
When love find lies

"Love entangled with lies is a perilous dance, a deceptive waltz that lures the heart into a treacherous embrace. In this clandestine affair, every 'I love you' becomes a double-edged dagger, capable of both soothing and inflicting wounds. A dangerous liaison where deceit whispers sweet nothings, and every caress conceals the blade of betrayal. For in the realm of love entwined with lies, the danger lies not only in the unspoken falsehoods but in the erosion of trust, leaving behind a wreckage of shattered hearts and fractured souls."Mystery of two friends fall in love with the same boy Emerson After finding the murder of her best friend Jules that unwind the truth about the murder of her that brings love lies and betray to her life a twisted tale of friendship love lies and betray everything in emerson life is shatter until she find Evan..

Mahnoor_Akhtar_7607 · 歴史
41 Chs



After 4 years

The airport sat in a hushed stillness, a departure from its usual bustling ambiance. As I awaited my flight, a little girl with a cascade of brown hair approached me, her innocence a stark contrast to the heaviness in my heart.

"What are you wearing?" she inquired, pointing to my necklace."A necklace. Do you like it?" I replied."What is written on it?" she persisted."Yeah, umm, pour toujours," I answered."What does it mean?" she asked, eyes brimming with curiosity."Forever," I uttered."Is there anything on earth that is forever?" she questioned, her innocent wisdom cutting through the air."No, nothing on earth is forever. But you can have it, I think you like it,"I offered, attempting to share a moment of solace."Umm, my mom used to wear this," she revealed."Where is she now?" I inquired, unaware of the emotional storm this innocent encounter was about to unleash."She died," she whispered, a heavy truth for such a small soul."I'm so sorry; I didn't know about it," I empathized, my sorrow deepening.

"I didn't see my mom; she died after my birth. But I have a picture of her in which I saw her wearing this necklace," she shared.Overwhelmed by the connection to the past, I detached the necklace and handed it to her. A radiant smile painted her face as she scampered towards her father.

"Dad! Dad! Look, that lovely woman gave me her necklace, same as mother!" she joyfully exclaimed.

When her father turned, the world around me shattered. Our eyes met and we stared at each other I don't know why fate want me to meet him again. Emerson he say my name and I stood there in shock.It was Evan! Fate, it seemed, had orchestrated this unexpected reunion.

"After that happened to me, Emerson," he spoke my name, but my senses were too numb to absorb his words. I needed to escape this twist of fate, this cruel reminder of the past. Without a second thought,I fled, seeking distance, running from the echoes of déjà vu. Yet, he pursued me, forcefully grabbing my hands, anchoring me to a reality I desperately wanted to escape."You need to listen, Emerson," he implored."What? Is there anything left to hear? You are a cheater," I retaliated with fury."You need to listen for Sofia's sake," he urged."Sofia who? Your friend's daughter? Jules' daughter?" My words dripped with resentment.

"Oh, yeah, I knew it. You are a cheater. First, this daughter, and then you killed her. This is how you do love; at least you have to be faithful with one. But I know it's my mistake; I fantasized you. There was nothing between us," I accused, my heart aching with betrayal.

"Listen, Emerson, Sofia is Jules' daughter, not mine. At least you have to listen to me once. That day, you left me with the words unsaid."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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