
Chapter 28 (Desire)

The loud chuckle coming from Eun Kyung made Alexandra bursts into laughter.

It was 8:03 pm in Korea, the two girls were in their room talking and laughing about the amazing scene that had happened earlier.

Eun Kyung stood up from the bed and cleared her throat as she pretended to be Ha Joon.

"I love her...", she said in his voice.

Alexandra laughed again.

"You sound so weird, Ha Joon sounds better", Alexandra said while chuckling.

Eun Kyung continued, "The way he held your hand and stopped again to look at NaNa", she paused her lips and frowned her face, still pretending to be Ha Joon.

"Her name is Alexandra and not Alec, call my girlfriend's name right or don't at all", she added and turned to Alexandra.

"That was the sweetest thing ever, I only see this in movies... I was wowed, damn... Did you see NaNa's face? she was so embarrassed!!!", Eun Kyung said in a high-pitched voice.