
Chapter 2

After wallowing in his despair, Robert summoned courage and went to Williams'house, filled with rage.

Williams was a very wealthy man.he was also a very popular loan shark. He would loan people money and then request for highly ridiculous amount as interest. Those who couldn't pay back the loan were thrown in prison and even sold into slavery.In worst cases ,some of them are killed by Williams, himself. That was just how evil Williams was.

Of course one would question why Robert would get a loan from such a person but then again what choice,has a poor man. Once again we would also wonder why Williams couldn't be confronted .But the sad truth was that those who confronted him either died or had all their properties taken from them,by the unquestionable tyrant.

As soon as Robert got to Williams' mansion, he started to scream on top of his lungs saying"Williams! Williams!! Where are you? , Come out,you coward".

Williams sat beside his mansion, taking a sip of his drink ,as the gentle wind blew across his skin. Having spotted Robert from afar,he took another sip of his drink as he leaned back on his beautiful chair covered in the finest leather. He then crossed his legs as he spoke with all pride , saying,"it's about time".

Robert walked as fast as he could towards Williams.when he was just few steps away from him,Williams stood up and asked with a big smile"how have you been,my friend?".It seemed as if that question stired up Robert's anger,he grabbed Williams by his shirt and with all his might,he threw a blow at his cheeks. Williams fell to the ground.

Right on the ground where he was ,Williams bursted into a maniacal laugh.he stood up and spoke out of mockery"so this is what the rage of a poor helpless fool feels like!".he asked ,as he touched his jaws , which seem like they would dislocated any time soon," if I may ask what is the problem? , old man".

Once again, it felt like as if Williams'words would hit Robert. Robert lashed out in confusion and in anger , saying "what exactly have I done to deserve this". Williams moved towards the table where his drink was, he took a sip of his drink and sat down.He said to Robert with an innocent look "what do you mean?".

"How dare you burn my farm", Robert asked. "How dare I?" , Williams asked rhetorically. He raised his voice,saying " out of my act of KINDNESS I gave you loan"."Act of kindness,my foot.you evil man" Robert replied."just because you loaned me money doesn't give you the right to burn my farm" he added.

"It was just like yesterday,when you came to me begging for money.And now here you are, insulting me", Williams said calmly."Before signing the agreement for the loan,you knew very well what the terms and conditions were",or didn't you?"he asked.

"You have exhausted my patience, Robert. And now you will see just how foolish you are ,to dare me". Williams added.

Williams called his guards and he had them lock Robert up.