

Despite her 'No dating' rule,Angela falls in love with a guy,Andy.She decides to give a relationship with him a try.But there is something about him she is yet to find out.

Angie_Lavine · 都市
8 Chs

Chapter eight

By 6 am the next morning,Andy had already left for a meeting at the hotel.I slept for a few more hours before getting up.I was supposed to go to work and then pass by my mom's house and visit my sister later in the evening. It was only the second day of the week and I was already longing for the weekend.

I got out of bed at 8 am.I took a shower and put on my work clothes.I left the house at around 8.40 am and decided to get coffee on my way to work.

As I was waiting for a taxi in front of my apartment I got a call from Trish.

"Hey Angie,I'm calling to remind you that we are meeting at your place this weekend.So don't forget to buy food and snacks like last time."

"Of course I haven't forgotten."I said knowing very well that I was not aware I was the one hosting our weekly get togethers.The other girls always made their own food and snacks but I was the hopeless friend who couldn't cook anything.Maybe just coffee and some shapeless pancakes and that was it.

"So,how have you been lately?"

"Never been better."I said this statement with enthusiasm that even I was surprised.

"Hope you are for real this time."Trish said concern evident in her voice.

"I mean it.I'll talk to you later.My taxi is here."

At work,the day dragged on until it was finally time to leave.I didn't dare to spend even a minute longer at the office.I took a taxi to my mom's house which was about twenty minutes away.I was excited because I had misses my sister.A lot.

Before even taking a step on the front yard my sister was already running to where I was.She always gave the warmest and tightest hugs.

"I missed you Angie.Why didn't you come and see me yesterday?"Ariana asked me.She was obviously not happy about it because she had stopped smiling at me.

"im sorry baby but I had a lot of things to take care of.But here I am.Now stop being mad and tell me all about school and to make it up to you,you can come for a sleepover on Saturday."

"But mom won't allow it."

"I'll talk to her.You know she can't say no to me."

"Okay."she said excitedly.

I found my mum busy making cookies in the kitchen.She was always making something. As a kid a lot of my friends liked coming over because we never ran out of snacks and this only encouraged my mom to make more.

"It's about time you came home because it's been a while since I last saw you."

"But I was here two weeks ago."

"We live in the same town,Angie."my mom said glaring at me.

"I'll try to come more often.It's just that I'm always so busy with work.How about I come every sundays."

"That's more like it."

We went to hang out in my sisters room.

"Hey Angie,before I forget to tell you,I made a new friend at school.She had just transferred to our school.Her name is Everly.She even invited me to her birthday party this Sunday.It will be at the Everest hotel."

"How rich is she that she can afford to rent that expensive ass place?"I asked surprised.

Hey Angie!Language."my mom yelled from the kitchen.We just giggled like little girls.

"She's not renting the place for the day.It's theirs."I was even more surprised.

"Damn,they are that rich?"

"Yeah.But only I know about it because I'm her only friend in class."Ari said proudly.

I was a bit surprised because all the rich kids I went to school with always made sure we were aware of it.

"Mum says I can only go if you accompany me."

"So now I'm just supposed to hang out with a bunch of thirteen year olds?But it's fine.I'll take you."I said because I knew my mom always stood by her word.

Somehow the mention of the hotel reminded me of Andy and all the previous nights memories.I then realised that I was slowly falling for him and I couldn't help it.We had agreed that none of us was interested in a relationship.I just hoped that I don't wake up one day craving for one.

I left my mom's house at around 8 pm because I still had to go to work in the morning.My mom forced me to take a lot of food with me because she knew I always relied on junk food.I got home and directly went to bed because I was already full.

I was laying in bed when I noticed Andy's wallet on my dresser.I had not noticed it in the morning.I wondered why he had not called me to ask about it when I remembered my phone had been on airplane mode since I got to work.I got five missed calls from him.Eva had also tried calling me a dozen times.I was sure she only wanted to say hi to me.

I sent a message to Andy telling him that I had his wallet.Being the nosy person that I was,I decided to check it's contents.His wallet had a few credit cards,some money and his ID.His last name was Johnson.I put it back since there was nothing interesting in there.Just then I got a call from him.

"Hey Angela?"

"Hey."I replied as I thought of how sexy his voice was.

"I tried reaching out to you but I couldn't.How about I come to pick it up tomorrow evening. We'll be done with the meeting by then."

"Tomorrow evening sounds good."I said knowing very well what would happen.And somehow I couldn't wait.

"I'm really falling for him."I thought as I fell asleep.