

Despite her 'No dating' rule,Angela falls in love with a guy,Andy.She decides to give a relationship with him a try.But there is something about him she is yet to find out.

Angie_Lavine · 都市
8 Chs

The Outing

I woke up to my phone ringing like crazy.All I could think about was how hungry I was.The previous night I was too lazy to get up and eat.I got up to receive the phone.It was my best friend,Trish.


"Hey girl,are you coming or not?"

"Coming where?"I was confused trying to remember where I was supposed to be.

"Don't tell me you forgot about our girls weekend out...You don't have to answer that because I'm very sure you forgot about it.Just do me a favour and get down here real fast.Everyone is already here and we will be leaving in an hour."

And with that she hung up.I knew that I had to get ready fast ot Trish would not take it well if I was late.Trish,Eva and I had planned to stay at a very expensive hotel for the weekend.We were very drunk at the moment and we thought life was too short not to have fun.But now I was having second thoughts.

"A little fun won't hurt.Even if it means spending half of my salary."I convinced myself as I got into the shower.

Within forty minutes I was packed and ready to go.At the back of my mind I was sure I had forgotten something but I didn't have enough time to figure out what it was.

"I guess I'll just have to do without whatever it is."

I took the elevator to the lobby.For a two-day trip I sure had packed a lot of stuff.I had packed at least seven different outfits because I couldn't make up my mind on which one to take.

" Going somewhere?"Mr Dobre asked looking up from his newspaper.

"I'm going away for the weekend with a few friends."

"That sounds fun.Reminds me of my youthful days.Make sure you have a lot of fun before your back and joints start aching from old age.Just make sure you don't regret whatever you do."

I nodded knowing very well that I did a lot of regrettable staff in the name of fun.Usually I would just wake up the next morning with a hungover and memories I hated having.

"I will,Mr Dobre.If anyone comes looking for me just tell them I'll be back on monday.Bye."

Just then I got a call from Trish.I didn't receive it because I was sure of what she was going to say. I only had fifteen minutes left to get to her house.

"Now I see the importance of learning how to drive."I thought as I waited for a taxi.My whole life I had never learned how to drive.Driving terrified terrified me.I also didn't like sitting in front car seats.

A few minutes later a taxi came along and dropped me off at Trish's house.

"It's about time you got here.I was thinking of coming to get you myself."Eva said the moment I walked through the door.

"And where is your stuff,Angie?"Trish asked.

"I left my suitcase outside because there is no need to bring it in and then take it out again."

"Wow,classic Angie.I'm not even surprised." Eva said as she sipped wine out of a bottle.With Eva it was never too late or too early to be drinking.Both girls were dressed in cute floral sunny dresses and heels.

"Why didn't anyone tell me I was supposed to go an extra mile with my outfit?"I asked frustration evident in my voice.

"Just sit down and stop pretending like it wasn't that obvious.We are going to a luxurious hotel.We didn't expect you to show up in sweatpants and a hood."

"That's a fair point ,Trish.But if I may ask,why are we leaving so early?We could have at least left at noon.The place is only about 10 kilometres away."

"I wanted us to spend as much time as we possibly could at the hotel.Every minute counts and I think our ride is already here."Trish said as she got up to get her stuff.

"By 'our ride' you mean?"

"Adam will be taking us to the hotel.Sorry I didn't tell you earlier."

Adam was Trish's boyfriend.They had been dating for two years now and were a perfect couple.But that still didn't encourage me to get into a relationship.Adam owned a gym downtown and Trish was in medical school.She was in her final year.

"At least he has a great car."I said.Trish and Eva laughed.

"At least you like something about me."

I turned around to see Adam standing at the door.

"Just kiddinh.So are you girls ready to leave?"

"We are.Just let me get my keys.I'll be with you guys in a bit."

"Angie and Eva,I haven't seen you two since the last time you enrolled at my gym for a day and never showed up again."

"Sorry Adam but Angie and I came to a conclusion that we are just not meant for the gym."

A few days after going to the gym was hell for me.I could barely walk.

"Maybe that's because you weren't persistent."

"Thanks but no thanks." I said getting out of the door.

"Same here.My body is fine just the way it is." Added Eva.

A few minutes later all the luggage was loaded and we were ready to leave.I began to sleep the moment I got into the car.

"You can't be serious ,Angie.How is that even possible."Eva tried to protest.

"I'm trying to get as much sleep as possible because I know we won't be getting much of it for the next two days."I said my eyes still closed."Wake me up when we get there."

"Is she still insisting on the 'No dating' rule?"

"Stronger than ever."

"You know I can hear you two love birds."