

Despite her 'No dating' rule,Angela falls in love with a guy,Andy.She decides to give a relationship with him a try.But there is something about him she is yet to find out.

Angie_Lavine · 都市
8 Chs

Chapter 3

"Hey Angie,we're here.Wake up!"

"Already?"I asked rubbing sleep from my eyes.We were at the parking lot of Hotel Everest.

"Yes Angie,already.How much sleep were you expecting from a 7 km journey?Hurry up!Trish and Adam are waiting for us at the reception.They've gone to check us in."

I rubbed sleep out of my eyes as I hurried to catch up with Eva.I then noticed that we had left our luggage in the car.

"So,why are we not taking our stuff with us?"

"This is a five star hotel.Remember?After checking in someone will come get it for us.It would be easier to just carry our own things since we don't even have much but we agreed on a full five star experience."Eva said putting a lot of emphasis on the full five star experience.

"So,any luck on finding a boyfriend yet?"

"Not yet."She replied slowing her pace."But I'm pretty sure it won't be long before I find one.I just pray that the next one will be the one.Even though I deeply believe in love,I'm tired of starting over each and every time I break up with someone.I also have a very good feeling about this next one."

By the way Eva smiled at the end of her statement assured me that she meant what she said.The three of us always believed that Eva would be the first to settle down among us and I would be the last(that is if at all I decided to settle down.But two months earlier Eva had broken up with her boyfriend of three years,Brian.That had made her rethink the idea of believing in love but she was now back at it.

"I think your happiness is all that matters."

"I know.But I've always thought I would be happier if I had a family of my own.Just like how you are happier being on your own and not sticking to one partner.Not to meddle or anything but don't you think you should at least give it a try.it's not like we're getting any younger."

"I know I'm almost 26 but I'm not ready to settle down just yet."I replied knowing very well I was not sure anymore of what I really wanted.

"Just take your time but not too much of it."I laughed at this hoping I won't have to make a decision soon.

I used to date at a younger age but a heartbreak at 20 years old had changed me alot.I couldn't bring myself to love anyone else.I instead started having a lot of fun maybe too much of it but I just didn't care.After sleeping with a guy I would instantly lose interest.

Trish and Adam were seated on a bench at the reception.Adam was reading through a brochure of the hotel.By the look of things he was not liking what he was seeing.

"500 dollars per night for the cheapest hotel room?You must be kidding me."

"It's only for two nights babe.And we're taking the 700 dollar ones."We want to have a..."

"Full five star experience.I know but I'll just pay for it as long as you're happy."Adam said as he reached for his card.

"No need honey,I've got that covered."Trish said as she closed the distance between them leaning in for a kiss.

"You guys don't have to remind me how miserable I am."I said making my way to the counter.

"Aaaaaw,I love seeing you two like this."Eva said obviously pleased by the romance that was going on.

"Babe,I have to leave now for work."Adam said getting up.

"I'll see you off then."

"Bye girls.Have fun and takecare.And before I forget when should I pick you up?"

"Monday morning will be fine."Trish replied.

"But I have to be at work Monday morning."I protested.

"Don't worry about it dear.We'll make sure you make it on time."Eva said patting me on the back.I didn't protest any further it meant having a little more fun.

After paying,we were shown to our rooms.They were very luxurious and I came to a conclusion that it was worth every penny.We managed to get rooms that were next to each other.What fascinated me the most was the mini bar that was filled with different kinds of drinks and treats.The bed was king sized and the TV was huge.The bathroom had all kinds of soaps and shampoos.A menu for breakfast ,lunch and dinner was placed on the table.

"I've only been here a few seconds and I already like it here."I thought to myself as I lay on the overly-comfortable bed."This is the life"

Just then Trish and Eva got into the room.

"I've got everything I could ever want except for privacy."I said sitting up.

"Come on,we're going to get breakfast at the hotel."Trish said obviously ignoring me.The hunger in me wouldn't dare let me protest.I was also dying to try all the fancy food I could get.

The restaurant was packed with fancy looking people.They were all too engrossed in their little conversations to know what was going on around them.

"Would you look at us dining with the rich and mighty of the country."Eva commented making us laugh.

"We're fakin' it till we make it.'I added.

We ate our breakfast as we planned how to spend our time at the hotel.The first thing on the list was to hit the bar that night .We wanted to party till morning(my idea).We would then attend a party the next day to celebrate the hotels fiftieth anniversary.After that we would figure out what to do next.We wanted to make it as memorable as possible.