
Would You Like Some Coffee?

Everyone was looking at Fredrick, patiently waiting for him to give them an answer. Even though Wei Xin and Song Jia were not sure about what exactly could he do, they trusted Wu Zihao's judgement.

"It can be done, not an issue," Fredrick replied after a while. "Get me a topographical map of the city and a place with a good internet connection."

Everyone, except Shelby's mouth twitched at the latter part of Fredrick's requirement. 


You don't have that here?

Everyone had the same thought in their mind, but it was finally Wu Zihao who decided to speak out his mind, "You don't have that here?"

"There has been some trouble from the past few days. So it would be a problem for me to work from here."

"You can come to the Wu Mansion, then?" offered Song Jia.