
Save The Angel [13]

Dave, Nico, Raka and two Swastika family confidants, who were sent to rescue Annisa, sneaked behind the lush trees beside the abandoned old house. They got information from some local people at the location who recognized suspicious activity carried out by strangers inside the house.

"That's the house. The local people said there are at least three foreigners paced the old house in a week. And there was a resident who caught them carrying a beautiful girl like Annisa's appearance into the house." Raka whispered as he pointed to the house he was telling.

Dave pulled out a piece of paper where a threat was written on it for him from an unknown person placed at his hotel room door. He found the threat paper addressed to him when he returned there this afternoon to change his wet clothes.

"This is the address. The address of this house is the same with the address written here." Dave showed what the letter said to Raka.

We kidnapped Annisa! Come by yourself to Km 7, Abiabase Village, Mengwi Sub-district, Badung Regency before 8 p.m. to save her! Don't bring anyone or Annisa's life will be at stake!

"This letter tells me to come by myself to save Annisa. I think I will face them without your help for Nisa's safety." Dave asked his friends to stay and let him get into the house by himself.

"Hold on, Dave. Don't act hastily. We must patiently wait for those people out of the house first, so we can know their power mapping and estimate the situation inside the house." Nico advised.

"After that, you just go inside to rescue Annisa. Once Annisa is released, we will soon rush into the house to save you." Nico said further about his plans.

Dave and the others agreed with Nico's plan. They waited patiently while observing the circumstances around. It was late in the afternoon. The small group wished they could take control of the house before the day got darker.

The door was opened. Annisa saw two men catching her walked into the room. The bald man turned on the lights, while his shiny-haired man brought a tray of food for Annisa.

"It's six o'clock now, Lady. You should get dinner before it gets cold." The shiny-haired man put the tray to the floor and unfastened the straps on Annisa's hand.

"Let's finish your food. For sure, you don't want Dave to come to save you while you're eating, do you?" The bald man was impatient to see Annisa eating her evening meal lazily and unappealingly.

Annisa stopped eating. "Dave? Dave is coming here to save me?" Her mind wondered.

"How do you know Dave is coming to save me?" Annisa looked intently at them.

"Of course, we do, Lady. We left a message for him this afternoon. And we are sure he will come by himself as we ask for the safety of the girl he loves." The bald man laughed out loud.

"You shouldn't interfere our business in Mexico, Beautiful Lady." The shiny-hair man added.

"If you let us finish the task of harming Dave and taking him away in the car instead of leaving him on the curb as we did on the other day, you would never have been involved in this problem and there should be no kidnapping like this." The shiny-haired man looked at Annisa's angrily.

Annisa vaguely began to recognize two men who had kidnapped her. She was astonished to find that the men she caught threatening Dave but then failed because of her presence now turned to lock her up in the dark room.

"What's your problem with Dave? Why do you want to harm him? What's wrong with Dave?" Annisa besieged them with a ton of questions.

Abruptly, Annisa heard footsteps coming in, approaching the three of them. She found a young man of the same age of Dave with a pretty face but looked violent with a black pouch under his eyes, smiling furiously at her.

"It's none of your business, Lady. This is the problem between the Le Coyote family and the El Lobo family a.k.a. the Moreno family. If Mr. Moreno hadn't just left the Le Coyote family, there would have been no fighting between our families." The man stared at her face in exasperation.

"I'm Stephan, the right hand of the Le Coyote family. The shiny-haired man is Ivan and the bald one is Marco." Stephan pointed to his men and introduced them to Annisa.

"It's a shame that a beautiful girl like you has to get into trouble between two big Mexican mafia families." Stephan went on.

"Mafia?" Annisa gasped. "Dave comes from a mafia family?" She shuddered with fear.

"Impossible! Dave is not from a mafia family!" Annisa denied Stephan's statement.

"Ha. Ha. Ha! You'll never think about it, Sweet Lady! Even, Dave hadn't previously thought that he was a descendant of the famous El Lobo mafia!" Stephan laughed loudly.

"What do you think the core problem of our family? All this has happened because the Mr. Moreno who pretended to be benevolent, suddenly changed his mind after Dave's birth, and suddenly changed his family business into legal and clean businesses, and left all mafia-related affairs." Stephan snorted and his teeth gritted and furred.

"Oh, that's the true story. You don't like the Moreno family to run the business legally? Not everyone is interested in living in a black world forever, Mr. Stephan." Annisa stared into Stephan's green eyes with a defiant expression.

"Be careful on what you say, wiseacre girl! Don't make me tap your little mouth!" Stephan clenched his hands in anger.

"Soon, Dave will come by himself to save you! That's the time I'll avenge and paid off the hurt feelings of the Le Coyote family to El Lobo for what Mr. Moreno did in the past!"

