
When Love Fails.

Ebele_Dorris · 都市
16 Chs

Chapter 15

It's been two months since the big feast at the villa.

Rose returned to her simple life under Everest's roof which for some strange reasons wasn't accommodating anymore.

She had lived with Everest in peace until Favour showed up.

She was clear about setting boundaries in the household just like today.

She would pick up fights with Rose at any given chance.

"Oh come on Favy, this is not even a problem okay?" Rose said as she walked in to the kitchen.

"What do you mean by not a problem?" Favour asked in high tone

"You've been leaching off my boyfriend and I don't like it. Do you know how hard and expensive it is to care for a pregnant woman?" She kept blabbin on

Rose walked back into the living room, picked the remote and sat down when suddenly Favour grabbed the remote.

"What has come over you Favour?"

Rose asked in disbelief

"Why will you watch the television when you don't pay the light bill?"

Somewhere in the city, Daniel was able to locate Everest. It wasn't a huge problem for him but he wanted to take his time and cultivate his plans.

Today he walked into Everest's little convenience store fully determined to get answers from him.

He would've came the night after the feast but he had an emergency and left the country.

He just came into the country today and went straight to meet Everest.

When Everest saw him standing before the counter, he went numb with fear .

He know the Agrestes are the most powerful people I'm the country and world at large.

No one goes against them and live to tell the story, now he's been paid a visit by their son?

He froze looking anywhere but Daniel's face, he doesn't wanna die before his time.

"A little bird told me Rose is pregnant " Daniel stated as he approached the counter.

Everest fell on his feet in tears

"I didn't touch her I swear with my life. I only took her in, cared for her, protected her and feed her. I wouldn't touch your woman for any reason " he panicked.

Daniel held him up and asked to see Rose.

They had a little talk on their way to Everest's house.

Daniel was willing to hear and know what Rose had been up to since she left the villa and Everest was ready to spill the beans.

They came up the pouch when their little conversation was interrupted with arguments coming from inside the building.

"Did you take the cash i left in the drawer?" some one said within the house.

Everest knew it was his girlfriend's voice, he wanted to rush into the house and stop the dialogue but Daniel wanted to hear the full story.

"Let's let them sort their selves out" Daniel said as he leaned close to the door.

For some reason he wanted to know the kind of person Rose really is.

He needed to know if she really is a soft fragile woman she portrayed herself to be or if she was pretending the whole years she was with him.

"What money Favy?" Rose asks as she steps into the living room behind Favour.

She was met with a thunderous slap that sent her flying into the couch .

"You don't get to question me Rosita, this is my boyfriend's house and you're my burden. Now where is the money?" Favour asked as she approaches Rose on the couch.

"I don't know Favy, i didn't take it " Rose responded holding her cheek

"Liar, where is it?" Favy asked and this time she disappeared into the room and came back with Everest's leather belt.

"What are you doing with that?" Rose asks as she kneels

"You know what I'm about to do and unless you're willing to tell me the truth, you'll feel my wrath" Favour folds the belt in half as she towers over Rose on the couch.

"Where is the money?" She asks as she raise her weapon equipped hand up

"I don't know Favy, I didn't ….."

Rose was still speaking when the belt came in contact with her skin. She screamed in pain and fell backwards.

"Favy please stop, I'm four years your elder . This is not right" she cries as she shields her face from the vicious attack.

"Hold her hands steady " Favour instructed her friends who run to hold Rose down.

Rose's cries echoes throughout the building.

It was unbearable for Daniel and Everest.

Everest's phone beep brought him back to reality.

It was a message from the neighbor that reads he needs to get home ASAP.

Everest knocked on the front door.

Daniel pushed pass him as soon as the door opened.

"Where is she?" He asked scanning the room for Rose.

Everest pointed the room upstairs and he raced up the stairs.

He barged into the room and stopped in his track, as Rose was naked walking into the bathroom.

She saw Daniel and rushed to cover her nakedness.

Daniel stood scanning his eyes round her pointing out old scars and fresh wounds .

"Mr Agreste, you're here?"

She greeted as she put on her long martenity dress she got from the thrift store and walked towards the door.

"Yes" Daniel replied still focusing his gaze on her . He was scanning her body, checking for old and new scars.

"Please come in" she ushered him in and made him seat on the bed as she doesn't have a seat. She stepped towards the mirror to tidy up her hair.

He walked towards her and hugged her from behind.

He didn't say a word, kissed her skin, her neck while rubbing his hands on her big round tummy.

She is heavily pregnant.

She's gonna be a mother anytime soon and still let someone treat her like that?

He thought.

Had he not interfered, what would have happened?

Has she been beaten before?

How many times has she gone through this?

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't block the horrifying screams he heard from echoing in his head.

He rested his face on her neck while resting his large hands on her pregnant tummy.

"How many times has this happened before?" He questioned her the moment he came back to reality.

"What do you mean?" Rose asks pretending to not understand him

Maybe she doesn't want to remember her pains or maybe she's pretending not to understand him, whichever one it is? He doesn't like it.

"Rosie, how many times has she raised her hands on you, I need you to be honest with me" Daniel repeated the question

In the end, he didn't get any response back but that wasn't going to stop him from punishing anyone who had done as much as looked at her with a thunderous face.

He didn't say another word and simply walked her downstairs and out the building.

He needed her far away from this horrible place.

He guided her into his car and sped off, he was taking her somewhere safe. Somewhere he knows no harm will come to either her or the baby.

He's taking her to see his grandma and that's where she'll be staying for God knows how long.

thank you supporting me

Ebele_Dorriscreators' thoughts