release the gritty pressure everyone had on their shoulders, a chance to loosen up before stepping into adulthood's door. However, with her coming into view, what was supposed to be a lighthearted gathering turned sour and vile the moment they watched her stroll through the crowd without a care in the world.

She was unstoppable. She shoved anyone in her way. She was like a brewing storm with no means but to move forward.

If it were only up to her, she would give them their well-deserved night; terrible and by no means anymore entertaining than clawing the hair out of her once best friend, Bell. Of course, Jay, her ex-boyfriend, wasn't exempted. She would've pushed her knees up to his groins—

Her clammy hands balled, nails digging into her skin as the people parted on her every step, the majority uncaring and finding it a nuisance to give way to the drama everyone made clear they didn't give a peso for. Miha can't deny that the same goes for her.

She doesn't care to spoil their fun with her uninvited appearance. After all, they didn't so much as blink an eye when the two precious people in her life had their tongues shoved down on each other's throats, and everyone knew it like it was an open secret for each student on campus to find out.

The anger stayed as she swept her cold gaze through every corner and space, no matter how cramped up it was, the light a dizzy motion suspended above them.

Miha knew that ruining their Saturday night was the least she could do to have them feel the explosion that threatened inside her every time she woke up on that damned couch, knowing full well she was betrayed, stabbed in the back several times, their masks positioned in place as they smiled at her from down the hallway at campus.

Two-faced and uncaring. Both of them. However, she'd have to admit she made the mistake of assuring herself that them being treated well by Miha meant they'd do the same to her.

That thought was wholly wrong.

She could never expect the treatment she gave these people to be given back the same way she had done for them.

Her ears rang from a sudden, painful echo that god knows where it had come from, as she imagined what they've thought of her—of her kissing Jay and having told Bell how over the moon she was when he did it for the first time, not knowing full well she'd already beat her to it with shoving her tongue down his throat.

She found herself a fool, and they molded her to be one.

The anger chilled her spine as she boiled hot with fury she could no longer contain. The memories of the first time she witnessed their affair were something she rammed down the drain.

She knows it didn't matter at present. Regardless, she wasn't exempted from feeling hurt whenever it crossed her mind.

"Wait," someone's hand suddenly found itself on her shoulder.

She continued her conquest like a hunter, craving for its kill.

"Miha, please,"

"Let go," her voice cut through like a newly sharpened knife as she stopped in her tracks a few steps away from familiar figures in the dark. "You're the one to wait when I'm finished."

Miha's head turned toward the left corner of the room, where tables were lined up and people were huddled together, laughing their heart's out. They were drinking to no end, clearly enjoying each other's company and the lively atmosphere.

The moment Miha laid eyes on Bell and Jay sitting next to each other, a wave of nausea overtook her. Her heart was mercilessly torn out of her chest, causing her to grapple with her emotions and try not to cry. The sight of her best friend and ex-boyfriend together, so comfortably close, was a knife piercing through her already wounded heart.

Hello everyone. This is my first ever published work here on Webnovel. I'm still new to this, but I hope we can meet until I finally managed to crack my fingers on this one. It's nice to meet all of you! (hugs)

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