There was a disturbance heard from outside. Stephan asked Ivan and Marco to find out what was going on. Just in a sec, they brought in a handsome young man in black hair and his hands were tied.

"Dave!" Annisa screamed once she realized who the man dragged into the room.

Ivan and Marco tossed Dave roughly on the floor. Dave was sitting right in front of Annisa's chair.

Annisa just realized that Dave's face was blood-stained, because was beaten by both Le Coyote's family footmen. The blood poured from Dave's left temple to his cheeks. Dave's left eye was swollen, and it made him barely couldn't open his eyes.

"Annisa? Are you okay?" Dave exclaimed with relief seeing Annisa was fine.

Annisa bit her lips firmly. She wanted to reach Dave and hug him tightly. The tears were almost overflowing. Her eyes flashed. As much as possible, she resisted not to cry at that time.

"You can see her, Dave. We fulfill our promise not to harm Annisa. Unlike your father who turned coat from the mafia family relationship that had grown him!" Stephan growled. His face turned red like boiled shrimp. His handsome face suddenly showed his cruelty.

"Let Annisa go! You can do anything to me, but don't involve her! Nisa has nothing to do with our family problems!" Dave shouted with the remnants of his voice and energy.

"Ivan, release the ties of Annisa's hands and get the Beautiful Lady out!" Stephan asked Ivan to release Annisa.

"No! I don't want to leave Dave alone here with you guys! You guys are going to harm him!" Annisa rose from the wooden chair she had been sitting in after the ties binding her hands were loose and she rushed to Dave. She hugged Dave tightly.

Stephan gave a code through his eyes to his men to pull Annisa from Dave. Ivan and Marco pulled both of Annisa's hands from each side and pulled her to Dave's left side. Annisa struggled and tried to kick in every effort but failed.

"What a fool you are, Lady! We have kept our promise to release you, but you have wasted that opportunity! Well if that's what you want. Now, you can see Dave's death with your own eyes!" Stephan suddenly pulled out a silver pistol with golden handle from the pocket of his black leather jacket. He cocked the 22-caliber weapon and aimed it directly behind Dave's head. Dave was bending his head on his knees while his hands were still tied behind him.

Dave closed his eyes and prayed. God, please save Annisa for me.

Annisa increasingly struggled trying to escape from the grip of Ivan and Marco. The tears streamed down to her cheeks, but without sound. Stephan grinned triumphantly. He prepared to take the life of Dave, the heir of Moreno family's throne he hated so much.

Stephan then pulled the trigger of his pistol to finish off Dave's life. But just before it happened, Annisa bit Ivan's hand hard that was holding her right shoulder. Ivan was shocked in surprise and reflexively released his grip on Annisa's shoulder. Then Annisa leaned forward, and with her free hand she pushed Dave's body so hard and fell to the right. There was a loud bang coming from Stephan's pistol.

The door was broken hard from the outside. Nico, Raka and his friends rushed in to save Dave and Annisa. There was a big fight in that room.

Dave braced himself to open his eyes. He didn't feel any pain. What has happened? Dave was amazed.

He glanced at the room with his eyes. He saw Nico fighting with Stephan on the left of his position near the wall. Then Dave found Raka facing Ivan at the far right of the room, while Marco is overwhelmed by Swastika family helpers near the door.

Dave found Annisa lying down not far from his left side, motionless. With his hands still tied behind, Dave shifted closer to Annisa lying face down.

"Nisa! Annisa!" Dave called her on but no response. Dave turned Annisa over with his shoulder.

"Nisa, wake up Nisa!" Dave felt something sticky and warm on the floor, the smell of fresh blood poking through her nose.

He just realized the cause of blood spill. His eyes were staring sympathetically at the white shirt worn by Annisa when it was flooded with fresh blood on her right chest.

"Nooooooooooooooo!" Dave screamed hysterically as loud as he could.

"I'm so sorry, Nisa! Don't leave me! I love you!" Dave shook Annisa's motionless body. Dave bent over himself to pull at Annisa's body as close as possible, as if he didn't want to release Annisa from his side.

Dave felt his body was drawn from behind. He turned to the right and to the left, finding Nico and Raka holding him from each side.

"Let me go! Let me go!" Dave yelled like a fool.

He felt the needle piercing his left arm and put something fluid into it. In instant, Dave felt his body relaxed and his eyes faded, experiencing a tremendous drowsiness. Vaguely, he saw Annisa being raised on a stretcher by a paramedic and covered in a white cloth.

"Oh, God. Is Annisa ...?" Dave's head was getting heavier.

With the remnants of power Dave had, he tried to reach the shadow of Annisa with his right hand.

"Annisa!" Dave shouted softly.

Annisa increasingly went away. Her shadow faded. Everything became white.